Category Archives: Other fanart

Thomas, Me, and Darth Vader

Darth Vader can be scary

Darth Vader can be scary

An old picture I forgot to post. Ummmm… this is one of my violinist friends, a young fellow named Thomas… he likes skiing and cars as well. The set-up from this picture came from Star Wars: Battlefront II, in which one of the 501st troopers says in his diary that Lord Vader… used his Force powers… to find out where the missing Death Star plans were?? I don’t even remember what the wording was, but suffice to say it sounded pretty dubious. The Force doesn’t ‘locate’ inanimate objects. I’m pretty sure. So, in this totally hypothetical situation, I’m making fun of Darth Vader and Thomas, my audience, is rather distracted by my imminent demise. And yeah, I’m flapping my hands around my head like bunny ears or something. I don’t know. It’s my “I’m Darth Vader and I’m crazy!” moves. That makes no sense. But it makes me laugh. So it stays. I’m pretty happy with this picture cause Vader is recognisable! Thomas isn’t, but that’s my fault. It looks pretty good coloured, too, though I just did a quick job.



But mooooooooom...

But mooooooooom…

This is some fanart drawn for Aja and True Magic; it’s of the youthful, intelligent, and (if circumstances would allow it better) kind zomie Ted, in a random situation I just thought up. I’m very proud of this one, because it has an extensive background and shading. And a sort of a joke. I forget what Aja’s counterjoke was, but I’ll remember it sometime.

The Prime of Ambition

He'd *have* to be 'Mr. Serene' to put up with the chibis...

He’d *have* to be ‘Mr. Serene’ to put up with the chibis…

This is my 2008 entry for the Prime of Ambition fanart contest. It’s of Jerome! I like Jerome. The guys in the back are all chibi versions of the other four characters. Than is greeting his hawk, Audriel is yelling at a stoic Eloise, and Kevin is looking at a butterfly. Not because I think he’s flighty; just because I couldn’t think of anything else for him to do.


"Foxhunt, eh? Let's give 'em a run for their money."

“Foxhunt, eh? Let’s give ’em a run for their money.”

Oh dear. Oh dear dear dear dear. Um, we had rented the ‘new’ Star Fox game for Gamecube, and my brother got to the very last level. It was pretty cool. Multiplayer was a bit frustrating when I clearly shot but nothing came out of my gun and then I was KO’d, but it was a good game – good graphics, good music, good voices, better plot than, say, Star Fox 64 (although yes, I know, the point of the game is to fly well, not have a good plot. But SF64 is so hilariously inane!) and fun combat.

So all this rambling doesn’t really tell you how I was inspired to draw Fox McLeod and Krystal back to back with their laser-gun thingies surrounded by the very startled members of a British fox hunt.

…I don’t remember either. So you don’t get to find out. The only thing that turned out half-decent was Fox’s right leg (his right leg. The one on the left). And I used references! Oh well. Maybe I need more practice.

I BEAT KOTOR II! I agree with certain people who I have never met – the ending is lame. What happens to Remote and G0-T0? Did they pick up Exile (Selyn, I called her – Selyn Tekeri)? How did Mira and the droids get there? What happened to the rest of the crew? Who was flying the Ebon Hawk? Shouldn’t all the characters get mini-quests on the final level and then stand together against some great menace? – not Traya; she’s a one-on-one with the hero/ine and I have no arguments there. Am I thinking too dramatically? Will I go download that patch? …Hmm. On visiting the site, that seems like a really good idea. Not today, though. Or tomorrow. Next project is… finishing Lara Croft. Then my model X-wing.

Man of 3 words at a time

Four words sometimes.

Four words sometimes.

Fanart? Never actually sent, but it’s of the taciturn elf ninja in a webcomic which went on haitus and then I forgot what it was named, although it was entertaining to read. Not terribly successful art, so I guess it doesn’t matter. I was going to send just the figure, but then I never did. Pickles.

If anyone knows the name of the comic that looks like it’s been done by an Order of the Stick style artist and has an elf who only says three words at a time, pokes fun at Final Fantasy and ‘ancient artifacts of power’, and has a maid who is a princess who is a maid, let me know, ‘kay?
EDIT: Aja reminded me (thanks!) that this webcomic is called Legendary. It’s pretty cool. But still on haitus. And sadly I can’t seem to get through to the archives. 😛

Klo Tark

Enigmatic, he waits patiently, practicing his meditation, which is on... delivering the next lame pun.

Enigmatic, he waits patiently, practicing his meditation, which is on… delivering the next lame pun.

This is a blue-skinned, white-haired, yellow-eyed elf-like alien being from the webcomic Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire, which is definitely not for under-13s. A lot of naughty stuff in it, and some really bad puns… but I like Klo Tark.

Mahad, Dahlia, and Janaff

Mahad: (air guitar) Dahlia: He is so clownish...

Mahad: (air guitar) Dahlia: He is so clownish…

Mahad? Dahlia? Janaff? What? Um, I guess I was thinking of Skyland again, and this is what came out! I like the chibi-Mahad. He seems like an electric-guitar guy. I have no idea what Janaff is doing there. Come to think of it, I have no idea what Janaff is doing! Someone want to tell me?