Accompanying chibis, revised Oct 18, ’11
I added Sophie (SORRY SOPHIE) and fixed Joel and Jesse’s hair. Because Joel had the wrong haircut, and Jesse had the wrong hair colour. Hope it’s better now. (Click for full.)
Holy cats, say it ain’t so! A page of the half-dead Greek webcomic? And there’s another page in the schedule for Wednesday, so check back then!
Anyway, looks like Eros is in trouble. And I can say he deserves it for saying something so dumb…
Drawn on Livestream last night. Thanks to Ashes for watching! : D
I think the brush I used was too thick. I’ll fix that next time.
This is for the Wayrift Halloween challenge… it’s Lyrestan (Flaer’s younger brother, the ‘white prince’ type) dressed as Holland (who also happens to be a prince, who knew?) from the webcomic Strays which is a pretty amazing webcomic if I say so myself. It has shapeshifters! And intrigue! And a 12 year old bratty heroine who is actually really compelling! Although I thought she was a boy for like a month. And a wolf-guy who can’t talk, but is a brilliant fighter.
And Holland, who is hilariously giddy and makes the best faces.(I like to think he’s like Flairé except he’s short and also a swan-shapeshifter.)
This artist also draws the Puddlebunnies, which make Leslie melt into a puddlebunny herself… Example, example, example.
Commish from my mom, who wanted to know what she looked like in chibi form. So, Doctor Mom (really Pharmacist, whatever), Monkeymonsterbrainystudent, and Artistguy.
And that’s all I’m going to say about that.
Click for full set! Everyone I’ve ever accompanied on at least a semi-regular basis (as far as I can remember – if I left you out, kick me and I’ll put you in asap). There’s 16 chibis up there; two of them are me (with different hair-cuts) so they don’t count. Some of these came out okay, but some really did not, and I am sorry for that. (If you’re really, really disgusted with how you came out, kick me for that, too. But not literally, plz.) Continue reading
Here is a shamefully-quick picture of Artemis, Tab’s OC from her big story. All I know is that she’s a girl descended from something like vampires and Erzabet Balthoroy or whatever her name is – that crazy lady – except different. And she’s from BC. And she moves to England. And then she finds out her mom is a vampire too. And then she meets a cute boy. And then she struggles with her unnatural vampiristic desires while playing Dragon Age. And that’s all I know because Tab never sent me the end of the story.
She started turning it into a webcomic (as yet unpublished) and it’s really good. Man can that girl art. Her people! Vehicles! Buildings!
But I am too tired from train-going to paint properly, so here is a disproportionate scribble. : (
A better piece of fanart for LinT/Lintier this time! Al’bert du Fromage, our favourite pretty flirty clever annoying deep-down-good-hearted elf Comte/stableboy! Yeah?
Rune from the Dragon Knights manga. A practice drawing, really. Next time I’ll draw him with his fluffy-style hair.
Can never have too many bishies.
Drawn on Livestream.
Done! Aren’t they cute together?
I’m still Livestreaming! You’re welcome to come watch whatever I do next! : D
Here is a picture of Kirstril and Shlaes being sweethearts, because they are. XD No shading because it’s two in the morning here. Shading later!