Category Archives: Photoshop

RR Night Out, colour

This is a colour version of this lovely sketch by Yllamse; I asked her if I could colour it, and she said yes, so I did finally. : ) The scene is from the Wayrift forum roleplay The Rifted Riders, in which a bunch of us decided to roleplay our characters which we had submitted to the Wayrift Dragonrider contest. Here, the recruits have the evening off. So they go drinking, as one does. Xanda and Kali, of course, get dressed to the nines and get ready to go wild; Jayce is shyly curious; Tiarc’rie the fairy dragon is excited (and technically invisible to all but Jayce); Midnight the minidragon is wondering how to keep her friend Xanda from partying too hard; and Hrulash is grimly bringing up the rear, hoping that no one will embarrass them all.

It was a good roleplay. Too bad I got too lethargic to continue. (as far as I know, Hrulash took an injury in a battle against acidic swamp witches, was laid up in bed, and then prolly someone made him stay in bed until he actually recovered properly. I don’t even know. I haven’t checked the thread since then, except to get colour references for this picture. It doesn’t seem to have gone too far in page length, at least. Maybe we can pick it up again next September?) : D


Tharash Kaern, void-mage, philosopher, rifter, lunatic, explorer, chaos mage, and all-round troublemaker, showing some skillz in the void. Background stock from here. A few things of the painting… the shading was very, very lazy – I basically just made a soft-light layer, filled it in with dark grey, and erased bits. And then added more soft-light layers. lowered the saturation on pretty much everything except the magic swirlies and the background. The strange lightening stuff between the two balls of light was created by splashing around some clouds in pale blue and then dark grey, upping the contrast (and sometimes brightening) beyond some sanity and then copy-pasting the bit I liked using the selecting-brush tool (which auto-feathers the edges, yay) and pasting at 74% opacity. Also I only had one mug of tea while painting this. Also in the background is one of these brushes. In the foreground, the yellow flecks are from this brush-pack. There! I think I’ve credited everyone. : )

Michael Kilniss

So… felt like painting Michael from Esgalwen’s Story, in his natural shapeshifter form. Or something. I tried something a little different with the shading; lots of transparent layers. It turned out all right. I’m surprised how many things I picked up on DA during my ‘off-period’ that I (was/am?) going through, and applied to this painting. I could do more, too. :3 But it will take a bit more practice.

His theme song is “Games People Play” by the Alan Parsons Project. “If I’m telling you the truth right now, do you believe me? Games people play in the middle of the night.”

Fanservice Day

Happy Fanservice Day, folks!

They’re wearing underwear… but it made the picture look even more inappropriate somehow, so I cropped it. : P

Gullac was kind of half-baked… I might go back and work on him more later. But anyway, for now, have some half-naked elves! : D

The guy on the left is Fweiiless, a Griffonlander elf. He’s actually a bad guy. Gullac is the one on the right, and Gullac is… Gullac.

Esgalwen, captive

I drew a thing! It’s Esgalwen/Illinia, as she was dressed by the dark elves while she was their captive. At first. I think she had a great many costume changes, because they are extravagant in their… skimpiness. Or something. She’s not very happy about the whole thing, because not even her husband’s actually seen this much skin on her. Or something.

My tablet was so dusty I can’t even tell you. And my skillz are dusty too.

Good news – Esgalwen is level 23 in LotRO. Also my room is clean. Sorta.

February Double Date

Hee! The Sygnus fans got together and sekritly made a calender for Wren and Syn, and I drew February. You should see the other pages! They are completely fantastic and beautiful. I will probably link to the calender when it appears on Zazzle. I hope it’s available in Canada?

Gyoriing takes Layalin, and Zento takes YuKai on a double date. But Zento can’t help flirting with shy Layalin… Good thing everyone knows he’s not serious! : D

Zento was totally a creeper the first time I tried him:  Not his fault, but hair just can’t go in front of his eyes. My fellow conspirators and I had a good laugh over that… but it also meant he was the last one to get finished, because he was being difficult. : P

Also if he had that expression on his face when talking to Layalin, he would probably get flattened by Gyoriing a half-second later…

Oh, and I also resized both my kalmaei and Wren’s Nefolians, because Gyoriing is 7’6″… Layalin is about 6’8″… and Zento is, what, 5’2″ and YuKai 4’10”??? That wouldn’t work at all! So sorta a little AU in that they are the same height frame. : D