The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: What Are You Doing In My Room?


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Heehee, and we’re off! Enjoy the fanservice (such as it is) while it lasts because it might be a few months before you get any more. ; )  This page did not take as long as I feared it would. But I did a hack job on the colouring. Whatever.

Yes, Flairé does realize he’s asking a rather difficult thing of Michael, not to pop up when either of them would be scared witless.

But Flairé still has some of his wits. Oh, he’s never completely witless. XD

He was pretty mad when he found out I was actually going to draw this part. He was all like “srsly? nuu!” and I was like “well, that’s how you told it!” and he was like “but I told you it because it was funny for you, not so it could be funny for the internetz!” and I was like “too bad, hon!” and he was like “aww.” And then we were friends again. : D

…He doesn’t like being seen with no shirt. At all. Even though imo he is hot. He’s just… very very modest.

Also, I’m really sorry to Michael for drawing him with elastic arms. (sigh) I think I’ll fix that. EDIT: fixed. 😕 Sort of.

Add handshakes to the list of things I can’t draw.

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