Author Archives: Illinia

On Every Street: Chapter 12: On Every Street

I’m… done? Story came to about 33000 words. Not perfect, messy ending, but hopefully some entertainment was derived from it. And yes I know very little about trials or legal procedures so big thanks to Elwin for answering my dumb questions, and for encouraging me to also make things up because hey fiction.

I always thought that “three-chord symphony crashes into space” was “dream-coloured symphony” and I kind of still like those words better. XD But this is one of my favourite Dire Straits songs; it’s so evocative. The meaning of the words really does fit the original place I was going to put it, around chapter 3, but the tone is really nice for a credits song. Besides, she’s still going to be looking for him… she’ll still see him everywhere, without even trying. <3

Next story is probably going to be Voltron Shiro trash-fic!

Chapter 11: Iron Hand Continue reading

On Every Street: Chapter 11: Iron Hand

I almost didn’t write this chapter. I didn’t know what to do with it, how it could be dramatic, especially when it’s placed as the climax of the story. But I wrote it anyway. And it’s long, and a lot of it summarizes the rest of the story. Couple of good bits, though.

It was also difficult to write because of certain political events and social feedback last week. I could get more into that, but it would be pointless navel-gazing so no.

ALSO it is late, not because of socio-political drama, but because I’ve been playing too much SW:TOR. My Warrior Akuliina is steadily harassing Quinn into admitting he likes her, but when it came to the love confession cutscene, I hit the wrong button and Fraps didn’t record it. So I had to start a new Akuliina on a different server, because I need that cutscene in my library. So… late chapter. (But hey, did you know it takes about 15 minutes to get through Nar Shaddaa if you only hit the story missions and skip through the dialogue at top speed?)

Chapter 10: Heavy Fuel Continue reading

On Every Street: Chapter 10: Heavy Fuel

I had this one more or less done last night, but added a note to “ADD MORE OGHREN” because Heavy Fuel is basically Oghren’s theme song. I’ve been told Dire Straits wrote it for their roadie, but look how well it works for this lunatic. So: enjoy The Oghren Chapter, now with 50% more Oghren.

Chapter 9: Fade to Black Continue reading

On Every Street: Chapter 9: Fade to Black

I wrote two chapters in one day! Now I’m back on track for chapters. I’ll be done on Saturday as planned. If I don’t play too much SWTOR. But I’m a bit happier with this chapter than the last one. Now for the real hard part – wrapping up this crazy story. : D

Chapter 8: You and Your Friend Continue reading

On Every Street: Chapter 4: Ticket to Heaven

Have to thank two friends for help with this chapter: Elwin for some legalese, and Yllamse for letting me know that Zev’s “mi amor” is more casual for Spanish speakers than it seems. (I still don’t know why Zev is Spanish when he’s from fantasy-Italy, but hey, why not, they’re both sexy.)

Chapter 3: Calling Elvis Continue reading

On Every Street: Chapter 3: Calling Elvis

Originally this would have been the first instance/use of On Every Street in the story, but then it turned out that Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 were stupidly short, so I combined them because the only reason I split them up in the first place was song lyrics. And I had thought I’d have more to say about it by now.

Dang, how is Mark Knopfler so good at music?

Chapter 2: Planet of New Orleans Continue reading