So… many… people… I think I’m losing my mind…
I felt like drawing people this day (17 August), so I started with Link, on the previous page, but he turned out rather creepy so you don’t get to see him. I think I was trying to draw his eyes like I observed them in Super Smash Bros. Melee. Which are purdy purdy. Anyway, then I gave up on trying to be better and just drew same-old same-old anime style. I tried to draw Marth (top left) and failed, but then I drew him again (top right) and it turned out better. Though with a bit too much angst, I think. Then I drew Esgalwen, and she came out well, though she and Flaria are disappointingly similar. Then I drew Roy, and he’s not the greatest, but whatever. And then Sain and Salir, because I haven’t for a while! Then I finished off with good ol’ Ceniro. Not my best portrait of him either, but whatever.