I used my soft-sketchy pencils for this one. Inspired by the Mark Knopfler song Speedway at Nazareth, especially the 5 minute instrumental second half (and maybe just a little bit of the horse race part of The Reivers suite by John Williams). I would say whoohoo but it’s not that great. Again, it’s just a concept. I was drawing while listening to the music so I had to work really fast. And by fast I mean that I blocked out the frames, and then scribbled in with just a couple strokes what happened in each frame, and then sketched it in full afterwards.
Flairé has been sent by his mother to warn the next village over that the main front is retreating to their position. Or something. Flairé is still quite young, a teenager, really, and quite cocky, and not really the fighting equal of those chasing him – yet. He is their equal at horse-riding. WOOT GO FLAIRÉ. The last frame is three poses within seconds of each other; he’s somehow spun around, watching the curve to see if his pursuers will come around the bend in the cliff, but then wheels his horse around and gallops off before they show up.
Guys, I can’t draw horses. Stop trying to tell me I can. : P