Category Archives: Photoshop

Eros and Psyche: chapter 3, page 12

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Holy cats, say it ain’t so! A page of the half-dead Greek webcomic? And there’s another page in the schedule for Wednesday, so check back then!

Anyway, looks like Eros is in trouble. And I can say he deserves it for saying something so dumb…

Drawn on Livestream last night. Thanks to Ashes for watching! : D

I think the brush I used was too thick. I’ll fix that next time.

Lyrestan’s Halloween/Holland fanart

This is for the Wayrift Halloween challenge… it’s Lyrestan (Flaer’s younger brother, the ‘white prince’ type) dressed as Holland (who also happens to be a prince, who knew?) from the webcomic Strays which is a pretty amazing webcomic if I say so myself. It has shapeshifters! And intrigue! And a 12 year old bratty heroine who is actually really compelling! Although I thought she was a boy for like a month. And a wolf-guy who can’t talk, but is a brilliant fighter.

And Holland, who is hilariously giddy and makes the best faces.(I like to think he’s like Flairé except he’s short and also a swan-shapeshifter.)

This artist also draws the Puddlebunnies, which make Leslie melt into a puddlebunny herself… Example, example, example.

Accompanying Chibis

Click for full set! Everyone I’ve ever accompanied on at least a semi-regular basis (as far as I can remember – if I left you out, kick me and I’ll put you in asap). There’s 16 chibis up there; two of them are me (with different hair-cuts) so they don’t count. Some of these came out okay, but some really did not, and I am sorry for that. (If you’re really, really disgusted with how you came out, kick me for that, too. But not literally, plz.) Continue reading


Here is a shamefully-quick picture of Artemis, Tab’s OC from her big story. All I know is that she’s a girl descended from something like vampires and Erzabet Balthoroy or whatever her name is – that crazy lady – except different. And she’s from BC. And she moves to England. And then she finds out her mom is a vampire too. And then she meets a cute boy. And then she struggles with her unnatural vampiristic desires while playing Dragon Age. And that’s all I know because Tab never sent me the end of the story.

She started turning it into a webcomic (as yet unpublished) and it’s really good. Man can that girl art. Her people! Vehicles! Buildings!

But I am too tired from train-going to paint properly, so here is a disproportionate scribble. : (