Category Archives: Middle Earth fanworks

Esgalwen – Singing to the Moon

Esgalwen – Singing to the Moon, by Aywren

Ngah, this is such a beautiful picture! You should click through to the original post on DA and read Wren’s description of her thoughts on drawing this. I love that she chose to draw Esgalwen in this way, singing at a moon festival in Mirkwood (I totally made up the festival and stuff, but it’s a reasonable invention, no?). I realize that I haven’t drawn a lot of Esgalwen, particularly in non-stressful situations, so this is a favourite picture of mine now. This was part of another art trade; I drew her Zemi.

I plan to use this (with permission : D ) as the ‘cover’ to the Esgalwen story. But first I must rewrite the story so it’s more gooder.

Esgalwen bio portrait

Hey! I coloured a portrait for a personal biography page! In this case, it’s the unassuming and shy Esgalwen, who lives in Mirkwood and dances and is married to a blonde.

I cheated. I selected the pencil with the magic wand tool (okay, I selected the not-pencil and clicked inverse) and then filled in with black, creating that funky outline. …It took me half an hour and looks decent. I’m satisfied. It remains to be seen whether I colour the other bios like that or not.

Doodles, year 2, part 1

Some doodles from second year notebooks.


Daneel Olivaw, Theory class, Oct 5, 2008. My favourite character from The Caves of Steel and sequels, by Isaac Asimov. He’s a robot! With genuine emotions, sorta! Continue reading

Esgalwen: Caribbean Blue

So all the world goes round and round/with all you ever knew...

So all the world goes round and round/with all you ever knew…

Esgalwen! Small, quite anime-faced, but very cute all the same. Slim, with long black hair, and a playful glance back, this is how her husband first saw her, dancing at one of those famous parties in Mirkwood once. Though I don’t think she looked quite this young. Anyway. No shoes! Oh yeah, and she’s dancing to the Enya song Carribean Blue which is very dancable. It’s in 3/4.

So I’m happy with this picture. Yay!

Yesterday one of the girls at work gave me four cinnamon buns (I asked for them) and she wrapped them all in different coloured paper. I guess she was as bored as I was. Still, I appreciate it!

Flairé + Esgalwen?

Run, kids, run!

Run, kids, run!

This picture would never happen in ‘real life’. Esgalwen lived in Taur-nu-Fuin, Flairé in the Adhemlenei, in Lilemlen. So there’s no way they would be running together, either for fun or on a mission – I can’t tell. And they both seem awfully young; Flairé looks like he’s barely forty years old, Esgalwen perhaps fifteen. Anyway, they both came out decently, and it’s an interesting concept. And perhaps it does now have some sort of basis in ‘reality’, because Esgalwen is travelling under the name ‘Illinia’ in my winter D&D session, which is a kalmaeirin name. So perhaps she did meet Flairé and he gave it to her. Mithlas, on the other hand, still goes by his Sindarin name. So obviously either he didn’t meet Flairé or else Esgalwen/Illinia doesn’t know his kalmaeirin name. Whatever. (Flairé tells me he never met Mithlas, but Esgalwen/Illinia didn’t know that when she met Flairé, and Flairé didn’t know he was supposed to be looking for a Mithlas before he met Esgalwen/Illinia.)

Mirkwood Families

Hano! Let's go! We'll see the girls later.

Hano! Let’s go! We’ll see the girls later.

Whoohoo! A picture of Middle Earth! Well, of people in Middle Earth. Right-y, in the back, we have King Thranduil of the Mirkwood Elves, and his un-named wife (see closeup here). At least I can’t remember her name and I’m really too exhausted to look it up right now. The next couple, further to the right, are Esgalwen’s parents… can’t remember if I gave them names, either, and I probably didn’t write them down. Probably I didn’t give them names, as she would call them father and mother. Right in front of them are the three sisters, with the youngest on the left, with a mischievous look on her cute face, and then the gentle eldest, and then Esgalwen the shy middle on the right. She hasn’t gotten her necklace yet, either. The eldest’s head is too big. Esgalwen actually looks pretty good in this picture.

mirkfamdetailIn front are Legolas and Hano. Hano is the elder brother of the girls, and an archer under Legolas, who is an archery captain. Doesn’t that make sense? Various details are off, like ears on everyone, Legolas’ right arm, etc. Still, I mostly like this picture.