Author Archives: Illinia



What’s it like to get hugged by hair? Only Shiro knows. And yes she’s probably standing on a box or something because he’s at least a foot taller than her normally. And this is in her garden on board the Castle… I seem to like backlighting things this month. (side note: there are lots of Japanese horror stories involving hair. I hope that doesn’t bother him. >.> ) But anyway this was the point of all my Voltron fanstuff: to get Shiro into a hug. A hug with a girl involved, but not Pidge and Allura because I don’t know who the show is going to ship them with yet. Also girls’ existence shouldn’t be reduced to shipping partners (says the woman who just made a female character solely to be a shipping partner). Continue reading

Space Garden: Part 3: Flowers For Her

This story is definitely not how I imagined writing it. XD Considering that all I had to start with was a bunch of romantic cuddle scenes and like one rant on the nature of war, that’s probably not surprising… But hey, the fluff starts showing up in force by the end of the chapter. Yay!

This chapter brought to you by Morten Lauridsen (also listened to Lux Aeterna and Les Chansons des Roses because those are also the best).

Part 2: I Made a Promise


Part 3: Flowers For Her


Elslince didn’t quite fit in instantaneously to Team Voltron, as might be expected. Shy, unused to space travel, she spent a lot of time wandering the stark corridors softly at first. Shiro was busy with his own problems and the problems of the team and the galaxy, but he tried to talk to her a few times a day.
He found out that his comparison of her to a plant wasn’t as far off as he’d first thought – she photosynthesized, and only ate once a day. He learned that Teleran blood was indeed yellow, and that was why she blushed the way she did. He learned that she liked collecting Thundercats trading cards (and consequently that humans had not invented Thundercats, they’d only turned it into a TV show), and she’d brought her collection in her meagre possessions. She had about thirty, gathered over a decade; it seemed they were hard to come by when fighting a war without consistent access to intergalactic markets. Continue reading

Space Garden: Part 2: I Made a Promise

Gonna power through the rest of this nonsense! I’d like to get Part 3 done tonight as well! Whoohoo! I randomly have a Handel’s Messiah gig next weekend! I also have baked potatoes that turned out quite tasty! Also Joe Hisaishi is amazing! Also why did Disney pass up on the chance to do a movie with Eric Whitacre, that would have been spectacular! Why am I using so many exclamation points!

Part 1: The Green Girl


Part 2: I Made a Promise

“Shiro! You’re all right!” Allura was first to reach him as he disembarked from his Lion, back at the Castle. “We were so worried about you, what happened?”
“I was worried about you guys too,” he said. “I crashed onto a planet called Teler and it took a while to convince the doctor there to let me go.” It was close enough to the truth. “I’m glad you all made it back to base safely.” Continue reading

Quinnkulina sketches


Can’t stop drawing my favourite yandere and her chew toy… mostly thanks to their new, much more appropriate romance theme song. Top left: yandere being yandere in bed. Top right: difficult to work when your boss is a Sith Lord and also your girlfriend and also likes cuddling to sleep at inopportune times. Bottom left: be careful what thoughts you think when shirtless lest it summon a horny Sith Lord girlfriend. Bottom right: just trying to get the hang of her face/clothes in my own style. These two both have absolutely fabulous cheekbones.

Telling that I can seemingly only draw her being vulnerable when she’s asleep. Continue reading

After Hoth


A quick picture made from a screenshot to go with the post-Hoth interlude of My Cruel Valentine. Quinn was originally going to be holding a stylus, but without his other hand visible holding a datapad, it just looked like he was holding a sharp pointy thing which kind of ruined the mood. So, nah. Used references (pasted other screenshots and drew over them) for both Quinn and Akuliina. Realized too late she should probably be wearing her grey dress instead of her red battle armour, but meh. All you can see is her pants anyway. But she’s not wearing make-up because she just had a shower. Continue reading



My Voltron: Legendary Defender OC, Elslince, a green plant woman from the planet Teler for my romance/hurt/comfort fanfic. Studying to be a doctor to help the Teleran Resistance against Zarkon. Telerans have yellow blood so her blush is yellow. They also have prehensile hair and star-shaped pupils. Also, possibly my first character who wears pink?

Been listening to Zenzenzense (poor sound quality but translations! also the same version as is available on iTunes and not some cover) and Nandemonaiya (which is not the same as the iTunes version, but at least it’s RADWIMPS) while drawing this and just in general. Guess they’re my soundtrack for Voltron plantshipping now!

Dang, Akuliina is being super distracting today. And forever. Guess I’m drawing her next, and not in a shippy way, either. *shock*

Space Garden: Part 1: The Green Girl

Fluffy Voltron: Legendary Defender nonsense! Shiro and random OC! Because SpaceDad needs all the hugs! Doesn’t fit anywhere in the show and that’s okay!

Actually it’s not really what I was expecting, especially the serious parts. I’m a bit disappointed. It’s probably partly because I’ve had a long, tiring week, and I’m sick on top of it. And it’s Seppuku Week on top of that. And Akuliina keeps trying to tempt me over to her story. Stahp!


Part 1: The Green Girl

“No, no, no…” The planet was rushing towards him, but he only saw glimpses of it through the crackling, static-filled displays. Whatever gravitational/accelerational compensators the Black Lion had were failing, and he was being pressed back into his seat. The damage they’d taken was too much, and they were crashing, he had no control, the Black Lion had no manoeuverability, even if he’d been able to exert any pressure with his left arm. “Come on, buddy…”
He clipped the emergency safety belt around his chest and prayed, bracing for impact. Continue reading