Author Archives: Illinia

Steins;Gate: Operation Fenris Deja Vu: Chapter 6: Divergence Hariolation

I gave up; couldn’t get to the past without Suzu-chan! Besides, she has a cute smile. : )

Sky Clad Kansokusha was my soundtrack for Kurisu’s determination, just as it was for Okabe’s determination in Episode 23. : D

Chapter 5: Ventral Pallidum Insomnia, Chapter 7: Dreamworld Poiesis


Chapter 6: Divergence Hariolation

It was the evening of August 15th, and the time-leap machine was almost finished, practice lending me speed in its construction. But right now, I stared from the text on my phone asking me to come to the roof of the hotel, to the time machine that stood there. “I don’t understand.”

“You said that you’d say that,” the brown-haired girl said patiently. “You decided to break out of the loop you had trapped yourself in, and spent your life developing a proper time machine, although my appearance on this date in this particular worldline certainly helped, apparently. You asked me to come back to now to help you out, to get more answers that you can’t reach right now.”

“How should I believe you?” I demanded. “How do I know I really sent you? How come I haven’t seen you before?” Continue reading

Steins;Gate: Operation Fenris Deja Vu: Chapter 5: Ventral Pallidum Insomnia

These titles just keep getting longer, don’t they? XD The chapter is not very long, however. I’m not 100% satisfied with the philosophical discussion.

Chapter 4: Antarctic Primavera, Chapter 6: Divergence Hariolation


Chapter 5: Ventral Pallidum Insomnia

It was August 12th on the sixth or seventh time leap. We’d made some progress, after I convinced him to help each time, although a lot of it was theoretical since neither of us wanted to risk rebuilding the Phone Microwave and jumping worldlines again. Yet, at least. This meant that understanding the ‘how’ of the matter was pretty much beyond our reach. But we could still try to figure out the ‘why’, and that could lead me to useful answers.

Okabe had confessed that his migraines were actually moments when he’d start seeing and feeling other worldlines, which sort-of-but-not-really explained why there would be moments when he was there and then not there, and then there again. So far, the only situation in which anyone had been physically moved out of or within a worldline was if there was a time machine involved. But again, we weren’t going to learn ‘how’, not yet, anyway.

“I believe that Steins;Gate is unstable,” he announced one day, and I stared at him in disbelief. Continue reading

Steins;Gate: Operation Fenris Deja Vu: Chapter 4: Antarctic Primavera

Now here’s where things start to get a little different. : D

Chapter 3: Vetitive Liaison, Chapter 5: Ventral Pallidum Insomnia


Chapter 4: Antarctic Primavera


I went home to my hotel, alone. Was there anything else I could say to him, anything at all? Not necessarily to change his mind, because his resolve was set and I knew nothing I could say would change that.

I stared at my phone all night, thinking, sometimes crying. Was I ready to live in a world without Okabe? At least it wasn’t like he died violently, like Mayuri or I had. He just… ceased to exist in this worldline, and then was overwritten. Like computer data being formatted, changing the past to match the present. And he was facing it with dignity. Dignity I had once thought would be difficult for a self-proclaimed ‘mad scientist’ to have.

Damn him and his heroic qualities. There was no one in the world like Okabe Rintarou, with his energy, his intelligence, his dramatic make-believe world, his steadfast caring heart. And now there wouldn’t be anyone like him again. Continue reading

Steins;Gate: Operation Fenris Deja Vu: Chapter 3: Vetitive Liaison

I was reading comments over on the Steins;Gate wiki, and someone pointed out that Kurisu’s journey is a lot like Okabe’s journey through the Beta worldline – she goes through time twice to try to save him, and fails the first time… Okay, I understand that, but I wish she’d shown more gumption about it, instead of falling over and declaring she knew how he felt.

On rewatching her first time-leap, leaping back to the party and all the cues there was really subtly effective; it’s too bad it didn’t really fit in this worldline. I did use the sad confrontation scene almost verbatim, because that was a really great monologue. There are a lot of really great scenes in this movie! I love the voice-acting so much. I also added a couple things I felt Kurisu should have brought up.

I also don’t like overusing Suzuha. I feel Suzu spends a lot of time jumping back to hang out with her teen-aged dad, and it feels too convenient sometimes. Oh, she’ll show up in my fic, I can’t get to kid-Okabe any other way, and in the end I couldn’t get to adult-Okabe without her either, but she gets less time here and is not the primary reason Kurisu bothers to do anything. Save her for the future, darnit!


Chapter 2: Relive Atrophy, Chapter 4: Antarctic Primavera


Chapter 3: Vetitive Liaison

I was doing pretty well on my latest Japanese trip. I gave my lectures, focusing around my new thesis about dreams, and there were people there, and they asked interesting questions, questions that would help me refine my research. And of course I visited my good friends Daru and Mayuri every day, and we went about together often, or just messed around with Daru’s latest inventions in the lab.

And yet… about a week after I’d come to Japan, I started feeling strange. Not physically strange, no. But I just had this feeling, a feeling I couldn’t even define. Continue reading

Steins;Gate: Operation Fenris Deja Vu: Chapter 2: Relive Atrophy

Some changes here: no horrifying PTSD flashbacks/worldline jumping during the party, at least not that Kurisu witnesses (I hold that Okabe still went out to the park and howled at the heavens afterwards), but a more direct revelation of worldline jumping, and also extra days to use later. Laundromat scene almost entirely stolen because that was one of the best parts of the movie.

Personally I’m pronouncing ‘relive’ (which I made up) as “ree*-laiv” (rhymes with ‘speed-dive’) but you can pronounce it how you please.

Chapter 1: Kymatological Barbecue, Chapter 3: Vetitive Liaison


Chapter 2: Relive Atrophy

About half an hour later, I was starting to feel more like myself again. Okabe stayed with me, getting me a cool damp cloth for my head and then sitting his gangly self down near the couch where I lay, just watching me. It should have made me uncomfortable, I could have accused him of being a pervert and started another fight, but there was something about this silent togetherness that seemed… normal, somehow.

“You feeling better?” he asked.

“Yeah,” I answered, trying to remember what I’d been doing when drunk. I’d hugged him, I think. That wasn’t too bad. I could live that down, and if I got teased, I could always blame it on the alcohol. Was that what adults did for fun? I’d studied the effects of alcohol on the brain, but feeling it for real… It wasn’t that much fun. People were strange. Continue reading

Steins;Gate: Operation Fenris Deja Vu: Chapter 1: Kymatological Barbecue

Steins;Gate got me. But I didn’t like some things about the movie so I rewrote it. Some dialogue stolen, some dialogue original, may get wonky in places. In this chapter, you may be wondering what I changed and the answer is: not much. Changes come later. Also with lots of fluff because I like fluff! This website was useful for chapter names, ohohoho.

Chapter 2: Relive Atrophy


Chapter 1: Kymatological Barbecue

I braced myself nervously as the plane touched down on the runway, though there was hardly a bump this time. It still startled me and I almost yelped before I clapped my hands over my mouth.

This was silly. It wasn’t as if I hadn’t been to Japan before. I should be more at ease than last time I came.

But it was the first time since I’d met them. …Him. Continue reading

A Thousand Tiny Battles: Marry Me



The fluffy useless chapter to end all fluffy useless chapters. At least by Lyn’s standards of fluffy.


Marry Me

Safety! Bless Eliwood for existing. Everyone in the group was exhausted, even Milton, whom Ceniro decided to rescue for whatever reason. That man of mine was crazy sometimes… And he’d suffered the most on the way back, dealing with his nerveless arm and recovering from everything he’d spent in the battle. But we had made it safely out of Bern, away from King Desmond’s wrath and to Pherae, and now we could relax and sleep for a couple days, safe at Eliwood’s castle. We were so fortunate to have generous friends.

The castle staff wanted to give me a room of my own, a lady’s apartment, but I refused. Some might call it scandalous, but I’d been sleeping at Ceniro’s side for a year and a half, and we liked it that way, to know that the other was near. I was going to keep it that way, no matter what anyone said. Eliwood would understand. Continue reading

A Thousand Tiny Battles: Don’t Break Me

A retelling of the climax of Anima’s Seal. One more chapter to go for the current batch of plot bunnies!


Don’t Break Me

I glided silently through the trees, Louise close behind me, stepping where I stepped with a grace that made me wonder if she’d ever had training in this sort of stealthy movement. I had no idea if that Milton could see us on Ceniro’s farseer, but I was doing my best to stay in the thickest cover, to make no sound, to show no sign of my trail. Baby Klein was quiet for now, and I prayed to Mother Earth that he would stay that way until we made it to the castle. If not, we’d just have to run. It wasn’t a good plan. But it was the best we could do right now. Ceniro didn’t want me on my own; Klein was safest with Louise. Continue reading

A Thousand Tiny Battles: Fight With Me

I keep coming up with new things to write about with these two, help! Here’s an uncomfortably honest one. Any resemblance to actual people is unintentional; this is not autobiographical, although I did draw heavily on personal experiences. I hesitated to post this because it does seem a bit awkward and of a different tone than the other chapters, possibly even out of character. But it’s an experiment, and hey, you didn’t expect they had a universally perfect relationship, did you?


Fight With Me

It was a stupid fight. It was incredibly stupid and it shouldn’t have ended how it did. Something about who was supposed to have washed the pots from dinner last night? Ceniro was actually kind of lazy, and I was sure it was his turn, but he denied it. “I did them the night before, remember?”

“You’re imagining things,” I said. “I did them last night. Just do them, they won’t take that long.” If he suggested that I ought to do them because cleaning was women’s work – a thought I’d heard far too often in Caelin – I would hit him. But he hadn’t ever said that yet. Continue reading

A Thousand Tiny Battles: Stay With Me

Whoa, got kind of steamy in here. But I think I salvaged it.


Stay With Me

Home! Home, home, home. Endless plains of grass, green and brown and yellow, with the occasional prickly thicket of brush and scrub. Gently rolling hills as far as the eye could see, vast blue sky arching over us, the summer sun burning down on us. The scent of the wind on my face! Ah, I was so happy!

I wasn’t sure whether to jump for joy, tackle my lover, or fall to the ground and roll around in the grass a lot. Maybe all three. Possibly at the same time.

I felt his eyes on me and turned to look at him, grinning my face off. “I’m home!”

“Yes, you are,” he said, responding to my smile. Continue reading