
It’s Tuor! Remember how long I was remarking on him over the past year or whatever? Well, here’s the finished result. Tuor is a conversion of a Swordmaster body with Phoenix Guard head, and foil cloak. If I had thought about it a bit more, I would have probably gone with a plain old Phoenix Guard. But Tuor still looks pretty good, and the foil cloak is thinner and perhaps more real except where I messed up on it. Like that wierd jig on the left shoulder. I shined the axe with sandpaper, as usual with my metal minis. Deciding what to freehand (he is a showpiece, after all!) was difficult, but I’m happy with it… the inside of the cloak (so much agony!) and the triangular leather things on his hips and the shading on the helmet swan wings.
This guy is not for gaming with, I don’t think.