Author Archives: Illinia

Queen of Kuat: Chapter 4 – Focus

This one was a tough one, and it’s still not great. Better than before, though. Have some vaguely Quinn-related music! (And some more if you want more)

Chapter 3: Living Death


Chapter 4: Focus

“This is utter madness,” Quinn said to himself, spreading out the flimsi map on the table. Jaesa hadn’t been able to find any downloadable copies for their datapads so flimsi would have to do. Vette was sleeping in the corner, and Jaesa was lurking in the other corner, resting, even if not asleep. Some sort of cheap near-instant soup was heating on the stove; they’d eat after he’d made a plan and they could begin preparing to move out. Continue reading

Queen of Kuat: Chapter 3 – Living Death

When you take away the Force, what’s left?

Major Smuggler cameo, because Risha and Vette need a reunion! I dunno if this ever happens ingame so it’s happening here and now!

Chapter 2: Birth of a Storm


Chapter 3: Living Death

When he came to, he found himself looking through the cockpit viewport at an angle into a night-dark, tangled jungle. So they’d remained intact in their crash. Hadn’t exploded into smithereens. His ribs were bruised under the crash harness, and he probably had bad whiplash, but he was alive.

Slowly he undid the harness and turned to stand – and froze in horror. A white-haired figure lay sprawled on the floor, motionless. She hadn’t made it to her seat. “Akuliina!” He pushed through the aches of his body urgently, kneeling beside her. Emperor, let her have been sparedContinue reading

Queen of Kuat: Chapter 2 – Birth of a Storm

So you can tell this has changed substantially from the first draft just based on how different it is from the art I originally did of her wedding. Sadly no family butt-kicking at the wedding now, but instead an assassination attempt that makes a lot more sense than “throw troops at the person who mows down troops for a living (while she has back-up)” which was the original, haha.

Chapter 1: An Irritating Interruption


Chapter 2: Birth of a Storm


It was too quick for him to feel terror, and adrenaline left no room for such feelings anyway. The heat from the explosion washed over them, along with a fine shower of shrapnel; his ears were ringing. And still they were flying and beginning to fall…

He was jolted nearly out of Akuliina’s grip as she seized hold of the wing of a speeder that had braked hard to watch the explosion. The speeder rocked and the startled pilot accelerated hard, but Akuliina was holding on like grim death. Continue reading

Queen of Kuat: Chapter 1 – An Irritating Interruption

Here we go again! I wrote one version of this during Camp NaNoWriMo earlier this year, but I wasn’t satisfied with basically any of it so I’m taking another shot at it. It’s got more explosions, it’s more tightly written than before, more stuff makes sense… It’s also even darker and Akuliina is even more of a bloodthirsty space berserker dominatrix. You have been warned. Also I still haven’t played the expansions yet. And I probably won’t because EA is a sack of-

Btw someone gave me a really really nice comment on my Kotor 2 fic, which made me really happy, and part of the comment inspired a little bit of editing, particularly in adding a scene to Part 2. I also gave the fic an actual name, because it’s not really about Sith Lords lol. Continue reading

Florida Trip 2017!

So back in August (before the hurricane rolled through) I went to Florida! For a few simple reasons: I needed to get out of town, I wanted to meet my other internet best friend, and I needed lightsabers.

I left Sunday night at about midnight, to get to the bus that would take me to the Toronto airport at 1, arriving at 3, so I could get on a 6:00 plane and arrive in Orlando in time for lunch on Monday.

Along the way there were these cool clouds.

Driving the rental car out of the lot was terrifying! But I made it to a parking lot where Yllamse, my friend, was, and then we had lunch at Denny’s because I haven’t eaten at a Denny’s in a long time. This was during the eclipse, so I made a pinhole camera to “see” it. It kind of worked. Also it was kind of dark, but it was also partially cloudy so I don’t feel we got the full effect. Continue reading

FFXIV: The Cusp of Greater Things

So this game has eaten my life for the last 4 months or so, and I only just beat the final story boss of Stormblood last weekend with my DRG main. I currently have a full 8-man party in my head causing trouble, so what else could I do but write about them?

This fanfic assumes you already know what’s going on in the game because if I write a COMPLETE fic, it will take literally FOREVER. This chapter takes us up to the brink of Sastasha. Continue reading

Devil’s Due: Part 1: The Old Machinations

Here’s the beginning of my attempt to think like a super-villain! The story of a complicated, talented, slightly-unhinged teenage boy and his struggle to survive and maybe, maybe find a better life. And more importantly, the story of a writer frustrated with the lack of agency and deviousness in BioWare’s SWTOR Inquisitor storyline, which could have been a really cool story if they didn’t make the main character wander blindly in the direction the last person told them to, falling in all the traps and being saved not by their intellect and skill but by random people who don’t really have a reason to. Not to mention the ghost-eating and the DNA rebuilding and the magic rocks. >.>

EDIT: I forgot the chapter boss battle theme! Also, the soundtrack for basically this whole story is the Corpse Party soundtrack. : D

minor edit: going through and trying to make holocrons less like “just a different type of book”


Part 1: The Old Machinations


A tall, lanky figure shuffled down the steel-grey corridor, head down, silver shock collar gleaming on the back of its neck, heavily laden with scrubbers and cleaning solution. Perfect posture, neatly dressed in pale grey, because even a slave had to be presentable if they worked in the house, didn’t they? Guards marched past the figure, not giving it even a second glance; it kept its shaved red-scalped head down and shuffled on. Continue reading

You Will Know Our Names…?

Felt like doing Ceniro and Renee again, and to confirm that the massive FE7 group portrait in the works should NOT be head on… but from the side. When I get around to it. *shivers* (music) Used a Phoenix Wright vs. Professor Layton art for reference, but Renee still turned out off-perspective. Oh well.

This also should not have taken as long as it did. : P Next project: add Akuliina to the header. After that, we’ll see if I have any energy left.