The original title of this picture was “Gullac is an attention w****. <3”, but I thought that might not be very good for a G-rated website. This picture was drawn while listening to Los Adolescentes, which could possibly be his theme song if Natalia ever gets back to me on the meaning of the lyrics. It pictures him in the modern day human world, singing in a nightclub, sliding down the mic stand because it makes him look sexy. : P Except mine didn’t turn out so well because I’m not very good with extremely tall and skinny anatomy. And probably for other reasons as well.
The next two pictures elaborate on this topic. The nightclub topic.
Just walked around Dragon’s Gullet last night in Guild Wars. My group only KO’d once! It’s larger than I expected. But not much is there. It’s just another cool-looking area. Next up is going to be North Kryta, possibly with certain of my favourite NPCs in tow…