Category Archives: Other fanart

Mahad and Dahlia slide down a sand-dune

"You - you idiot!" "I didn't know it was slippery!"

“You – you idiot!” “I didn’t know it was slippery!”

There is a rather nice kids’ show on CBC called Skyland. It’s done with incredible 3D CG graphics, using motion capture techniques (if only the acting matched the image). The hero, Mahad, is a clown, a heroic clown. Isn’t that typical? Yet he is cool. Just don’t tell him that. Dahlia, on the other hand, is responsible. She tells him off like an irritable big sister. Yet anyone can see they’re clearly supposed to be love interests.

So this was just a drawing of some random adventure they had, possibly the prelude to some actual love interest stuff – e.g., Mahad not spitting out stupid lines every minute and maybe some actual kissing…

And the picture itself is SUPER TERRIBLE. They’re not dressed like that, and Mahad’s hair is terrible. Not to mention he’s too small. Urgh.

Sangwine and Bactine Dance

Swirly? Swishy? Pretty?

Swirly? Swishy? Pretty?

LinT! And now for the actual fanart the last two pictures were leading up to! I am really pleased with this, even though I tried drawing eyes at least twice and each time it spoiled it, so I left them out which is something I’ve done before, or since then, or something. I think they still look good. And it’s shaded! Decently! And they might be somewhat in proportion! Oh, yes, I am not ashamed of submitting this to the fanart contest – even though everyone else did much more fantastic art. Aja won, and Andrael placed as well, but I can’t remember which place. Colby hasn’t put up the fanart on her new site yet; she’s still dealing with the archives. Which, of course, are much more important! Whee!


Rahr, Sangwine!

Rahr, Sangwine!

LinT! Bactine was waaaay harder to draw than Sangwine. I chose to draw my favourite picture of here, on page 61, last panel. My favourite picture of Sangwine is on page 69, panel 5; at least, that used to be my favourite panel. He’s evolved into something even more handsome – well, he’s an elf! What do you expect? But back to Bactine: She’s hard to draw.




Colby was having a fanart contest to celebrate LinT getting to 200 pages! I wanted to draw something, since I love LinT so much anyway, but first I needed to know ‘how to draw’ Sangwine etc. So here he is, and I don’t think this is from a particular picture, but Sangwine is rather easy to draw from scratch. I did refer to the comic, though. He’s got thick eyebrows! And pretty hair!


Albinos have all the power

Albinos have all the power

This is Bran from The Dark is Rising series. He’s an albino with golden eyes. He wears sunglasses so as not to freak people. He teaches Will Staunton to pronounce Welsh, which I think is pretty cool. And this picture still doesn’t look like him much at all. My portraiture is still primitive.




I imagined something different for Evylyin’s hair, but it didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to, both times.. Hey, why are the girls in Dragon Booster all ‘toothpick’ girls? Everyone seems bizarrely angular and thin. And please, really, why do the ‘dragons’ look like dinosaurs? I’ve said this before, I know… it just bugs me every time.

Evylyin Rouz and Dymunde

Farm-girl in the big city

Farm-girl in the big city

At about this time, Kevin discovered a rather nifty little TV series called Dragon Booster. The premise is that there are dragons and humans, and now-a-days, the humans control the dragons, and they’re all different colours (the dragons) and they used to be gold, and now they’re not except for one.

The hero’s dragon is gold, and that’s why he’s the hero. Now he has to learn how to be a hero instead of a teenager. Tall order, I’d say. And he has to stop the ‘dragon/human war’ that his father’s childhood rival is trying to start, and dodge his own rival in the bargain (who happens to be the son of his father’s rival…).

So this is my dragon rider, Evylyin Rouz, and the spelling is wonky because everyone has nutty names in that world. Well, since when is Mordred spelled Moordrydd? Oh, wait, I think I talked about this before. Just a little bit. Anyhow, Evylyin and Dymunde were coloured with markers. Not Crayola, but I forget what they’re called. She’s from a small town called Grenoble, and they’re a bit odd there compared to the Dragon City hot-shots. For instance, each dragon can only work in the field it is most suited for. Like white dragons work at the ski hill. And red work at forges. And blues fish.

Ice Spirit

So cool he's hot or something like that

So cool he’s hot or something like that

That up there is someone who doesn’t normally look that way: it’s Kopaka from Bionicle (a Lego franchise). Basically, he’s a powerful warrior and guardian of the Bionicle people who live up the mountain, and he uses ice as a weapon. He’s pretty cool, the coolest character in Bionicle. If Bionicle can be considered cool. It’s not fabulous, and they’re getting weirder than ever. Their first movie (we saw the first and the second) was okay, but corny and kinda stupid. I just like Kopaka. He was also the first guy to show up in the comic that came with the magazine that we got for a few years, and he had some good lines. I also like the others a bit, Lewa best of the others, I guess.

LSF Commander Jun’ko Zane

Which of you boys wants a frying next?

Which of you boys wants a frying next?

This is from my brother’s game called Freelancer, about a futuristic society in which some group flees from some giant war in the solar system, and then find a new galaxy and colonize it. There are representatives of five groups: US, Japan, Britain, Spain, and Germany. Now they’re called Liberty, Kusari, Bretonnia, Hispania, and Rheinland, respectively. Those were also, incidentally, the names of the colony ships that brought them there. So some random hotshot young Bretonnian pilot named Edison Trent (“just call me Trent”) is on a space station in Liberty Space when it is randomly attacked and blown up, well, seemingly randomly anyway.

Then he’s on the Liberty capital planet, and bumps into this young beauty. She’s from Kusari, but doesn’t sound like it, and anyway LSF stands for Liberty Security Force, so she’s now a Liberty citizen. She’s the second main character. She and Eddie (I call him Eddie, I’m so bad ^_^7) make a good couple. But there’s nothing in the game about a relationship… it’s purely a ‘boys blow stuff up’ game. Mixed up with sinister aliens trying to retake over the universe. That part reminds me of Independence Day (which I hated and was way too freaked out to watch, and it was playing on the bus taking St. John Ambulancers back from a first aid competition. Ugh.).

She’s also called Juni for short.

Heroes All (almost) II

Another large gathering of cool characters

Another large gathering of cool characters

Another version of Heroes All! With Lyn, too, because she’s so cool. The strange people here are (L-R) Mengil, who was an evil Warhammer Dark Elf who was rather handsome in the White Dwarf article about him. So now he’s a good guy because I say so. Then there’s Legolas, then Kusko, the skinny dude, and Kurama sitting on the ground, explaining botany to Jim from Treasure Planet and his rocket-powered skateboard, and then Sain is sitting on a stump, chatting with the two Hylians: Raven and Link III, and Sain’s taken off his hip-plates. And Lyn is posing because she’s good with a sword.