Author Archives: Illinia

Trash-Hobo of Ishgard

Couple years ago I purchased one of those awesome Kai-Arts figurines of Estinien from FFXIV, and it was pretty gorgeous when it came, but I couldn’t help but notice that the silver detailing was a bit dull and hard to tell apart from the rest of the armour. So I told my dad, who has a variety of metallic silver paints and offered to let me use them, including the Chromiest of Chrome paints (example) which I ended up using for all the bladed parts. The other silver details I used more normal model-car silver paints. With a black wash to bring out details it looks twice as fantastic as before! Click for larger pictures:

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The Necromancer and the Orchid Prince: Part 2

This one goes up to the end of the level 60 quests, and Caoilfhionn is actually in-game half-way through the 80 quests. Zela, my main, is almost up to Heart of Thorns.

Reminder that ‘Caoilfhionn’ is pronounced ‘kee-lin’, though I’m strongly considering changing it to Caolán, at Tharash’s suggestion. Also Tharash edited the dialogue for his characters again, whoohoo!

1: Raven’s Shaman (Level 40 quests)
2: Ghosts and Guns (Ascalon Catacombs)
3: Hope’s Legacy (Caudecus’s Manor)
4: Hearts That Beat (Twilight Arbour)
5: The Fall of Claw Island (Level 60 quests)
6: A Slow Blossoming (Level 60 quests)
7: The Marshal of the Pact (Level 60 quests)
8: Your Place is At My Side (Trahearne)

Part 1: A Valiant’s Quest


Part 2: Hope’s Legacy

1: Raven’s Shaman (Level 40 quests)

Returning to Lion’s Arch was less of a culture shock this time. Caoilfhionn knew what to expect, both from the surroundings and the people, and he didn’t so much as jump when a Norn staggered past him in the outskirts, waving a tankard and bellowing insults to everyone she saw. The centre of town was more peaceful, with more… ‘ordinary’ people gathering near the beautiful lion fountain. Now that he looked at the place from a new perspective, it was not overwhelming at all. People thrived here, Sylvari included. The gulls stirred his heart, the towers of masts and rigging, the slosh of the waves against the docks, the smell of seaweed. Continue reading

The Necromancer and the Orchid Prince: Part 1

So… I got back into GW2… to have something ‘new’ to play with Tharash (we actually played it a few years ago, but due to a glitch with a cutscene we stopped abruptly and never returned until about 6 weeks ago) – and… well… I fell in love again at level 60. So I wrote about it.

I wrote, in fact, 20K words (so far) of random fluff and adventure about my Sylvari knight, Caoilfhionn the Orchid Prince, and his falling in love with the “””creepy””” (charming, nerdy, awkward, adorable) necromancer Trahearne. Caoilfhionn is pronounced “kee-lin”, according to the internet, because Irish (one of the Sylvari linguistic inspirations, along with Welsh) is like that. If you’re Irish or familiar with it (I am not?) it is actually a feminine name, because I was going to make a female Sylvari, but I didn’t really like the female Sylvari voice (and it’s Jennifer Hale? But it just didn’t fit the aesthetic I wanted (speaking of voice actors HOW is Matt Mercer the male Norn PC? It sounds nothing like him! He’s so good)) or most of the default faces as much as I liked the male Sylvari voice (much sweeter! Even if it lacks energy a lot of the time) and default faces. And I still liked the name, and have no gender associations with it, so I hope you can forgive me for using it anyway.

I’ve completed the basegame story, up to Victory or Death, so please no spoilers, I like finding out Caoilfhionn’s reactions in real-time. Scenes skip around because the actual story of GW2 is… spotty in quality and pacing, and I didn’t feel it was worth the effort to fix everything, so you will probably enjoy this fic more if you’ve played the game than not. This section goes up to the end of the level 30 Sylvari quest, with hints of other simultaneous level 10-30 questlines.

This story involves Tharash’s input and characters so heavily that it’s very nearly co-written – at least, all the non-fluffy parts are co-written. I have a good sense for Sylvari culture, but for example all the Asura dialogue is by Tharash, because I haven’t a clue with those hilarious little twerps. As you might expect, he has no personal interest in a romance with Trahearne, so those parts are ALL ME. (also here is a picture of his immediate siblings!)

Caoilfhionn probably listens to a lot of Enya.

It’s a nice break from Murlesson’s story! I’m not editing this too closely, I’m not trying to push it to a higher level (like with SWTOR or MEA), I’m just having fun putting some OCs in a really neat world. And Caoilfhionn falls in love at first sight, because of course he does. Like, that’s actually a Sylvari thing. Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 30: To Sleep

Time for a bit of a palate cleanser, except for the action scene, which is not a palate cleanser at all and probably needs violence warnings on it. The song lyrics he quotes halfway through are from a song I’d like to write someday, if I can actually figure out how to form a metal band and write metal songs.

The music for the action scene is this headbanger of a tune from Corpse Party! One of those songs that makes me wish I could play drums!

And more importantly, I can stop using italics to represent ghosts in Murlesson’s POV now, thank goodness, that was getting tiring.

Part 29: Don’t Forget Me


Part 30: To Sleep

Murlesson was completely out of it by the time they reached Ghen’s Outpost, and Andronikos, Talos, and Vany very quickly bundled him into their make-shift medical tent. He needed more medical care than was available out here in the wilderness, though, and as soon as they had looked him over and made sure he wasn’t going to croak in the next hour or so, they were back on the shuttle and headed to Voss City. There was a proper modern hospital there, one that could deal with weird things like “missing fingertips”. When Ashara was allowed into his room there, her first thought was that he looked really weird in white. He only ever wore black, edgy Sith boy that he was… and without it, he really didn’t look like himself. Though it was nice to see him all cleaned up and not stinky anymore. Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 29: Don’t Forget Me

Now this chapter I’ve been waiting years to write. Soundtracks: general mood is Corpse Party (one of the best tracks on the OST imo), I used If by Ayane for Ashara’s determined charge, and I can finally, finally bust out the main theme song! WHOO LET’S F-ING GO, LET’S DO THIS, BABY

Part 28: Madness


Part 29: Don’t Forget Me

Ashara tried to will the elevator to go faster, only one thing on her mind – to catch up with Murlesson and… and… She wanted to beat the ghosts out of him, but how could she do that? If it were so easy, Murlesson would have done it a long time ago. He was much cleverer than she was, after all. Her heart hurt, her eyes hurt, she wanted to scream and cry and collapse in despair.

Logically, there was nothing to be done. Zash had looked, and Ashara and Drellik had helped her look, and they’d all found nothing about unbinding Force ghosts or curing the malevolent effects of possession by Force ghosts. Logically, Murlesson was gone, practically already dead, and the ghosts were all that was left. Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 28: Madness

OMG I wrote a chapter!?!?!? One of the chapters I’ve been looking forward to writing for a long time, too. : ) But I had to rewrite it at least twice; I was going to write it from Ashara’s point of view and got four pages in before I realized it didn’t work. That, not to mention being a little burned out from the winter’s intense writing and afraid of failure, meant that I didn’t start writing this until Camp Nanowrimo started at the beginning of April last week, and my word count has been very conservative by my standards.

This chapter’s theme is Sacred Worlds by Blind Guardian! I was asking Aristheron’s player what kind of apocalyptic music he could suggest and I settled on this one. I love it! So orchestral, such heavy percussion, so much vocal emotion.

I assume paratroopers exist in Star Wars, but I’ve never seen any evidence of it. So I have no idea how paratrooping technology might work in this time period in this galaxy, but I’m using it anyway because I think it’s cool.

Part 27: Her Wounds


Part 28: Madness

After sending Murlesson to bed and briefing Clay and Pyron, Aristheron sank onto the cot in the Viper’s medical bay and tried not to wince. He’d been pummelled harshly in his fight with Giri, and he was expecting more of the same on the morrow – though, hopefully, with fewer walls. But right now, he needed to get kolto on as many of his injuries as possible. The Force had shielded him from the worst of it, but still his back was harshly bruised, his left arm was speckled with shrapnel from where his coat had been shredded over his bicep, and one of his ribs had been cracked for sure. He’d managed to keep his head high through all the excitement of escaping, showing no signs of weakness in either demeanour or spirit, and now at last he could soften slightly. But not enough to wince. Continue reading

Fanservice Day 2020

Oops Fanservice Day snuck up on me again this year! So this is a bit hastily assembled but I hope you like it anyway. We need to keep our spirits up these days, and what better way to do that than by admiring cute cats? It’s my two Miqo’te from FFXIV, Rinala and R’nyath. Rinala’s dressed as a maid for her 5.0 boyfriend Thancred (spoilers), and R’nyath, lazy boy that he is, just took off his shirt for his 2.0 boyfriend G’raha. For Rinala, I just did an image search for ‘maid’ and R’nyath’s image search was for ‘male model full body’.

Fashion Explorer

So if you were to take:
– 1 part Apollo Program history books
– 1 part Asimov novels
– 1 part Mass Effect Andromeda
– 1 part real life
– 1 part HFY overdose
and mix until chunky, you would get my next (first?) original novel. Midori Baker is a direct descendant of Harumi Ryder, thematically speaking: I saw the potential in MEA for a sequel, one where the Pathfinder and the Milky Way gang with their new Angaran allies explore Andromeda and find the war with the Kett and the Jardaan and, presumably, stop it.

And then I was like “that’s way too much work that BioWare and EA won’t help you on. Write your own story with this idea!” So I will. Continue reading

MEA: Harumi Ryder chibi

I drew a chibi of my MEA Pathfinder, Harumi Ryder! En’t she cute <3 She’s wielding the Isharay Sniper Rifle and wearing the Pathfinder Vigilant Armour set. I was too lazy to load the game so this is from pictures on the internet, which means it’s not entirely accurate in places.

On her right cheek is a burn scar, covered with a blue tattoo. Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Pouty Face

So Sak of Resting Murder Face Studios did a thing wherein she would draw portraits for people who donated a certain amount to Australian fire-fighting non-profits, and I asked her to draw Murlesson AND SHE DID! Look how handsome my angry pouty boy is! AND she gave me permission to colour it if I so chose, so I did. (I did move the watermark/signature as it would not have been visible where it was otherwise.)

I’m considering commissioning her for a full-body full-colour portrait of him, but it might be a while before I can save up sufficiently.

It’s thanks to the plague going about that I have time off to attend to such things as colouring. As a musician, most of my jobs involve gatherings of people, so most of it has been cancelled. So I shall spend my time working on my cosplays and art and writing.