Author Archives: Illinia

My Cruel Valentine: Interlude: Warmth

This was previously known as “After Hoth” but I decided to include it in the main fic.


Interlude: Warmth

As soon as she was aboard, she messaged him briefly on the commlink to stand off from the Hoth station into orbit and went to have a shower. A long, hot shower.

Half an hour later, she came into the cockpit and flopped gracefully into her command seat, curling up with her feet under her. “Mission accomplished. Xerander is dead. So is the Jedi he came to see.” Continue reading

My Cruel Valentine: Interlude: Poison

I’m gonna play MGR:R after I finish Bioshock! Going to try to beat Bioshock tonight! : D

Does this seem sudden after the previous chapters? I have it in my mind that Quinn is good at denying it until he has time to think, so when things are happening (when they’re not in transit in hyperspace, for instance) he doesn’t notice it as much.


Interlude: Poison

Quinn sat alone in the cockpit and considered his life. The consoles around him hummed and peeped, but he ignored them for once. He found it difficult to do his thinking off-duty; he had little free time even when he wasn’t supposed to be flying the ship, what with additional goals he set for himself. And while he could have lain awake at night and thought about it, he knew from experience that if he didn’t get six or seven hours of sleep each day, he would be wrecked the next day and he couldn’t allow that. He’d taken to using stims to help him sleep; that was how far he’d fallen. So he’d made time now. She’d probably forgive him if he could simply lay this turmoil to rest and return to his efficient, competent self. Continue reading

My Cruel Valentine: Chapter 6: Born to Lead

Quinn finally starts to unravel! In a good way! Yay! Welcome to Part 2, where stuff gets real. Though not in this chapter yet. Next chapter. Yeah. Also Merry Christmas and stuff, busiest day of the year professionally.

Quinn and Akuliina are basically Dark! Ceniro and Lyn actually. : P


Chapter 6: Born to Lead

The reactor’s whine was getting louder, the distant thud of whirring machinery getting more and more frantic. There were seconds left before it would self-destruct and explode, killing them both and the Republic soldiers also trapped here. There were seconds left before the security on the door to the one safe room in the reactor was deactivated and they would be allowed inside to safety. And somehow Akuliina had ended up doing the security breach, and he stood at her shoulder facing the corridor, shooting any Republic soldier foolish enough to poke his head out. Answering laser bolts splashed out towards them; so far he’d been lucky not to get hit or to let Akuliina get hit. She was smaller than him; he could shield her quite well with his body. And while it was difficult not to flinch when the Republic’s desperate shots came so close to his head, the thrill of danger kept him focused, his own shots deadly accurate. He’d just have to trust in the hidden body armour. Continue reading

My Cruel Valentine: Chapter 5: Lord of the Sith

And Miss Flip-flop joins the party with lots of copy-pasta at the end of Part 1. (Seriously, I know Force turns are supposed to be pretty dramatic, especially Falls, but Jaesa actually has no character of her own besides her alignment, whatever you choose it to be. Bit of unusually poor writing there on BioWare’s part.)

EDIT: added a bit where Akuliina shows her yandere side.


Chapter 5: Lord of the Sith

Nomen Karr was a deranged wreck of his former self, and all Akuliina had done was refuse to roll over and die when they dueled. And there may have been some taunting, as well. Jaesa Willsaam, battered by the loss of her first Master, her parents, and several of her friends, and surely feeling the corruption of her current Master even now, had just barged into the room. She looked upset, and frightened, but determined. A true wannabe Jedi heroine. “Your men outside let me pass, so I assume I’m expected. Cease your sadistic attacks on my Master, now!” She was young, perhaps the same age as Akuliina, but she looked younger than Akuliina. She was pretty, with long dark hair and large sad brown eyes. Continue reading

My Cruel Valentine: Chapter 4: Honour

A planetary power generator. One power generator for the whole planet. Just one.


Also the dress is the one in all her art so far, a Braided Chestguard and Decorated Pummeler’s Greaves. (her action outfit is the Carbon-scored Pummeler’s Chestguard and Greaves, with the Battle-scarred Pummeler’s Boots. And her ‘lordly’ outfit (not equipped in this story probably) is the Visionary Pummeler’s Chestguard and Greaves)


Chapter 4: Honour

“Look,” she said, pointing upwards. “Even the weather acknowledges the superiority of the Empire.”

“I don’t follow, my lady.” He wiped the snow off his rank insignia for the umpteenth time.

“Trillions of tiny Imperial crests, falling from the sky. Alderaan will be ours. It’s only a matter of time.” How whimsical. …Whimsical was not a word that should be applied to Sith. Continue reading

My Cruel Valentine: Chapter 3: Nature of a Soul

Used both versions of the apparition scene because it’s cooler that way. Next chapter likely to be quite long.

Sorry, got stalled on writing because I’m trying to outfit her apartment in SWTOR and also try some of the other features the game has (playing some flashpoints, doing more heroic missions for cash, will probably try out the starfighter and pvp offerings soon). I’ve been working on this like it’s my job. That’s probably not healthy.


Chapter 3: Nature of a Soul

Hot, dry air with only the slightest hint of a breeze. Extremely fine sand, everywhere and getting everywhere, especially his gear and his teeth. Blinding sunlight from not one but two suns.

Yes, it must be Tatooine. Emperor’s bones, he hated it. Even Vette hated it. “I’m gonna end up purple by the time we’re done here.” They’d already been on the planet for two weeks, and had only just picked up the Jedi apprentice’s trail. Continue reading

My Cruel Valentine: Interlude: Rule and Order

Things got weirdly heavy here for a minute. Not sure things are 100% the way I intended them to be. But hey, Akuliina’s Amzab (and the $11M bar that I don’t own (yet) (EDIT: someone’s currently selling it for $40M. I could be here a while.).


Interlude: Rule and Order

“Let’s stop by my apartment to rest,” she suggested when they arrived on Dromund Kaas, returning from their last mission.

He glanced at her. “All of us, my lady?”

She frowned at him. “Of course, Captain. Vette already has a room there. And surely you don’t have any particular attachment to sleeping here, or some uncomfortable hotel.” Continue reading

My Cruel Valentine: Chapter 2: Time for a Bloodbath

Have decided to listen to Two Steps From Hell while writing battle scenes.


Chapter 2: Time for a Bloodbath

Nar Shaddaa had to be one of his least favourite places in the galaxy. On one hand, at least it was an actual city and not a mud pit. On the other hand, it was a really terrible city filled with some of the worst individuals the galaxy had to offer. And it stank, no matter where he went in it. And even though he tried to clean the residue off his boots whenever they returned to the ship, they still felt sticky and oily afterwards. Thank goodness for his service gloves. Continue reading

My Cruel Valentine: Interlude: Noble Daughter of Kuat

Chapter 1: Rising Star


Interlude: The Fury

It didn’t take him long to settle into the ship. It was a quiet place, which suited him fine. Vette, the Twi’lek, spent most of her time in the engine room doing who knew what. She seemed to consider him rather boring, which was acceptable, as he considered her voice rather annoying. He himself spent most of his time in the cockpit, making the controls of this beautiful ship second-nature, and Akuliina prowled as she pleased, though she spent a lot of time training herself in the cargo hold. It was going to take them four days to reach Nar Shaddaa. It was going to be a bit slow until then. A short breather before his life got really interesting. Continue reading