Okay… I’ve been sitting on this chapter for a while. It was almost done, but I wanted to check the dialogue with the game just to be sure.
And then Valter killed Neimi, and I was like “ehhhhhhhYOUTUBE”, so that’s what I’ll do until I feel like beating the crap out of Valter. Just gonna watch the dialogue on YouTube. I found a playthrough that seems to feature a British voice actress or something. At least, she sounds British, and she does good voices. Also snarky side comments. And apparently her brother is helping? Anyway, it’s entertaining and is research!
Next chapter shouldn’t take too long. Can’t promise you anything, though.
I should draw Ephraim. He’s kinda cool.
This chapter, and subsequent chapters, may suffer from “previously-written terrible dialogue syndrome”, because now it has to fit in with Eirika’s story that I wrote when I was a teenager or whatever. Still, I have decided I’m going to finish this story this December, so here you are. 😛