Category Archives: Photoshop

Elizabeth Cousland

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So here’s Liz Cousland from my DAO fics, post-dramatic haircut, with her lightning sword, supposedly leading a charge on Denerim. She didn’t have a Warden flag then, but the court painter insisted. Said it would be “dramatic” and “good for posterity”. ; ) Also, her theme song. : D Continue reading

Anima’s Seal OC Designs


Original characters from Anima’s Seal. You’ve already seen Renee and Rigel. I drew those two relatively close to this character design art, but the other two, Milton and Freya, I drew last night and just now. Well, Milton’s head and shoulders I drew with Renee and Rigel, but I didn’t finish the rest of him until today. (Click for larger image) Continue reading

Christmas Card 2015



…he just wants to know if there are treats in the box…


This year for my Christmas card I drew my cat, William, a.k.a. Cat. Fear my half-baked attempts at using the digital watercolour tool in Corel Painter 12. It was an illuminating experience.

Going to post the Christmas art I did for friends this year, so keep an eye out!