Them’s bedroom eyes, Eros…
Ooh, possible upcoming project for winter! A webcomic retelling of the tale of Eros and Psyche, which is probably my favourite Greco-Roman myth. Psyche is the worried looking girl and Eros is the sparkly semi-transparent god peeking at her behind her back.
We discussed this legend today in Greek and Latin Roots of English, and I abruptly got the idea for a webcomic, so I went home and drew this right away.
This is only a preview of the cover; the finished cover will be much more sparkly and colourful and pretty. This is just a quick sketch to get my ideas down. The comic itself will probably be in b/w so as to save time. There will be chibis! Despite Venus being the goddess of physical interpersonal relations and Eros her son being the god of pretty much the same thing, it will be a family friendly webcomic. Also people will more or less be wearing clothes and the worst language you will get will probably be “Aw, crud”.
And now I am going to go watch Andy – I mean, le Tour, and see if Tyler wins a sprint today yay!
“More or less” be wearing clothes?? What does that even mean?? Hahahaha.
As in there will be no nakie people like Greco-Roman art has so often. Yes, the Greeks liked flaunting their stuff, no, I’m not going to draw it. 😛
At least, they won’t be totally nakie. Maybe they’ll have only a drape. But it will be there.