Ambassador of Ishgard

I was reading Kyota Ko’s Japanese Folktales books and also listening to a ton of Joe Hisaishi (Studio Ghibli’s composer) soundtracks and then my friend and I rewatched Nausicäa of the Valley of the Wind and then I read Spirited Away fanfics for 10 hours straight and it all made me want to write a Japanese-themed fairytale. So I did. Immediately. Abandoning all my other creative commitments.

This fairytale is set in the FFXIV world so I don’t have to do too much world-building/character-building, but it’s set in an AU. Don’t think too hard about it, it’s a fairytale. It features several of my WoL from my main fic, For Love and Life, but you don’t have to read a single word of that for this fic because this fic is in an alternate reality in which the Dragonsong War was somehow resolved in the recent past without the WoL, and Hingashi is currently entering something of a Meiji period in which outsiders are permitted entry. Which is why a couple of my characters who are not from Hingashi (Chuchupa is from Limsa, R’nyath from Gridania) are portrayed as being from Hingashi for purposes of this fic.

Achiyo, my main WoL, has always had Ashitaka’s Theme for her theme song, but lately I’ve been feeling like Nausicäa’s OST would work for her as well, and specifically for this fic Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away OSTs were very inspiring (shout out to The Rain too). Maybe some Inuyasha inspired me too? Idk, I just like the idea of the Japanese wilderness completely infested with supernatural beings and animism. (They’re not the only culture to have this, obviously, but they’re the ones I’ve been reading about so that’s what we’re doing today)

Since this is mostly a romance, I really wasn’t expecting this story to have as much horror element as it did? Japanese horror is inspiring but I didn’t think I’d have that much of it? Arachnophobes should probably skip this one. Or at least, stop reading after the bit about flowers.

I hope it’s entertaining!
Continue reading

FFXIV: The Ruby Sea

Love the Ruby Sea night music, Westward Tide : )

Been hard at work on my Vivienne cosplay again – I’ve just about completed a pair of Abyss gauntlets! Next up, Abyss sollerets… wish me luck… T_T

I’ve also been reading the books written by Kyota Ko and they’re fascinating! And paint a pretty grim picture of normal peoples’ lives. In our peaceful modern day, Yotsuyu’s actions seem outrageous, but when you read about thousands of historical people dying in (for instance) revenge plots, or to pre-empt revenge plots, she actually seems pretty tame. But I don’t think we could stomach too much real life in this romantic fairy tale, mixed with real heartfelt emotion though it is, so I’m not changing the plot or anything.

Chapter 52: Going Home


Chapter 53: The Ruby Sea

‘Safe’ in the offices of the East Aldenard Trading Company, Hancock explained the situation: no one would find easy passage to Doma at this time. Things were not as Achiyo had left them. The Ruby Sea was controlled by a group known as the Confederacy, and she vaguely remembered them; the merchants she had sailed with before had paid them a toll, the Ruby Tithe, to cross the straits. She did not remember much more, for it had not been her business, and was glad Hancock could explain things in full. Continue reading

FFXIV: Going Home

An onsen and shopping? It’s like all my anime filler episodes have COME AT ONC- (gets slapped to the First)

Eh, it’s frivolous, but I had fun. : )

All Achiyo-related flashbacks can use Parting Ways as their soundtrack.

Chapter 51: When the War Is Over


Chapter 52: Going Home

Setting sail the next morning was as quick and efficient as even Chuchupa could have hoped for, though Urianger showed up at the last second to give a gift to Alisaie, a new rapier of silvery steel that would be easier for her to wield than her summoned aetherial weapon. Achiyo could see that had gotten Rinala’s hopes up, but no sign of Thancred was forthcoming before they set sail – with a remarkably full complement of passengers, for besides the eight Warriors of Light, Lyse, Alphinaud, Alisaie, Tataru, and Lilidi, there seemed to be a number of rogues in green caps who looked like pirates but not part of the crew, and a Doman ninja. Rinala seemed to know all of them, and how, she had no idea. Perhaps they would explain over the next two moons. Continue reading

FFXIV: When the War Is Over

this is horribly self-indulgent (7,000 words of fluff, most of it written literal years ago) and yet it’s what we’ve been waiting for, please enjoy : D

Chapter 50: Achiyo Defeated


Chapter 51: When the War is Over

The wounded were borne away in wains to Castrum Oriens, Y’shtola among them, with Lyse and Pipin to guard. Gradually, those left took stock of their situation. Rhalgr’s Reach was in shambles. The tents were charred tatters; the cannons were in pieces. Holes had been blown in the cliffs, including those that contained historic chambers now laid bare to the elements. And there were so many bodies, hundreds of casualties, many of them unarmed; people lined them up in neat rows to prepare for burial, weeping and cursing the Imperials. The ground was covered in scattered dark patches of dried blood. Continue reading

FFXIV: Achiyo Defeated

Chapter 49: Into the Fringes


Chapter 50: Achiyo Defeated

Conrad Kemp looked around at all the celebrating forces within Rhalgr’s Reach. Both Alliance and Resistance fighters alike were going about their duties grinning, even laughing, discussing the future with hope in their eyes. And those off duty were drinking and singing in the tavern. Even the quiet infirmary had a smile about it. “Hah, to think that the last time Gridanian troops trod this soil was more than a century ago, during the Autumn War – and that was to defend against our invasion.” He looked up at the great statue of Rhalgr. “Ours is a long and bloody history, to be sure, and it gives me heart to see that despite our acrimonious past, we can still come together for the sake of the future.” Continue reading

FFXIV: Into the Fringes

Whoooo Stormblood!!! Y’know, once upon a time I thought I’d never make it here, even though I’ve had tons of notes for it for a long while. And I know, with it being the most political expansion, it’s a little more difficult than the others to get emotionally invested in – but I have some story threads that I think will be pretty interesting. And of course, this is a fanfic, I can skip the worst of the politics if I want! You’ve already all played the game anyway.

That being said, I personally found 4.0’s opening to be one of those spots that’s hard to get emotionally invested in. So we’ll be moving fast for a bit.

Thanks, Cider Spider, for forever implanting Lyse puns into my brain.

Also oops I spent the past three months in 1) year-end work crunch/recovery, 2) writing out Achiyo’s entire backstory (will post after I finish posting 4.0), and 3) playing Honkai Star Rail.

Chapter 48: The Battle in the Sky


Chapter 49: Into the Fringes

Rinala looked around at the Alliance camp within Castrum Oriens, the fortification on Baelsar’s Wall that was now the Alliance headquarters in Gyr Abania. It was already more arid on this side of the Wall than the Shroud, the trees thinner and less leafy, reminding her of the southern border of the Shroud where the forest met her own Thanalan. This part of the castrum was largely built of stone, with metal on top, which surprised her after seeing the grand metal intricacy of Baelsar’s Wall itself – were the Garleans taking advantage of older structures as the basis for their own fortifications? Continue reading

Fanservice Day 2024: Achiyo

In some parts of the internet, people choose to post something fanservice-y on April 1 instead of engaging in tomfoolery. As someone who is indifferent to most tomfoolery and who really likes fanservice, I’m in favour of this. So here is Achiyo in her kimono, flashing a little bit of shoulder. I’m sure Aymeric is thrilled. (I also drew a chibi Aymeric with heart eyes but it didn’t come out very well.)

I dressed up in my own kimono to take reference pictures and – if you’re wearing the kimono properly, you’re really strapped in! You can’t just let one shoulder coyly slide down seductively. First you have to tug and pull to loosen enough fabric. So, lesson learned. I did find a new tutorial on how to dress that really helped me do it better than I’ve done it before. I need more accessories tho. I traced her head from a screenshot.

FFXIV: The Battle in the Sky

I feel like Nero’s English VA isn’t smug enough. He needs to sound punchable. His dialogue shows him to be at least purporting to be utterly full of himself, and I feel the VA plays it a bit flat; he sounds almost normal despite the dramatic dialogue. BRING ME SASS

Chapter 47: The Edge of Gyr Abania


Chapter 48: The Battle in the Sky

Achiyo, Kekeniro, Vivienne, Alphinaud, and Alisaie were the last to arrive at the council at the Lotus Stand. Besides the four Alliance leaders and their retinues, Cid and Yugiri were there. Alisaie did not actually have to be there, but Achiyo guessed she was curious enough to put up with politics. Continue reading

FFXIV: The Edge of Gyr Abania

3.5 ahoy! I’m feeling a bit more inspired for this one. Maybe because Aymeric is more in it? Apparently I need a husbando around at all times for maximum investment lol.

I was really tempted to name this chapter ‘Border Walls Don’t Work’ but I thought that might be in poor taste lol.

I recommend Hyper Rainbow Z from the OST for the tea break shenanigans. : D

R’nyath wears the Holy Rainbow Shirt of Aiming, but like… more.

Chapter 46: An Echo Across Worlds


Chapter 47: The Edge of Gyr Abania

R’nyath sat with Hilda on a wall high up in Foundation, looking out at the Stone Vigil. The castle was no longer the abode of dragons, which was great, but there was now no need to repair it either since there would no longer be any dragon attacks. From what little R’nyath knew, the Ishgardian parliament had decided to spend their national budget elsewhere, leaving both the Vigils to fall further into ruin. At least they were pretty ruins. Continue reading

FFXIV: An Echo Across Worlds

Don’t mind me, just shoe-horning my size-12 adventuring party foot into a size 5 cutscene shoe…

Chapter 45: A Child’s Cry


Chapter 46: An Echo Across Worlds

Little Ala Mhigo was hot and dusty and in the middle of its brief spring already, and Rinala was trotting along out of the Temple of Quarn with Alphinaud and some Warriors of Light after listening to this so-called Griffon give a rousing speech to his Resistance, when she heard a huge gasp. “What are you doing here, Rinala!?” Continue reading