For Kira! Just because. : D
Well, you might be able to count it as character design for E+P.
I think I’m feeling better! I practiced two hours today. Also there is a book in at the library for me. Huzzah!
For Kira! Just because. : D
Well, you might be able to count it as character design for E+P.
I think I’m feeling better! I practiced two hours today. Also there is a book in at the library for me. Huzzah!
Hey! It’s Rose’s buddy Lusiel! Lu is to Rose what Flairé is to me, so all things being awesome equal, here is some quick birthday fanart for him. This is of Flairé’s favourite memory with him. Yes, her elves are small, and mine are huge. (shrug)
All right! I managed to survive another Tuesday! Quick check of homework, and then bedtime yay!
What do you think?
(Layalin and Gyoriing)
I cannot for the life of me do a ‘painting’ look. Dangit!
Well, this is going to be the other half of the picture I started last time. Still quite rough; even more rough than the last one. But yes, it is Gullac, being a shameless flirt. As usual. : P His hair is so hard! It’s going to be even harder to shade!
And then! Busy day tomorrow! If you happen to be near the Paul Davenport Theatre at around 8:00 tomorrow, you should go inside and listen to us and some other people make African music. It will be super cool.
Say hello to Ffweiiless… because he apparently want to say hello to you. : P
Sometimes you have to solve your own problems. In this case the problem seems to be a lack of shirtless boys, but IRL shirtless boys make me uncomfortable, so I’m not entirely sure what that means.
Shading, background, and other character (s?) to come later.
Fantastic choir rehearsal today! Everyone should come to the concert on Saturday because it’s going to knock your socks off.