Author Archives: Illinia

Europe 2023: Tübingen – Bebenhausen


Okay so the last post was excessively long and I’m going back to Europe in 10 hours so let’s upload some blogs without pictures just so I don’t give myself another two weeks to forget what happened in the summer. I’ll add pictures when I get back, and will probably edit the text more too. EDIT: pictures added!

Day 15, cont.

Little villages in the hollows

The next destination on our list was Tübingen. The train station was not that impressive upon debarking our train, but the brand new not-even-finished bus loop outside sure was! It appeared to have as many platforms as letters in the alphabet. In fact, Tharash suggested it had too many platforms/buses, given how difficult it was to figure out which was the correct bus. The good news if you were anywhere else in the city was that like 98% of all transit passes through the bus/train hub by the Neckar River (which is a much smaller river here than in Heidelberg). But the bus station was really aesthetically pleasing, and they have little symbols to help you identify which bus you want, and scrolling boards saying how long until the next bus at every platform. I was also shocked when we actually got on the bus, because it had a ticket machine on the bus. Now that’s living in the future. (As of this writing, my hometown has FINALLY FOR THE LOVE OF FRIES rolled out a contactless payment system for fares, so my hometown is thinking about joining the 21st century as far as public transit is concerned. Now to turn one of those parking lots downtown into a proper bus station, and we might get somewhere.) Continue reading

Europe 2023: Heidelberg


Day 13

Technically this starts in Trier but I figured Trier’s post was long enough already without shoving Koblenz into it as well. (edit: and this still has 250 pictures in it, I think I’m going to break up Tübingen even more than I planned T_T) I carried out my resolution to eat all the tasty things at the breakfast buffet this morning, and I had a croissant with Nutella as part of that omnomnom. Then we got on an earlier train than originally planned, and travelled back northeast to Koblenz. There we went for a walk, putting our stuff in a train station locker again, navigating our way around the confusing, loud, in-the-way car infrastructure in order to get to the old part of town and specifically the point at which the Mosel meets the Rhine, where there is a huge statue. We caught a train back from the old town area to the Hauptbahnhof where we had left our stuff (at the old town station there’s no ticket gates even, you just walk onto the platform, it’s amazing), and had a little bit of a snack, although the lady at the bakery misheard me and got Tharash a cappuccino instead of a tea. Oh well. Off to Heidelberg! Continue reading

Merry Christmas 2023

Happy holidays! And spoiler alert for my FFXIV fanfic! Nero tol Scaeva (right) is a smug, arrogant, ambitious, brilliant magnificent b*stard, hells-bent on becoming the greatest engineer the world has ever seen (frustrated by being seemingly effortlessly thwarted at every turn by his rival since college). Vivienne Urselmert (left) is a cold, angry, stubborn, emotionally-constipated antihero who suffers grievous hardships in silence and slaughters monsters without mercy. Together, they are a match made in… something, considering he started out as a villain and she was very much trying to kill him at the time. After she blew up his boss’s base, he had nowhere to go and began wandering aimlessly, looking for advanced ancient technology to tinker with, occasionally ping-ponging off of the heroes and usually sort of helping them. He woos her sarcastically and she snaps back defensively, until those rare moments when one or another of them drops their walls (shockingly, often Nero first) and does or says something sincerely genuine. Apologies if it still doesn’t make sense to you, but it makes me laugh so I drew it. Continue reading

FFXIV: Il était une fois…

I wasn’t expecting this exposition to happen so soon but let’s roll with it! Also if the Ishgardians were actually French, the Fortemps boys would be using ‘tu’ with her now #justfrancophonethings

Did some re-reading of old chapters to check continuity, and I’m not sure I like what I saw. I may do some editing to 1) try and get Chuchupa’s accent more consistent, and 2) make sure it makes sense when people switch from consistently saying “Mistress Kensaki” to “Lady Achiyo”. …But not now. Now we’ve got celebratory fluff to write. Purely self-indulgent fluff, no MSQ. : D

Achiyo’s new sword is Baldur! Her new shield is the Fortemps shield. I figure she’d still been using the Holy Shield from the ARR Relic weapons until this point, even after getting the Fortemps shield from Artoirel a little while ago.

(Also I forgot that your patron isn’t necessarily tied to your birth month… So Achiyo is a Nymeia-patroned January baby.)

Chapter 39: Dragonsong


Chapter 40: Il était une fois…

Achiyo received many letters in the following days, some addressed to the Warriors of Light thanking them for their heroic deeds, and those she passed on to the Rising Stones so that her friends could read them and be gladdened by how many appreciated them. But a surprising number were addressed to her personally, and were of a… personal nature… being that they offered various levels of apologies for treatment she had endured upon first entering Ishgard. And after.  Continue reading

FFXIV: Dragonsong

We made it, you guys.

Nidstinien’s model is really cool, too bad it’s always covered in flashy lights from everyone trying to kill him. XD

Writing this boss fight felt nearly as intense as fighting this boss fight. XD Gods I love the music.

Chapter 38: Resolve


Chapter 39: Dragonsong

Aymeric felt his blood run cold as Ishgard came into view below him in the dark, smoky morning. In the short time that Nidhogg had been ahead of them, the Steps of Faith were become a scorched ruinous hellscape, and though he had heard the rumble of the guns from over the horizon, testifying to their mighty efforts in keeping the dragons out of the city proper, smoke was still rising from many parts of the city. Black dragons swarmed the Steps of Faith, aiming for the gates, and knights of all liveries had sortied out to meet them. They were few, now, too few – but he saw Lucia’s distinctive armour among them, and breathed a sigh of relief. Continue reading

FFXIV: Resolve

This chapter is quite a bit shorter but the final boss fight was ending up so long I decided it would be nicer to have a shorter chapter here rather than one colossally long one there.

Hraesvelgr is so wishy-washy. XD “My soulmate doesn’t want me to fight (*hands Nidhogg a gun*)”

Contrary to my general strategy to not use the edits the game has made to the plot since I first played it 5 years ago, I am thrilled that Sohr Khai is now a trust and I went and did it to grab extra dialogue >: D

Chapter 37: Shattered Peace


Chapter 38: Resolve

“Though I expected no better answer from Vidofnir, I take little pleasure from having been proven right,” Alphinaud said the next morning, as they packed their things and redressed in their armour. “‘Twould seem that our presence at Zenith will be every bit as unwelcome as I had anticipated. But what is the ire of one great wyrm to a band of self-confessed fools such as ourselves?” Continue reading

FFXIV: Shattered Peace

This area of plot is where I may “deviate from the prepared remarks” a bit; there’s a lot of headcanony stuff and game adjustments for a while. But you’re not exactly reading this in order to just experience the game again, are you. : )

Song at the end is “The Rose“, which sounds like a traditional folk song but is actually from the 70’s written by one Amanda McBroom; my preferred recording is the King’s Singers’ choral arrangement. It’s also on the Only Yesterday soundtrack in Japanese!

Chapter 36: Rousing Spirits


Chapter 37: Shattered Peace

Achiyo and the other Warriors of Light saw little of Aymeric over the following few days; it seemed all of Ishgard had been plunged into a whirlwind of activity and preparation. Honoroit was out of bed with only some scarring on his brow to show of his ordeal, Emmanellain was somehow back to his old self without being back to his old ways, and Alphinaud was looking much more confident. Continue reading

FFXIV: Rousing Spirits

Is it just me or have interpersonal relationships suddenly become easier between my characters starting last chapter? Like they actually like each other? Y’know, only an expansion and a half late. : P

I took out the cyclops because I don’t think it really adds anything except make Thancred miss the climax of the fight for no reason. : P

Chapter 35: Unraveling Hopes


Chapter 36: Rousing Spirits

Achiyo, Rinala, R’nyath, and Vivienne went down for breakfast in Fortemps Manor several days later and found Count Edmont reading a notice as he ate. “Ah, good morning to you all. Ser Aymeric has news for us. I shall call upon him after I have breakfasted, would you care to join me?” Continue reading

FFXIV: Unraveling Hopes

So you probably guessed but this year’s NaNoWriMo is FFXIV fic! My goal is to get to the start of Stormblood.

Vivienne’s cosplay looks great! Photoshoot forthcoming! I had many moments where I was forced to improvise but I think I captured the five million details well enough. With this massive project done, I can… play more videogames, I feel I’ve neglected them.

I have been replaying FFXIV a bit as I mentioned before, and I have an alt in the middle of 2.x, and I’m noticing a few things I didn’t before – I think one reason why Minfilia chose to help the Domans and not the Ala Mhigans is that there are only so many Doman refugees to take in, their numbers are limited and finite. Ala Mhigo is right next door, so there can always be more Ala Mhigan refugees. (I’m also coming up with new theories and questions about the Echo, so I hope I can keep playing until EW this time.)

You may notice some dialogue is different from how it currently appears in the game. I’m going by how it was when I played it!

Chapter 34: The Void Ark


Chapter 35: Unraveling Hopes

“Our unknown third party was simply there… and then not there,” Krile had said about Minfilia’s disappearance beneath Ul’dah. Rinala shivered. She knew more or less all the details – the ‘unknown third party’ was Minfilia, and the place she had disappeared to was Hydaelyn’s side in the aetherial sea, but the way Krile had worded it… was creepy.  Continue reading