Raaaah! Run, Daryl, run! Mwahaha!
Hahaha! This is based on a Harvest Moon/Zelda crossover thing-y. See, in Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, there is a ‘mad scientist’ called Daryl. And if you talk to him while he’s looking into your field, he will mutter something about experiments and cows. Sooo…. if your farmer happens to be named Link, he’s not going to be too happy about that! My brother repeatedly tried to attack Daryl with a scythe, but all Daryl said was “I told you, I don’t want that!!” He ain’t tryin’ to give it to ya, buddy! …So Link is somewhat more effective. And chibi. ^_^
I also greatly enjoy this fictional sequence…
Tim (the son): Daddy! Diaper! Pee!
Roy: AAAAAAAAH!! (runs away)
Daryl, spying from some distance away: So that’s how a new father would react…