Category Archives: Photoshop



So Yllamse shared Jayce’s theme song with me, and from then I was compelled to draw Jayce. My first pose for him was beyond my technical capabilites (looking up at him like he’s a giant, through a fish-eye lens – I’ll say that’s complicated! : P ) so I changed it into this, which is the same pose but from a more basic angle.

What a cutieeeeeeee. XD

Non-existent background is non-existent.



…I don’t even KNOW where this guy came from. I was drawing Jayce to the tune of his own theme song (which I’m too lazy to go find for you… Owl City’s Shooting Star)… getting frustrated at my lack of skillz… and then one of Sain’s songs (something from my Alan Parsons Project CD, I forget which one) came on and Sain just burst cheerfully and dramatically into the room and was like “Fair maiden, why not draw me instead? As a break?”

…So I spent the last two hours on him. : P AND without a reference, aren’t I boss? : P

But I’m happy to see him. I haven’t seen him in YEARS.

Sain: Maybe you should finish your Fire Emblem 7 story, too.




Hrulash sparring


So I’m drawing a totally unrelated picture for someone else, when this guy comes up to me.

“Hey,” he says. “I need you to draw a picture of me.”

“Hrulash, what are you doing here? The Rifted Riders are off-duty tonight.”

“So? I need a picture.”

“Hrulash, I don’t even have any ideas for you at this exact moment…”

“Doesn’t matter. I’ll come up with something. Just… draw me.”

*sigh* “Well if you insist… it’s a good thing you’re pretty…”

“What was that???”

“Nothing, nothing!” *begins drawing with anime sweatdrop leaking out of head*

He won’t even tell me why he wants this picture. Attention, most likely. : P

He says it’s from sparring practice in Quintus. Obviously this is human!Hrulash and not elf!Hrulash. Elf!Hrulash wouldn’t be so nice about it.



My first attempt at drawing Dante. Which I have to say, for a first try, is not terrible. He wants more, though. So I guess I shall have to make some time for him this week. : P

Sooooooooooooooo I got sucked into Devil May Cry. See, I bought DMC3 and 4 on this summer’s Steam Sale, and of course I want to know what’s going on before I play… so I watched a playthrough of DMC1 and 2, and then I watched the anime, and then Dante put a gun to my head and said “DRAW ME” so here we are. HE’S SUCH A COOL GUY AND HE’S PRETTY AND HE’S A TOTAL LOSER WHEN HE’S NOT SAVING THE WORLD. Which is something I would hate if I knew him in real life, but since I do not, it just adds to his coolness somehow. Heeheehee. What an awesome character.

And this means Flairé has been to DMC world, which means that Things have Happened. To wit: the Underworld does not agree with Flairé’s disposition, and turns him into a frothing rage demon, which usually only happens if you burn down his orphanage or something equally heinous. He’s also demanding pictures, but I haven’t drawn him yet because I ONLY HAVE SO MUCH TIME, GUYS. And I don’t waste ALL of it on Imgur. I’ve been actually really busy this week! I’ve been arranging 6 Pianos music, and hanging out with my creative writing internet group! Which has been a lot of fun and I love all you guys.

Hrulash and Tseo


My two dragonriderboys, in their AU setting of the Rifted Riders (which in itself in its current incarnation is an AU of the original RR, which was set in a sort of bastardized FFIV Blue Planet which was partly Wayriftian and partly very much not). I’m working on a story to go with this painting. This depicts them just before they met their dragon partners, when they were two semi-irresponsible (can you imagine Hrulash being irresponsible? NO YOU CANNOT) noble brats running around a city in Quintus, getting in trouble, honing skills they never imagined they’d seriously use in real life. Continue reading

Helmeted Hiccup


So this is what happens when I try to draw Hiccup. I can’t wait for the movie (and to have better skillz) so I can really do this cutie justice.

I have to say I had a very specific image in my head, but it seems to have fled now. It was pretty close to this, though. I also know that I don’t have all the details correct on the costume. However, I will do even better next time. : )


Okay back to writing Zelda.

DS Cecil


Was reading Wayrift, felt like drawing Cecil again. That’s pretty much it. He kind of looks like he has shadows under his eyes… that’s unintentional. I was going to colour it, but the sketch has a charm and a gentleness about it that was lost by the third layer of colour, so maybe later. DS Cecil is pretty cute. : ) Continue reading