Okay, so I wrote another chapter. That’s all you’re getting for tonight… But that should be plenty? XD Anyway, if you like Ephraim, that snarky little badass prince (as opposed to Innes, the snarky big badass prince…? I think both of them are going to kill me for that XD), stay tuned, because we only have FIVE chapters left. Whoohoo. And most of the plot is done, so it will be slightly more combat in the combat-to-talking ratio.
…I’m gonna have to actually beat Scorched Sands in order to write good battles, aren’t I? XD Well, I can steal a bit from the new Frelia’s Finest, and a bit from Eirika’s Story, but not much because I wasn’t good at battles back then. I probably still am not, but I’m slightly better than I was then.
Okay. I better get some rest. Between the insomnia and the busy day tomorrow, I’m going to be completely wiped on Monday. G’night, folks.