Kurenai and Hisui are the Natalie Portman and Keira Knightley of FFXIV teehee
I’ve been arranging FFXIV soundtracks for piano. If you wanna see, search for my username on MuseScore.
Chapter 55: Land of Dead Hope
The Scions did not leave the Ruby Sea immediately. While Achiyo, Gosetsu, Kekeniro, and Lyse conferred on their next course of action, R’nyath led some of the other Scions back beneath the waves to Sui-no-Sato, even though he wasn’t really a fan of having a wet tail. First of all, they needed to thank Yugiri’s parents properly for their help, and he’d gotten Achiyo’s approval for it. He had even bought some gifts for them off the Confederates, delicacies from Kugane – probably stolen, but… who was to say at this point? Secondly, R’nyath smelled problems that they could help with, Shiosai definitely had some secret stress hanging over him. All his years of adventuring experience told him so. Continue reading