Category Archives: Photoshop

Chibi chibi





Tweaks coming tomorrow. And additions.

Can YOU name everyone here?

Line 1: Adhemlenei, Zela’s family: Zela, Flaer, Flairé, Flaria, Menad, Marteth, Bayn, Gullac, and Mathaning

Line 2: Adhemlenei, others: Gyoriing, Muila, Layalin, Kylyralessa, Lyrestan, Tam, Jalril

Line 3: Zelda OCs: Rana and Raelle

Line 4: FE OCs: Ceniro, Salir, Anne

Line 5: Other: Esgalwen (in green???), Angel, Shell, Keesh, Rinako, Konane


Words cannot describe how much I totally do not care.

“Words cannot describe how much I totally do not care.”

Okay I read Wayrift regularly, yeah? And the latest page is so unspeakably awesome I just felt like drawing Tsu (and it’s going to get better, I know – the awesomeness, not my lame fanart : D ). Actually I think the face is okay, but the rest of it doesn’t really match up. ^_^;;

So yeah. Tsu and his big scythe, and some random mist curling around him because I like that idea. I sort of based the outfit on what Marteth usually wears, because he seems kind of like Marteth. Also I am having trouble drawing tall slim people on the computer. I was doing some paper sketches D8 earlier today and it was actually very nice. I drew Rana and Math.

I only just realized the mist might give the impression he’s like Lucci, (sorry, Aywren!!!) but no. If I was drawing Lucci, you wouldn’t be able to see the background for the mist. And Lucci’s sword doesn’t glow.

Sardonic Marth

Oh yeah, Medeus? XD

Oh yeah, Medeus? XD

Well, rocking out while painting is not recommended, but when it’s to music like this… the above picture is the result. That’s the Shadow Dragon Medley from Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and it is AMAZING. I love the battle theme music in there (EDIT: I have been informed by YouTube that the specific theme is actually used for exposition cutscenes. Whatever. It’s too awesome for that). Marth is groovy! So I painted him that way. Bwahahaha.

Just a quick sketchie. Working on something much bigger (again) in yet another different style. Night, folks!

Guardian Angel




This is my guardian angel, also known as the personification of my conscience. He doesn’t always carry that big sword around, but he does use it for beating off demons – and sometimes for whacking me over the head when I do something stupid. But mostly he whaps me in the head or shoulder with his hand – or just crosses his arms and looks disapproving.

He’s also supportive when I need him, but that’s more Flairé’s job. Continue reading



Hey it’s another picture that will take me multiple days to finish! Initial comments?

I still have to finish the shirt etc… and now that I look at it his neck is kind of 2D. So I’ve got those covered. Anything else?



This painting has been in my head since… Sunday, July 17th, around 5:00 PM. This was during an Evensong sermon at CCC, in which the pastor spoke to us organists about how we were all wonderful people but not adventurous unless pushed, so she challenged us to ‘step out of the box and head into the wilderness’ like John the Baptist and Christ and anyone else you can think of who went into the wilderness. Now that day I was really having a bad day, so the idea of ‘wilderness’ terrified me and I nearly broke down in church… but I did get this picture in my head, and I decided I felt like painting it because it’s an interesting picture. Continue reading

Douce France

Is this really what I'd do if I were rich? ...Dunno. Check back later.

Is this really what I’d do if I were rich? …Dunno. Check back later.

So this just popped into my head – first the song, Douce France by Charles Trenet, which is an absolutely gorgeous song and you should listen to it, and then the picture. The picture is what I would do if I were rich and could afford a convertible and enough time to go on one of them old-fashioned ‘road trips’ – oh, and if I had the inclination to go on a road trip. : P Anyway, so I’d drag Leslie and Kevin and Organist along with me, and we would crank up Trenet to top volume and just cruise happily. And we’d all wear sunglasses ‘coz we’re cool like that. Actually I’ve never seen Kevin wear sunglasses. But I’m sure he has them. I’m not sure what’s happening in the back seat, but it looks like Kevin wants to see the map but Organist won’t let him.

Wil and Florina, colour


Okay. I’m just getting lazy with the pictures now. This one was pretty much entirely done by: outline! flat colour! burn (darken shadows)! dodge (lighten highlights)! Also Wil’s hand is absolute garbage. This is based off an ooooooooooooold picture so maybe that will be a sort of saving grace but I doubt it. Anyway! Um, background is yoinked off Fire Emblem Planet . net but it’s actually from the game itself, so, thank you, Nintendo and Intelligent Systems! : P I also shortened Wil’s giraffe-like neck, but failed to realize this gives him an extruded torso. He’s not actually very tall; just Florina’s really really small. Also when I drew Florina way back when I did I basically traced the official art so her pose may look familiar.

I like blueberries! We had lots today.

Ceniro, Santaruz, Sunset


First off – yes, I cheated on the grass. Srsly, my attempts were looking pretty sad. Also – yes, the mountains look kind of bare.


I like the smudgy tree things, and Ceniro himself didn’t turn out too badly.

It is based off this pencil sketch. I did the background all in the computer.

I’ve been putting up recordings on YouTube! Organ recordings! They’re not as good as the actual performance but that was because I kept falling off the organ bench! : P

Rana by Moonlight – greyscale

Like I said before, she's age 20 here.

Like I said before, she’s age 20 here.

Well, another Photoshop experiment. Not my most brilliant work, pretty sloppy, really, but it’s something new. Greyscale with a smudgy brush of this picture. Painted while listening to Love Over Gold by Dire Straits, which is after all Rana’s theme song.
You like? (I may use this technique again, hint hint.)