Leslie: Teehee… that is definitely something he would make fun of…
Jen: : D (opens door to cell)
Leslie: What was that thump?
Jen: (hugs Leslie) That was Flairé knocking somebody out. I hope you didn’t think it was me! I’m not that good!
Leslie: Then what is the swo- rapier for?
Jen: Well, I can defend myself long enough that Flairé can come to my rescue. I’m about an equal sparring partner for Deerfleet.
Chibi Flairé: (is not there) You’re prolly wondering why I brought her along, then…
The title of this page comes from the fact that my sword-expert (not really) brother refuses to acknowledge my rapier as a rapier. He says it looks like a sabre. He also wants to know why Leslie and I have shiny on the back of our heads where the (offscreen) torch doesn’t shine.
EDIT: It’s totally not a rapier. It’s a combat foil or something. Like, it has a sharp pokey tip, but it doesn’t have the stiffness etc. of a real rapier. I know this now.
I would totally talk in emoticons if I could.
Bad art this week. Sorry.