Earth and Water
Part I – The Earth
Distant thunder
A tremor in the bones and breath of the earth
Dread like a half-dreamed nightmare
Dark warhorses of the sky
Galloping, thundering along their predetermined path
Technology, that frail warrior
Strides forth to protect his works
But horses ride over him
Cavalry trample him
Wolves follow in their wake
All vanish into the distance like a premonition
The thunder returns
Lightening flickers and leaps in the hills
Frogs croak (happily)
But flames lick buildings
Fair structures and squat
All are devoured
Rain cannot wash it away
The flames leap higher
The ground shakes
Roaring fills the earth
Part 2 – The Sea
The horses of fire and thunder ride on
Hounds at their heels
River in their path does not stop them
River swelled to an ocean
Of noise, rising and falling
And the world is made of water
Spraying, crashing on
Dry pebbles the horses ride on
Noise as the heavens collapse
Chaos and confusion spread
Noise gathers
The sun has gone out
Clouds hang heavily
And the earth is falling, falling, falling…
Part 3 – Song
Distant shriek
Grief untempered by peace
Mothers wailing for children
Children for their parents
Daughters for their lovers
Song of the butterfly
Unexpected, almost inaudible, moments of beauty
Then the grimy window comes between it again
Swan sings also
And the stars far away
Part 4 – The Stars and the Sea
Stars sing in space
Distant fading
Space, dark, interminable
Black holes open
Yeni unotime
Sun turns to red giant
Noise, electronic noise of the universe
(but the stars leak through)
Eala, sea-star, engla beorhtast
Hæled under heofenum no more
Water is coming
Washing, crashing, enveloping
An ocean swelled to a universe
The stars fall in
It is an ocean of light