Category Archives: Fire Emblem fanworks

Rekka no Ken: Chapter 8: Vortex of Strategy

EDIT: I want to write faster, but I only really have time now to write in the evenings when I’m very tired. I get a little done in the morning, but it’s not enough to satisfy me! Ahhhhh : P
Anyway, I’m not super convinced by this battle, but it’s better than it used to be? Might rewrite this one eventually again. I had so many great ideas this afternoon but I didn’t have time to write them down in any detail, which disappoints me. I think the last two chapters will go well, though.


Chapter 7: The Black Shadow     Chapter 9: A Grim Reunion


Chapter 8: Vortex of Strategy


Whizzzzzzzzzthunk! The ballista bolt narrowly missed Ceniro and Lyn, embedding itself firmly into a tree on their right. Splinters of bark flew everywhere, and Erk ducked.

Ceniro gasped, very glad to be alive.

“My lady!” Kent exclaimed, riding forward to shield them both from further shots.

“Speak of the devil,” Sain said, though his grey eyes were wide with alarm. “Deploying seige weapons… Lundgren’s serious this time.” Continue reading

Rekka no Ken: Chapter 7: The Black Shadow

EDIT: Today I beat Astebreed on Normal, finally (turns out one must not only make prodigious use of the EX attack, but also of the Dash attack to avoid those pesky red lasers), and then I was so pumped that I ran for a whole kilometre in two sections. : D


Chapter 6: Siblings Abroad     Chapter 8: Vortex of Strategy


Chapter 7: The Black Shadow


Kent slipped off his horse and pressed his back to the wall. Sain was on the other side of the entrance. Both knights had their swords in hand, and were only waiting for Ceniro’s signal to slip inside to begin their attack.

Lyn’s Legion had found where Eliwood had rescued Ninian; the bodies of her kidnappers were still lying in the road not far from the fortress they had captured. However, none of them had a ring with them. Matthew, Wil, and Florina had set off, tracking the two men whose tracks led away from the scene of battle.

The companions had been led to a low building in the middle of the forest with no windows and only one door. There was nothing for it but to attack directly. To make matters more uncomfortable, it had begun to rain.

Ceniro took a deep breath. “Let’s go!” Continue reading

Rekka no Ken: Chapter 6: Siblings Abroad

EDIT: One of the challenging things about novelizing a turn-based strategy game is that real life isn’t turn-based, so one has to adapt it from a TBS to an RTS. Which everyone probably already realized, but it’s easier to realize when you’re actually writing it. : P


Chapter 5: Blood of Pride      Chapter 7: The Black Shadow


Chapter 6: Siblings Abroad


When the last dark mage had fallen to Lucius’s light magic, Ceniro explained to the group that Florina had seen a fortress to the south that seemed to have more members of the same sinister group that had attacked Nils just now, and asked her to lead the way.

There were some high hills and a small river in their way, so they were not as quick to reach the fortress as Ceniro had hoped, but after a few minutes of quick marching, a small castle appeared on their right. It did not seem particularly heavily guarded, but still there were only twelve of them, counting Nils, Ceniro, and Serra, who had no combat abilities.

“I hope this is the right castle,” Wil said as they approached. “It would be kind of silly to attack it only to find it belongs to someone completely unconnected.” Continue reading

Fire Emblem real life

Who wants to be the pegasus knight?!?

Who wants to be the pegasus knight?!?

Whoohoo! This is a picture of all my closest friends at the time of drawing. Most of them are still my closest friends, although there ought to be more of them now. We’re all Fire Emblem characters. From L-R, there’s Michael the pianist, the red-armoured cavalier, KevinT the pianist, the ‘mercenary’ class swordsman, Claire the soprano, the pegasus knight, L the pianist, the archer, Jennifer the pianist, apparently switching classes to be a fire mage (let’s say this is FE7 so it’s easier, anyway), Nathan the clarinetist, the armour knight, lx-sama, the dark-magic wielding shaman, Michael the violist, the green-armoured cavalier (did you see what I did thar), and .t, the fighter-class axeman. Scale is a little skewed because I started it as a picture of N, because I was discussing it as him and I was quite sure he would be a great armour knight, and then added everybody else later. I’m happy with N, lx, .t, L, and Claire. The rest are not so good, but passable… very close to passable…

So I sent out this picture, coloured in Photoshop, as a sort of invitation to my birthday that year. It was a great gathering. Claire and lx sat next to each other, though, which meant I nearly died of laughter. Teehee.

Dramatic TdF today… poor Cadel. Not a good year for him. Next time! On the other hand, Andy Schleck is CUTE. : D

Still plugging away at Ephraim’s Chapter 4. Nearly done that; getting ready for the Siege of Fort Rigwald. Can’t remember what happens at the end of the chapter, though, because I have a drawing from last summer of Ephraim questioning an enemy soldier after the dust settles but I have no memory of what he acutally say. Also I’m getting ideas for what Ceniro did between Lyn’s campaign and the year after that.

Wind Mage


That's not wind.

That’s not wind.

Marker picture, originally of me as a Fire Emblem wind mage, but in the end just some random OC wind mage that has no relation to any story I made up… some decent shading in spots, but still clueless about hands and ears. And skinny skinny arms.

I am a TOTAL Glorfindel fangirl. I was reading Fellowship last night again, and I got to Rivendell, and I was bouncing with excitement whenever he did ANYTHING… He’s so amazing… I kept thinking: “He must be thinking something like ‘Ringwraiths? Pffft, I’ve faced worse. Like Balrogs eating my home city. Now that’s no fun.'”


Difficulties in not-using honorifics abound

Difficulties in not-using honorifics abound

Ephraim and Seth. Not much to say, except that they both have short legs but Ephraim somehow looks okay despite that, and Seth has a way-cool coat. And they’re both not exactly like the official art.

It’s really dumb how there’s only official art (that I’ve seen) for about ten random characters in Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones.

And yes, I did realize that the KOTOR II patch has not yet been released. I’m looking forward to it, though. Eeeee.

Marth Doll

Mwahahahaaa!!! I shall dye everyone's hair bluuuuueeeee!!! ...No, that didn't make sense to me either.

Mwahahahaaa!!! I shall dye everyone’s hair bluuuuueeeee!!! …No, that didn’t make sense to me either.

If you switch Darth Maul’s initials, what do you get? <_< >_> ^_^ : D

I used my Darth Maul action figure for reference. The shoulders still aren’t right. But Marth is skinnier than Maul. This whole idea is my Dad’s joke. I like it.

Ceniro’s Animated Debut

Hey, a movie! This is my first video of Ceniro, made with Windows Movie Maker and Photoshop. Credit goes to Fire Emblem Planet for a couple of things and The Spriters Resource for others. I drew Ceniro and arranged the different images in Photoshop… the background, the nameplates, the HPs and percentages… it took a long time. And then came the creating of dozens of PNGs. The next movie is up to over 400 PNGs and is not even close to being finished! It would help if I worked on it once in a while… next summer, maybe! Anyway, putting in WMM wasn’t too hard. It’s just the animation takes forever. I have to make some major changes to the sprite… it doesn’t look right at all. I’m not sure how I’m going to do it, but I’ll figure it out eventually. Oh, and the sound was recorded straight from the GBA using the microphone plugged into the computer. Right from the FE7 Sound Room. It stutters at the end because I wasn’t sure how to use the microphone so it didn’t make the sound file all in one go.

Reyson in marker

"Hmph," said the heron.

“Hmph,” said the heron.

Prince Reyson of Fire Emblem 9 Trail of Blue Flames! Not as good as the last picture, but decent I guess. I ran out of page so that’s why his left wing is cut off. It feels kind of flat to me… not enough shading. One thing I’m happy about is the use of the white of the page to get his tunic white enough.