An eight year old child in the body of a twenty year old woman… and the nightshirt of someone a lot bigger than either
Hey there, and Happy Canada Day! Although it’s almost over. I went to a Baroque concert and got a sunburn, but the concert was pretty good. I’m also almost done playing KOTOR II. At last! I’ll be able to waste time on something good!
Uhhhh… or something like that.
This picture I like very very much. Doesn’t she look perfect? Big eyes and looking as if taken by surprise in the middle of the night, with only Naeri her fairy lighting up her young face. This is one picture that I must really apologize for my poor scanning/image manipulating equipment. I don’t have Photoshop of any description on this comp, and I’d like PS 5, but it doesn’t work on this comp because it’s too old. Anyway, I think her legs are too short, but I’m really happy with the rest of it. No real story behind the picture, although I imagine her in the hotel in New Kakariko (Twilight Princess-ish era).
I guess I should get a new Photoshop, but that costs money and I don’t use it except for this and the occasional – very occasional – CG painting. So I’m going to be patient for now. I can be very patient about some things. Like when the Wii came out. I was so patient that they stopped selling FE10 before I even got the console to play it on. I wonder if that will happen with FE11. Probably, although availability won’t be the issue there. I could easily buy both right now if I wanted to. If I didn’t think I should save my money a while longer. Which is rather dumb, because then they’ll stop selling FE11 and it’s the remake of 1 and 3!!! : P