Category Archives: Other fanart


Words cannot describe how much I totally do not care.

“Words cannot describe how much I totally do not care.”

Okay I read Wayrift regularly, yeah? And the latest page is so unspeakably awesome I just felt like drawing Tsu (and it’s going to get better, I know – the awesomeness, not my lame fanart : D ). Actually I think the face is okay, but the rest of it doesn’t really match up. ^_^;;

So yeah. Tsu and his big scythe, and some random mist curling around him because I like that idea. I sort of based the outfit on what Marteth usually wears, because he seems kind of like Marteth. Also I am having trouble drawing tall slim people on the computer. I was doing some paper sketches D8 earlier today and it was actually very nice. I drew Rana and Math.

I only just realized the mist might give the impression he’s like Lucci, (sorry, Aywren!!!) but no. If I was drawing Lucci, you wouldn’t be able to see the background for the mist. And Lucci’s sword doesn’t glow.

Aur scribble

Lion-man is stoic man

Lion-man is stoic man

I felt like posting something! The only thing I have left to do today is practice (and study Latin and play Guild Wars – Kessex Peak is still waiting!) so I decided to put SOMETHING UP. Especially since I’m bored and I’ve been listening to Kalmaeirin playlists on my iTunes for the last two hours while I wrote my Linguistics paper for this week.

Soooo… this is the first picture I drew with Corel Painter, with the pencil tool and my glorious tablet, and it is of Aur from Dreigiau. It’s not very good, so I didn’t send it to Aywren. I mean, it’s better than the last picture of Aur I drew. But still not really good enough. Though I think it’s decent enough to be posted. The scribble of Link I did a few weeks ago, though… X P That will not be posted. Ugh.

I think I gave Aur too much eyelashes.



... ... ... What?

… … … What?

Um. Aur, of Dreigiau/Shimmer/Darkstar/Wayrift fame (though for the last two he’s called Chase), as a SOLDIER from Final Fantasy VII. I know Aywren doesn’t particularly care for FFVII, as she’s one of those who thinks the last great FF game was VI. But my brother loves FFVII: Crisis Core, and wanted to play a game based on it. So I was the player, he was the gamemaster, and I randomly picked to play as Aur because I think Aur is cool and it meant I didn’t have to think up a brand new person and I didn’t have to play as one of my pre-existing characters, which would have made him groan in exasperation. And while we were playing I drew a picture. Continue reading

Death of an NPC



And there was sunshine, and no need for a lightswitch.

And there was sunshine, and no need for a lightswitch.

Star Wars KOTOR II! Rise of the Sith Lards. This occurs on Nar Shadaa, the ‘bounty hunter city planet’. You remember that guy who claims the Ebon Hawk was his before Davik stole it prior to KOTOR I? And he runs off to the ship when you give it to him all light-sided-ly? Then he gets killed by the slavers who claim that landing platform and you have to slaughter them all (though their boss is really hard). Then my character, Selyn Tekeri, agonizes over the fact that she ‘sent him to his death’, and Atton and Bao-Dur, my two main homeboys – I mean, party members, stand there, wanting to help but unable to really do much. Especially Atton, who loves her. (It was a tough call between Atton and Disciple… but it turns out that Disciple actually looks like an idiot in-game, as opposed to the screen-shots I saw before I played… whatever.) Continue reading

Artemis Delin

I'm not disabled; I'm giving a thumbs up!

I’m not disabled; I’m giving a thumbs up!

This odd young lady is named Artemis Delin (pronounced de Lin), and she is, I believe, a Star Wars character. I’d been watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars CG TV show, and Rex is awesome and I was a total fangirl. I still am a fangirl, but I’m not obsessing over his awesomeness anymore. So Artie is the OC I made for him. I believe she’s from Christophsis, that glass-planet city place. And ends up on Coruscant, evacuated from the battles. But not before her life is saved by CC-7567. : P And that’s basically all you need to know about that. Curvy girl, huh? Different from what I usually do. And her hair is supposed to be shiny, though I forget whether it’s supposed to be black or blue. And she’s supposed to be giving a thumbs up, but it didn’t turn out quite right.

I bought a lovely new charcoal grey UVic sweater today; this is my third-year sweater. I wonder what my fourth-year sweater will look like? I also have forest green (first year) and lavender (second year). Both have hoods, which this one does not. It does have an awesome collar, though.

Doodles, year 2, part 1

Some doodles from second year notebooks.


Daneel Olivaw, Theory class, Oct 5, 2008. My favourite character from The Caves of Steel and sequels, by Isaac Asimov. He’s a robot! With genuine emotions, sorta! Continue reading

Bob Christmas Fanart

Those potato peelers are HAWT. I mean, the potato peeler. Ahem. Yes.

Those potato peelers are HAWT. I mean, the potato peeler. Ahem. Yes.

Next up for the ’08 Christmas New Pen Fanart Spree was Bob, of True Magic. Lookin’ good there, Robert. : D I think I like his hair better like this instead of the thick, almost bushy mop that he has in the comic right now. But whatever. He’s still cute. (Joe is cuter at the moment, though… despite the trim.)

I tried doing the outside lines in a thicker pen. …It worked. I’d do it a bit differently now.

I’m in a TRIO. It has clarinet, horn, and piano, and so far we’re doing a wierd piece that was published using the composer’s manuscript (so, messy messy – but he does put accidentals in places that I approve) and it sounds jazzy which is kind of cool but WHAT THE HECK I’M IN A TRIO GUYS. It’s been too long since I did chamber music with multiple people.

LinT Christmas Fanart

Ambush! ...Wait, it's only Hope. Never mind!

Ambush! …Wait, it’s only Hope. Never mind!

This was the Christmas that my brother gave me inking pens!! I immediately tried them out by drawing Christmas presents for my favourite webcomics, starting with LinT. So Sangwine’s legs are a little short and the lines are rather sketchy. (I did use a pencil first, btw.) But that’s okay! I’m not sure what’s happening, but it’s supposed to be funny.

The Matrix Triumvirate

Somebody's got shiny hair.

Somebody’s got shiny hair.

I watched The Matrix for the first time just before this picture with my friend lx, and he said to me in the middle of it: “I like Neo’s coat. Get me Neo’s coat, Jen.”

So I did. Except it was in a picture. And chibified. Eee, chibified lx is cute. Also included are N as Morpheus, since he’s ‘older’ than us, and I’m Trin because I’m a girl. Also I like her shiny shiny leather vinyl spandex? clothing stuff. The Triumvirate part comes from an idea of lx’s, that we three should be a composing triumvirate, especially after the part where Christopher said he prays nightly that we should become composers.

I might yet become a composer. Just not full time, and not at UVic. So that dream should not be wholly abandoned. : P

That’s a rifle I’m holding demurely behind my back.