Diagonal kissing? When was that invented?
Hi! Just putting up a picture before I go waste my brain cells on KOTOR II again. I’m getting close to the end. Um, this picture is… not very good. I mean, it’s better than usual for a picture of people kissing, but it’s of people kissing, and I’m not very good at that. I think. I haven’t tried in a while. Anyway, there is no real story behind this picture. It’s just Zela and Flaer, kissing. Because they do that on occasion. When their children aren’t looking. : )
You know the theme song of Red Dwarf? Of course you know the theme song from Red Dwarf. “I want to lie/shipwrecked and comatose/drinking fresh mango juice…” Anyway, it was written by Howard Goodall. But wait, you say, who the heck is Howard Goodall? Well, one person he is… in the episode of Mr. Bean in which he goes to church and they sing the hymn with all the Alleluias – I’ll look it up later; right now we just call it the Mr. Bean Hymn – and there is an ORGANIST. And the ORGANIST is HOWARD GOODALL. In case you were wondering. He also wrote an interesting book called Musical Big Bangs.