At some point in the past year, I listened to Stardust from the Lunar Prelude EP and thought: “this song sounds like it could apply to [John].” I know the style is very much not-Transistor but that’s okay because it’s good music too. Continue reading
Author Archives: Illinia
Tango dux
Not having a great weekend, sooooo Quinnkuliina!
I put them in what they normally wear cuz you don’t have to get dressed up to dance around the living room, right?
Tiny Flairé
Quinnkuliina Wedding Pictures Complete Set
This is what I was working on in the hopes of having it done for Valentine’s Day, but alas, I was sick last week and that stole the three days I needed to finish it on time. : P So anyway, here they are, and also spoilers for Chapter 1 of Queen of Kuat. Super lazy with backgrounds; they are all screenshots and some of them have had ingame avatars edited out because for some reason I left them in ‘for scale’, not realizing I was going to be lazy (haaaaaaa) and using them straight later?
Quinn is wearing a dress uniform I made up for the rank of Commodore (the one that comes after Captain). …Don’t ask me where he pulled the blaster from. Continue reading
Wedding Tango
Scottish Quinnkuliina
was reading a book which mentioned kilts; proceeded to imagine these two dressed in Scottish formal wear. Since they don’t mind being fashion models for me…
Dance Party
^What happens when you start listening to the Initial D soundtrack but your mind is still on SWTOR (yes Quinn is watching Akuliina’s rear end)
(Initial D is pretty entertaining even though it’s super predictable and the animation is shit btw – makes me want to take better care of my car)
Ugh I haven’t drawn anything in forever and I want to, I have ideas, but I’m always so tired by the time I get to them -__- this nonsense hardly counts : P
The Woman With a Dragon’s Heart screenshots
Again, screenshots using for inspiration in writing this story! Just like last time, except with a dearth of Zevran… but even more Liz. And a little bit of Nate, because Nate is good-lookin’ too.

Approaching Vigil’s Keep with Mhairi. [Starfang doesn’t transfer over without a certain mod that I hadn’t installed at the time so using something else in this picture (also where is Cousland shield?)]
The Woman With a Dragon’s Heart: Chapter 9
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh I’m done all the Dragon Age fanficccccc and now I don’t have to write anymorrrrrrre- Since I don’t have any urge to write DA2 fic, and I may not even play Inquisition, I’m all good : )
But omg how did this last chapter take so long
The last third of this chapter brought to you by Super Eurobeat!
Chapter 9
Dawn broke on a discouraging sight. Under a grey, overcast sky, Vigil’s Keep was encircled by darkspawn, though they couldn’t climb the cliffs of the mountain behind. Still, there was no way we were getting in to reinforce the defenders. Continue reading
SWTOR class descriptions
Jedi Knight: like Luke Skywalker, but without the whining. Or the charisma. Also involves attacking the Emperor’s secret invisible space fort.
Jedi Consular: spends most of their time curing STDs (Sith-Transmitted Diseases); in their spare time acts as a Wise Counselor who gets ignored mostly.
Republic Trooper: get betrayed by your entire squad defecting to the Empire; track them down for great justice. If you’re a woman, you can pretend you’re playing Commander Shepard. (I am)
Smuggler: “screw the war, I’m gettin’ rich!” (and embarrassing the guy who stole my ship lol) (seriously why is there a head in a jar in my cargo hold)
Sith Warrior: rises to power, betrayed by their master, survives and seeks revenge. Solid story up until you learn the master actually gets his info from a spirit who is a manifestation of the dark side even though he has an extensive spy network.
Sith Inquisitor: former slave who eats Force-ghosts for power-ups, then gets indigestion and has to find a cure before the Force-ghosts kill them. Also the Keeper of Historical Sith Knowledge sometimes when they feel like it.
Bounty Hunter: like Boba Fett, but with more macho chest-pounding.
Imperial Agent: Infiltration! Intrigue! Trying not to die for or by annoying Sith who don’t follow the rules!
Basically, Bioware fails to maintain logic, internal or external, whenever the Force is involved.