Category Archives: Photoshop


Just looking at today’s (tomorrow’s? It’s still Thursday here on the West Coast…) page of Wayrift made me want to do some Zeb fanart, because goldarn is Zeb bad*** on it, even if he’s beating on his father. Because of his messed up, Zemus-enhanced daddy issues. : P

So. Zeb. And now that I’ve drawn him, I may find that I like him even more because I have a weakness for green-eyed long-black-haired tall guys. (*shoves Flairé affectionately*)

“Maybe the children of a lesser god…” painting

Oh my goodness, it’s done. First time painting a dragon, I think? Painting one in full anyway. I don’t do dragons very often. I’ll have to change that at some point… Vol. 4 of The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé is set in the Dragonland, after all! Anyway, pretty happy with this painting, but critiques are always welcome! I do know that the arms are not quite the same size, though.

Click for mega-massive full size image!

Now go listen to Kings and Queens by 30 Seconds to Mars, just one more time, to get the full tone of this image.


Swirly hair Ben! Maybe not the greatest thing I ever did but it satisfies my craving to draw Ben fanart. Sometime I will draw scary Ben with a spell going or something. I think I’m still happiest with Cecil so far, though. Oh, the magic of profiles which are easy!

I may as well post this here, because it’s cute:

From the Lunaii Dollmaker.


Huh. This site was broken about a hour ago and it’s already fixed. These guys are good.

Anyway, here’s some more Wayrift fanart, because I can. I was working on Ben, too, and I have a good Ben face, but I seem to have temporarily forgotten how to paint hair, so that = tomorrow.

Anyway, I started out with a pair of eyes, and then realized they were kind of Zazo-ish, so that’s why you get her instead of, I dunno, someone who’s actually appeared in the comic already. : P

Angry Flaer

Oh hei look it’s Flaer having an emotion! I am in the middle of this council scene, and someone just said “whyyyyy are we so worked up about this? It’s not that important, is it?” and Flaer just jumps up and is all like “guyyyyys someone killed someone!! If that’s not important I don’t know what is!! So siddown and shaddup!!” And the other guy is like “man, for a prince, you can make people listen” and then some other idiot is like “maybe he should be king instead of his dad!” and Flaer is all “shut up, man, my dad is the best.” …Yeah, this is what happens in my head before and/or after I actually put serious stuff into Word.

DS Cecil

New art? New art. Fanart of DS (Darkstar) Cecil Harvey from Wayrift! Aywren and Syntyche have been getting buckets of fanart recently, so I may as well add to the pile. I like DS Cecil and his fluffy hair.

Just threw this together. Will do more fanarts later. Tomorrow. And yus, I mixed hard and soft shading. Whatever.

“Children” WIP 2


Some progress. You’ll notice the clouds are completely different from last time. That’s right, I completely redid them again. I still have a few tweaks to make, but things are better. Also I added shiny to the armour. You can’t see it at this resolution but I’m happy with the horns on his helmet. Maybe tomorrow I’ll finish Tseo. Then for the hard part – Hoarwilk.

EDIT: Better, neh? More limbs attached.

Yay for movie soundtracks! I’ve been listening to both How to Train Your Dragon (on YouTube until the CD I ordered comes in) and Treasure Planet. Makes me want to watch them. Yes, I like Treasure Planet, shut up.

Now I’m going to go watch the Narnia movies. For real this time. EDIT: Spent so long on Tseo I didn’t. Argh. They’re due tomorrow and I have a recital to play in.

“Children” WIP


Here’s what I worked on today! It took me a long time to do clouds. First I tried doing it in Corel Painter, but for one thing I only have the Painter 4 and also my computer is slow so the whole process was not terribly successful. I ended up with a lovely impressionistic background, but… that’s not really good enough for clouds. I should learn to draw clouds on my own, because here I’m just using the Photoshop Cloud Brush that I found in the back of my Digital Art magazine.

I think it needs more yellow. It’s not warm enough yet.

Tomorrow I will finish Tseo’s basecolours and start shading; Hoarwilk I won’t start for a while. I want to check on drawing dragons. I notice that NeonDragon tends to draw her scaley-dragon noses all the same way and it’s not quite what I’m going for. Research time!

EDIT: Since even these clouds don’t look like what I have in my head, I’m scrapping them and starting AGAIN. : )


Whoa! New character again? Not quite. This is Akalion Tseo, whom we last saw for the first time in this picture. I had a very vivid dream this afternoon (while adjusting to the time change) and in it was a blondie named Tseo. I remembered that very well for some reason. In the dream he was a Fire Emblem character, but whatever. He’s a Dragonlander knight now. Continue reading