Category Archives: Photoshop

Recital Poster 2010



Well, it’s not the exact same as I had in my head (maybe I should have gone with the first sketch after all) but it is finished and hopefully it is recognizable in some small way.

I must run or else I will be late for Ling. Which would be terrible because Ling is so cool. D :

(Much later, after Ling and Lat and teaching) I want to draw a picture of a Nintendo-character orchestra performing Mozart’s Requiem. That would be fantastic.

Ahem. Abou the picture – well, I fixed the Op. number on the Beethoven and added a date so people know when to actually show up. : P I don’t think it really looks like me. Except that it does bear a frightening resemblance.

Mom says that it looks like me… except elf-y-er. (X-man says that it looks rather “Faerie tale”, which I suppose is the same thing) So… if all my elf drawings look vaguely like me, and I draw myself vaguely like my elves… well, firstly that means I have a lot of practice drawing my elves. But what else does it mean? (tries not to overthink this. … … …)

WIP with eyebrows

Any better?

Any better?

Okay, so this is the product of today’s messing around with a tablet and no real concern for sanity realism. I’m not sure what’s going on with the hair. The highlights are too stark. I will fix that tomorrow before I get it put into poster fashion and printed.

I was pleased to learn that when you extend the canvas in Photoshop, it somehow finds the stuff that was off the edge in Corel Painter. Isn’t that nice? Now I can finish my shoulders and the rest of the hair trailing over them, and the upper edge of something resembling clothing. It’s just a head/shoulders shot, don’t worry. I adjusted the lips. Do they look better? And duh, I added eyebrows. They were hard, surprisingly.

I think I also need to make the end of my nose more pink (I have a pink nose) and also more highlighted so you can see it’s there. : P Not sure what to do about the ear. It is, contrastingly, too dark, but that’s more like ‘just right’. But I do like being able to see myself with perfect skin for once. : P

In relation to the recital this is for, I still have those two pages of Dutilleux to memorize. But I worked on some other stuff today, and I think it will actually be really good this year. As opposed to last year. And any other time I’ve ever performed.

WIP with no eyebrows


Things to adjust: lips (too pressed together – actually reminds me of Laine but that’s just me) – shadows (more around eyes, I think) – hair (haven’t really started yet) – eyebrows (haven’t put them on because I’m forgetful)

I’m actually quite happy with the nose. Noses are hard for me. Good thing I traced this one.

Corel Painter Essentials 4

I Totally Dare You To Dance

I *totally* dare you to dance. Like, right now. DO ET! XD

I *totally* dare you to dance. Like, right now. DO ET! XD

Oooh, it’s a painting! Not Photoshop, but Corel Painter. I was messing around with it, trying to see if I could get it to work. I think I did. In a rudimentary fashion, anyway.

One new thing I tried was highlighting from two different light sources. Well, that’s rather fancy talk for what I really did. I just highlighted from a neutral light source, then applied the blue layer and added orange highlight on one side – for the fire – and white on the other – for the moon. It’s a little bit too subtle but too much looked really bad.

The attitude turned out pretty good, though.

I painted this while listening to The Kilforna Set from the Chieftains Album Water in the Well. Great tunes!

Christmas in colour 2009 (finished!)


And now, the finished picture! Ehhhhh… I actually used the tablet a lot less with the shading/highlighting. I used it a lot for the hair, of course, but the clothes… just didn’t work with that. I need to find a way to change the settings so the harder I press doesn’t affect the width of the stroke, but how dark/light it is.

Parts I’m pleased with: Marteth’s dark purple coat; Gullac’s teal shirt; Bayn’s grey jacket. Coincidentally, they’re the ones you can see least of. : P Tam’s jacket is a close second, though. His shoulders came out half-way decent. I’m also happy with all the hair and Flairé’s face, which was worrying me. Doesn’t he look like his parents? X D

I realize that the ink lines only get in the way now. I think I will experiment in the future with not having hard lines at all. With the tablet, I can do that now!

I’m collecting Candy-cane shards in Guild Wars so I can get the Candy-cane daggers (for Gullac, when I make him) and the Peppermint Scythe (because it’s cool). I already have a Candy-cane spear. I wonder if these weapons break if you use them too much? I don’t think so. But I’m a little nervous about actually using them in battle.

Gullac: I’m not! (sproings around like a frog, brandishing his daggers and laughing insanely)

Dude, I haven’t gotten them yet. Give me another hour.

Merry Christmas in Colour, part 1


(sings and dances) I wuv my tablet, I wuv my tablet…

I’m using this picture as a tutorial to teach myself how to use it, and to relearn Photoshop as the version that came with it is similar to the one we have downstairs (Photoshop 5) but of course it’s different. So I will be shading and highlighting and making shiny over the next week or so. When I’m not playing Wii Sports Resort (that is a pretty darn good game, if I do say so). The tablet is very handy in that I don’t have to switch brushes to do the the tiny corners – I just let up on the pressure. It’s great! And of course it feels like drawing which is very comfortable. It’s a pretty cool device.

I’m not sure how I ended up colour co-ordinated with Flairé’s princely outfit. I think it’s because it’s a generally accepted fact that I look decent in black and red, and his outfit just happens to be black and red. Hmmmm. Oh, I just noticed that part of it is not the right colour (silly me), so I’ll fix that tomorrow. Esgalwen, too, is usually in red, but she also likes blue and green. …Marteth looks like his eyes are crossed. I better fix that. And maybe I’d better recolour Jalril’s tunic so it doesn’t look like part of his skin.

Y’know, the more I look at this picture, the more I like it. Is that bad?

Fire Emblem Real Life colour

Nice humans! Yay!

Nice humans! Yay!

The colour version of this picture which got sent to people as a weird birthday party invitation. L looks awesome; lx says his boots look furry, (they’re not) and MG likes his sword. And Claire likes her pegasus, which really I just coloured in by erasing the sky. Hehheh.

I am ignorant. I realized that this morning. Oh dear. In other news, I am more confused as to the plot of Phantom of the Opera than I ever was before.

Monster colour

Ahhh! I can't stand this colour scheme!

Ahhh! I can’t stand this colour scheme!

This is another Photoshop colouring experiment that I did one day – can’t remember when. I started with the head and went from there. I soon found that the hands of the original were not very helpful… it was a struggle to get them to look half-decent and in the end I think I just redrew them. Tunic skirt looks pathetic, but the torso looks quite good. Too bad it’s obscured by the blubbery tentacle thing. Took me a while to figure out how to make it transparent in the way that I wanted it to be. Navi came out well. The background was a lazy cop-out, but hey, I didn’t use a reference in the first place so I just did something more interesting than blank walls.

Thomas, Me, and Darth Vader

Darth Vader can be scary

Darth Vader can be scary

An old picture I forgot to post. Ummmm… this is one of my violinist friends, a young fellow named Thomas… he likes skiing and cars as well. The set-up from this picture came from Star Wars: Battlefront II, in which one of the 501st troopers says in his diary that Lord Vader… used his Force powers… to find out where the missing Death Star plans were?? I don’t even remember what the wording was, but suffice to say it sounded pretty dubious. The Force doesn’t ‘locate’ inanimate objects. I’m pretty sure. So, in this totally hypothetical situation, I’m making fun of Darth Vader and Thomas, my audience, is rather distracted by my imminent demise. And yeah, I’m flapping my hands around my head like bunny ears or something. I don’t know. It’s my “I’m Darth Vader and I’m crazy!” moves. That makes no sense. But it makes me laugh. So it stays. I’m pretty happy with this picture cause Vader is recognisable! Thomas isn’t, but that’s my fault. It looks pretty good coloured, too, though I just did a quick job.

Zela Bladedancer in colour

Glitter, glitter, little sword

Glitter, glitter, little sword

And now Zela in colour. Original here. The colour really brings out the proportional deficiencies, I think, but I also think the cloth at her waist looks really good for some reason. I had some trouble with layers and the multiply function… that’s why there are some white lines and some dark lines, instead of it all being just smooth. I guess I like the shiny sword a lot, though the hilt ought to be more detailed… I guess there’s only so much you can cram into those pixels. Also the hair is okay.

There’s so much I want to do right now! Photoshop painting, Ceniro movie, write Fire Emblem 7… I re-read as much of my story as is on here last night and I felt… I have up to Chapter 10 or so written, so why not put it up? Because it needs work, that’s why. Well, I’m going to work on Photoshop, I think.