Author Archives: Illinia

FFXIV: Faith in Her Fury

This chapter is obviously named for an OST track; one of my favourite tracks (a shame it’s only used for this one trial!) and one I absolutely needed for writing inspiration. Other OST used in this chapter would be Battle Theme 1.x, which is Chuchupa’s theme!

Only two more chapters left in ARR!

Chapter 16: The Tightening Noose


Chapter 17: Faith in Her Fury


As promised, Aymeric rode in haste to Camp Dragonhead with Estinien to meet with Haurchefant and the Warriors of Light. Lucia was already with them. Iceheart had shattered Ishgard’s outermost defensive wards, the Temple Knights had had terrible losses in the northwest, and he knew Commander Leveilleur was going to try and be clever rather than helpful. But his beautiful city was more direly threatened than any other time in their nation’s history, and he needed reinforcements. Any reinforcements. If but a single Warrior of Light were to come to their aid, well, it would be a start. But somehow he did not think they would turn a cold shoulder to his impassioned plea. And not simply because it was impassioned. Continue reading

FFXIV: The Tightening Noose

Whew! Didn’t expect to end this chapter on a downer note but it seems like this one 5-page scene I wrote last month doesn’t happen yet and I’m now very confused about when it does happen. I’m feeling a bit down about the game itself in general, and I’m not sure how to fix it other than get Achiyo into HW so I can replay one of my favourite parts of the story.

Chapter 15: The Elder Primal


Chapter 16: The Tightening Noose


Rinala was away attending to a private matter, but Achiyo and two of her close companions had been sent to reinforce Captain Ilberd in interrupting a black market weapons deal at the Burning Wall… ‘Overkill’, Ilberd’s lieutenant had muttered with a grin, and they’d all chuckled a little, but the more allies present, the easier it would be to end without bloodshed, wouldn’t it? Continue reading

FFXIV: The Elder Primal

So life has been busy since I last wrote: between work, a dire cold, a (working) trip to Europe (trip pics coming out… between XIV stuff), and Shadowbringers, I haven’t had much time to write. However I’m determined to put a dent in the story now, as a lot of the writing I did do is recording thoughts on 5.0 happenings, so I do want to catch up to it sooner rather than later lol! Still going to take me years…

My spoiler-free thoughts on Shadowbringers now that I’m done: it’s SO GOOD! I love how the focus closes in from Stormblood’s sprawling war epic to a highly character-driven conflict, getting closer to people we already care about, the lore bombs (oh the lore bombs), the tension and drama (cried multiple times, screamed of excitement multiple times, will upload video evidence). That ENDING. My heart. Respect. I am not sure how I’m going to write it with 8 people. Also Soken is a GOD. Still. I’ve tried the new raid and I think it’s going to be the best raid yet; I don’t even remember much of FFVIII but the XIV plot is really intriguing. Still haven’t downed any of the EX primals, though I’ve actually made a go of it with friends and without, but I do want a weapon. Also, to fit the story, I fantasia’d to Vivienne! And also one thing that made me way too excited was a part where Alphinaud said words that inadvertently title-dropped this fic! I started writing this almost two years ago! I can’t believe it, it’s too perfect lol Continue reading

Space Garden: Epilogue: Space Dad, For Real

IT’S DONE NOW I CAN FOCUS ON FFXIV, SPECIFICALLY ENJOYING SHADOWBRINGERS AND GETTING ACHIYO INTO HEAVENSWARD. Omg Soken is a genius (rockin’ that 10/8 time in the Lakeland area, also can I get a ‘hell yeah’ for the basic fight music (both videos spoiler-free)) and I worship him, also DAMN my children are kick-ass. (Here’s my out-of-game DRK fight song! And I think I’m going to need it because Tam and Vivienne are burning mad. Everyone is, but them especially. WE’RE GOING TO TEAR IT ALL DOWN AND BUILD IT UP AGAIN)

Oh yeah I guess I should also work on travel blogs.

Author’s note: I actually don’t like lasagna. I like pasta, I like cake, pasta-cake does nothing for me. I’m no doubt on Hunk’s “do not trust” list lol. Also Shiro and Matt Holt were always little shits, they just pretend they’re not.

Chapter 14: Bring Them Home


Epilogue: Space Dad, For Real

“Teacher! Teacher! Wait for me!” A desperate wail echoed through the white vaulted halls of New Altea’s Pilot Training Centre as a young Olkari dashed towards the light of the hangar mouth. Continue reading

Space Garden: Part 14: Bring Them Home

Take a bunch of drama llamas, a generous sprinkling of Clockie metas (example), a butt-load of action scenes, and my personal taste in endings, and this is what I came up with for a Voltron finale. Smaller scale than the show? Yes. Do I like it more? Yes. Hope you do too.

This last chapter is long. As I thought it might, it bloated a lot. Think of it as a series finale double special lol! But I couldn’t quite get the Shiro/Elslince power-couple dynamic I was going for. Oh well. Side note: Lotor’s fighter’s colours are based on the colours of the ‘alliance’ banner from S5. (It was Lance’s idea, probably.)

There is an epilogue of course!

Chapter 13: Once More Unto the Fray


Part 14: Bring Them Home

The situation in the medbay was not sustainable. Lotor was regaining his physical strength well, but psychologically he was a complete guilt-ridden wreck. Elslince was considering putting him in a strait-jacket in a padded room, not because he was insane, but because he kept trying to harm himself. She and Acxa were taking it in turns to watch over him, to make sure he wouldn’t try to kill himself. And she wished she didn’t have to, he was paranoid enough as it was without being observed constantly, but she didn’t want to lose him now. Continue reading

FFXIV: Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind

Snip-snap, another chapter; going to try to keep them shorter and punchier and more frequently updated after the slog that was Crystal Tower. I finished 4.56 MSQ, and watched the Shadowbringers trailer, and I NEED IT omg it’s so exciting. HW trailer is still my favourite piece of videogame cinema, I think, but ShB has brought the hype! And everyone’s gone goth, lol. So now I want to get Achiyo and this fic much closer to it! My goal has always been to hit HW in the fic before ShB drops, but we’ll see if I can’t get partway through HW too. And hold down my myriad irl jobs. And get Illinia up to 4.56 and Fantasia back to Rinala. And get Tam’s ilvl to 400. And a bunch of other things that I’d like to do but will probably not end up doing because that’s already a lot of stuff.

Chapter 13: The Beginning of the End


Chapter 14: Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind


“What did you think of them?” Rinala asked, on chocobo-back on their way to the Boulder Downs. “I thought they were both rather intimidating: so cold and watchful. I think we can trust them, though.” Continue reading

FFXIV: The Beginning of the End

The chapter I’ve been waiting for since I finished 2.0!! The Beginning of the End, huh? Don’t worry, we’re not even at HW yet, but this is kind of where I feel the happy fluffy 2.0 simple fairy-tale vibes begin to fall away to plunge us deeper into a typical emotionally fraught dramatic FF story. So I guess it might be more accurate to call it the End of the Beginning, but that’s less dramatic.

I’ve been reading about translations of the Japanese and it makes me concerned about presenting the best story here that I can (and also what I’m missing out on by only understanding English!) but in the end, since I do only understand English, I will have to make the best of what I’ve got. I’ve also edited the story about Nael, and about rezzing.

Chapter 12: The Sleeping Emperor


Chapter 13: The Beginning of the End


“So this is going to work perfectly and nothing bad could ever come of it, right?” Continue reading

FFXIV: The Sleeping Emperor

Oh my gosh this chapter went long. At first I had my hands full with this catboy trying to turn everything into The R’nyath Show but since this is basically his chapter to protagonize eventually I let him have his way. Lots of cameos of my game friends, and a few retainers/OCs to make up the balance! I hope it’s not too overwhelming!

I’m excited to get back to MSQ next chapter!

Chapter 11: Life in Mor Dhona


Chapter 12: The Sleeping Emperor

The lead-up to the tower was a massive, mysterious facility that they had been briefed as being titled the Labyrinth of the Ancients. The ceiling seemed malms away, the walkways leaping over what looked like lava, but R’nyath really didn’t have time to look about. The resident monsters came at them in waves, and he had his hands full watching out for R’inwa and taking in Kekeniro’s orders. Kekeniro had set up a linkshell to relay his directions to the entire group, though he mostly referred to the team leaders when calling out. “I’m seeing several succubi and a Valefor up ahead. Achiyo’s team will take the Valefor, and Chuchupa and Vivienne’s teams will deal with the succubi. Try to draw them away from the Valefor so we don’t get interference.” Kekeniro had pretty good eyesight for a bookworm, R’nyath considered. Continue reading

FFXIV: Life in Mor Dhona

Wait, I finished a chapter? Turns out Crystal Tower was turning out longer than I was expecting it to, even condensing the overly-convoluted plot (e.g. Nero’s here already) so it’s now two chapters. And we didn’t really get to the meat of the action in this one. It’s a bit self-indulgent with all the character relationship developing, but I’m enjoying it! Also if you play on Midgardsormr, keep an eye out for the names of my FC mates, haha!

That one line Thancred says is from way back when Alphinaud was investigating the Ul’dahn uprisings, but it was too good to not use at all.

Chapter 10: The Deep Dark Green


Chapter 11: Life in Mor Dhona

It was a bright, cloudless winter’s day in Mor Dhona when Achiyo rose from her bed in her room in the Rising Stones. The sun was silver through the window and she looked out upon the town for a moment. Everyone was just rising; the shopkeeps were setting up their stalls, the guards were changing at the gates, dogs were already chasing hens. There was a frost on the ground, and folk had to walk carefully across half-frozen puddles. The frost would be gone by early afternoon today, but Tam predicted snow before another sennight had passed. Continue reading