Kevin’s Bretonnian Men-at-Arms

We just washed our clothes

We just washed our clothes


That's why they're so brightly coloured

That’s why they’re so brightly coloured


And the banner too

And the banner too


We even improvised

And we like frogs

And we like frogs

We like frogs a lot

We like frogs a lot

Unfortunately, washing everything...

Unfortunately, washing everything…

...makes some of it rust

…makes some of it rust

But that's okay because it was cheap anyway

But that’s okay because it was cheap anyway

Kevin: Wow, that’s a lot of pictures. Which one is my favourite…I think he’s the one with two individual pictures of him, at the bottom right. These models were painted by me, and it took me, let’s see… about three years to complete, so they’re my longest taking unit. Of course, I’ve only done three units, and this is the largest. I’m working on some knights right now, and if I work hard (which I won’t) then I’ll maybe finish them in one year since I started them. New Record!

One thought on “Kevin’s Bretonnian Men-at-Arms

  1. not-a-doke

    What kind of doke painted these idiot guys?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!! what’s with all the frog references


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