Golly gee, don’t you just hate ambushes where the ambushee is too fast for the ambusher?
Now, I’m sure you’re all wondering what on earth is happening in the picture above, if you’ve noticed anything besides pretty hair

yet… I know I haven’t… Anyway, Flairé and I have conferred on this, and we agree it’s probably for the best that you draw your own conclusions. The elements we shall give you are thusly: Flairé is the one with the SUPER-SHINY HAIR. But you guessed that, at least, already. The fellow on the right is a kalma of the Dragon kingdom. I think they use jagging, though I’m not 100% on that. He keeps stuff in his pockets, hee. He wields – er, wielded a wooden club and attempted to take Flairé by surprise. Flairé has no scabbard for some reason, which really is an error on my part, and this position, while probably physically impossible, is indeed what it is meant to be.