A quick picture made from a screenshot to go with the post-Hoth interlude of My Cruel Valentine. Quinn was originally going to be holding a stylus, but without his other hand visible holding a datapad, it just looked like he was holding a sharp pointy thing which kind of ruined the mood. So, nah. Used references (pasted other screenshots and drew over them) for both Quinn and Akuliina. Realized too late she should probably be wearing her grey dress instead of her red battle armour, but meh. All you can see is her pants anyway. But she’s not wearing make-up because she just had a shower. Continue reading
Category Archives: Star Wars
Selyn Tekeri: Exile
Selyn in her blue Zeison Sha armour. I probably didn’t keep it all through the actual game (it’s been a while since I played, I don’t remember) but I do know it’s my favourite armour, and goes with the theme of being a Jedi without being a Jedi – wearing actual armour instead of monkish robes, wearing the armour of an anti-Jedi people, but still being completely devoted to helping and serving the people of the galaxy. That you don’t have to follow the traditional rules to be a good person, and maybe you can even be a better person for not following the rules (since those rules may not make sense and in fact harm more than they help, though they are based on good intentions), as long as you’re responsible about what you’re doing and think about why you’re really doing what you’re doing.
Another sumi-e experiment. Still not really sure what I’m doing. Will keep practicing. There’s a very specific project I want to use this style for.
Selyn Tekeri: General of Malachor
Decided I needed to paint something. Painted Selyn as in the past; worked up an armour design that looks reasonable for that of a Jedi serving in the Old Republic’s Armed Forces. Also tried something TOTALLY new and WAY outside my comfort zone: the sumi-e brushes in Corel Painter 12. Sumi-e is so incredibly gestural that it’s the complete antithesis of my normal ultra-controlled style. I think I’m starting to understand them; I’m not supposed to draw a whole picture using one brush, but combine them to achieve the effect of using different real-life brushes, strokes, and techniques. This might seem obvious, but it wasn’t obvious to me a couple hours ago. I don’t think it turned out too bad for my first attempt! Selyn the Exile coming later.
Death of an NPC
Star Wars KOTOR II! Rise of the Sith Lards. This occurs on Nar Shadaa, the ‘bounty hunter city planet’. You remember that guy who claims the Ebon Hawk was his before Davik stole it prior to KOTOR I? And he runs off to the ship when you give it to him all light-sided-ly? Then he gets killed by the slavers who claim that landing platform and you have to slaughter them all (though their boss is really hard). Then my character, Selyn Tekeri, agonizes over the fact that she ‘sent him to his death’, and Atton and Bao-Dur, my two main homeboys – I mean, party members, stand there, wanting to help but unable to really do much. Especially Atton, who loves her. (It was a tough call between Atton and Disciple… but it turns out that Disciple actually looks like an idiot in-game, as opposed to the screen-shots I saw before I played… whatever.) Continue reading
Artemis Delin
This odd young lady is named Artemis Delin (pronounced de Lin), and she is, I believe, a Star Wars character. I’d been watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars CG TV show, and Rex is awesome and I was a total fangirl. I still am a fangirl, but I’m not obsessing over his awesomeness anymore. So Artie is the OC I made for him. I believe she’s from Christophsis, that glass-planet city place. And ends up on Coruscant, evacuated from the battles. But not before her life is saved by CC-7567. : P And that’s basically all you need to know about that. Curvy girl, huh? Different from what I usually do. And her hair is supposed to be shiny, though I forget whether it’s supposed to be black or blue. And she’s supposed to be giving a thumbs up, but it didn’t turn out quite right.
I bought a lovely new charcoal grey UVic sweater today; this is my third-year sweater. I wonder what my fourth-year sweater will look like? I also have forest green (first year) and lavender (second year). Both have hoods, which this one does not. It does have an awesome collar, though.