Category Archives: The Adhemlenei

The fictional world in my head.

Stars and Midnight Blue II

"You have lost yourself in dreaming... I have lost myself in you... ...I can hear your heartbeat..."

“You have lost yourself in dreaming… I have lost myself in you… …I can hear your heartbeat…”

I was listening to Stars and Midnight Blue by Enya on her Christmas CD again… seems everytime I listen to it I get the urge to draw a new picture. So here you are, Flaer and Zela watching the stars and their breath in the cold air… and Zela’s wearing a sleeveless dress. : P What kin ya do.

I like drawing these two. I should do it more.

Technical Difficulties

Oops! Due to strange circumstances, there is no page this week. However, Eros and Psyche will be continuing as normal because I have a buffer and blah blah blah.

Flairé was not (badly) harmed in the making of this page. Panel. Thing. …He’ll recover. Eventually. And Math and Gullac are taking care of him.


Inseparable Trio

Why are the guys in back so short.

Why are the guys in back so short.

Owwwwwww… I now know beyond a doubt that girls have pectorals. In case you were unsure about that. Because mine hurt.

Anyway, this is the picture I promised you on Tuesday, featuring our intrepid trio of kalmei. Flairé, of course, is the leader, the captain of the regiment and Jalril’s mentor and trainer. Lam’ro, who doesn’t look nearly as good in this picture, is the second in command, the quiet reliable one who advises but can’t implement. Jalril, who here has an awfully big head and an awfully short torso (HE’S LEANING OVER OKAY – I’m just really bad at drawing it) is the apprentice, the shy young enthusiastic try-hard-er. They, in Book 3 or something, really are an inseparable trio who work very closely together and look out for each other all the time. And sometimes win battles and stuff too.

My shoulders and other various parts of my body hurt because karate started on Tuesday with a big push-up/sit-up warm-up, and I am hilariously bad at those things. So bad my partner (we were in pairs) had to help pull me up with a karate belt. I know, I know, hysterical. But this will help me get better. Also I went running with L this morning, and discovered the magical fact that if I don’t talk, I don’t get out of breath so much! Also she makes a mean bacon-and-eggs.

Man, the way I ache, I better have some very pretty biceps/abs once I’m done this year.


Expression does not match dress sense

Expression does not match dress sense

Hey, hey, this is a guy I made up this summer. Like around the time that I went to Ontario to hang out with the grandparents etc. Anyway, his name means “darkgreenleaf” and he has been on the Characters page for a bit, unobtrusively sneaking in at the bottom. He’s from the Nunathoemlen, the unicorn land of the north, and he is married to a nice lady and is friends with a unicorn. He probably has a few kids too, but he hasn’t told me about them. He’s Flairé’s second in command after the war gets going, because Flairé is kind of loopy and needs someone to ground him. Even when Flairé matures or is being super serious, Lam’ro won’t be wasted because it’s good to have a few more quiet, level-headed characters around, and it’s nice to know yet another guy from the unicornland, especially a ‘normal’ one, because Tam is definitely not normal, and Marotheth is a jerk. Yeah?

…I can feel my characters getting out of control. No one except me is going to be able to keep track of them all! : P Continue reading

The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: We’re Not Really Sure.

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Even more sloppy colouring than last week, but Michael’s hair is at least the right colour now. (headdesk) That was embarrassing. Not that anyone noticed. <_<  >_>

Yeah, I don’t know. There’s no plausible explanation for these scenarios. They’re just fun. *coughcoughAWIZARDDIDITcoughcough* : D

OMIGOSH Flairé’s head shrunk! Also he’s not as hot as last week. Oh well. Enjoy it while you can, coz the shirt goes back on next week! (pats shoulderblades)

Flairé: (*jumps*)

Sorry, buddy. Couldn’t resist. XD

Adhemlenei Header 2

Hi! Would you like to see a big version of the new header? Of course you would. XD Click for big version!

So why these people? Why not more actual Adhemlenei characters? Well, (*pompous tone of voice*) here at Adhemlenei, we encourage diversity. So, the fact that only one character on this header comes from the Adhemlenei makes no difference. My head is full of lots of stuff!

But yeah, there’s Flairé, because he is awesome and my favourite, and then there’s Ceniro, and Rana, and Esgalwen, and my guardian angel… I’m not sure why he showed up.

Flairé: Because you think he’s hot.

Ooookay, besides that. I mean, I can draw him any time I want, but why now?

So that’s representing the kalmaei, Fire Emblem, Zelda, and Middle Earth. And me. Twice. : P

In case you didn’t see them yet, you should scroll down and check out the latest two pages of Eros and Psyche, and then go to the next page and look at Aur, because I drew an Aur that looks like Aur. (He’s from the Wayrift webcomic, which made of win.)

Old Website Header/Background

Hi! These are the old header and background for By the time you see this, it should look quite different. Unless you were sneaking around early. <_<  >_> But I’m rather happy with how these turned out, so you can enjoy them too!

I thought I’d posted these before, but I guess I didn’t… Or the old header from aviart/elfinesse.html. Oh well. It’s not like it matters, anyway.

The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: What Are You Doing In My Room?


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Heehee, and we’re off! Enjoy the fanservice (such as it is) while it lasts because it might be a few months before you get any more. ; )  This page did not take as long as I feared it would. But I did a hack job on the colouring. Whatever.

Yes, Flairé does realize he’s asking a rather difficult thing of Michael, not to pop up when either of them would be scared witless.

But Flairé still has some of his wits. Oh, he’s never completely witless. XD

He was pretty mad when he found out I was actually going to draw this part. He was all like “srsly? nuu!” and I was like “well, that’s how you told it!” and he was like “but I told you it because it was funny for you, not so it could be funny for the internetz!” and I was like “too bad, hon!” and he was like “aww.” And then we were friends again. : D

…He doesn’t like being seen with no shirt. At all. Even though imo he is hot. He’s just… very very modest.

Also, I’m really sorry to Michael for drawing him with elastic arms. (sigh) I think I’ll fix that. EDIT: fixed. 😕 Sort of.

Add handshakes to the list of things I can’t draw.

The Edge of Silverlake


Whoa, hey, new characters! Or at least ones I’ve never drawn before in all the Adhemlenei! And in pencil! Bet you didn’t miss that medium, did you! This is Kirstril, the future King of the Dragonlanders, and his wife Shlaes, and his best buddy who is so far nameless but who will be the first future Dragon Knight. Pretty cool, huh? And they’ve gone out wandering alone away from their camp, and so they are the first three to reach the edge of the frozen Silverlake. And it’s winter. Silly kalmaei.

I drew this yesterday and Kirstril is such a cutie I want to keep drawing him. He has blue eyes and wispy, dark brown hair. His wife is deceptively dark-haired in this picture; she has white hair like clouds. I really should find out definitively what Flar looks like. Because I don’t actually know.

I have been working on a timeline for the Adhemlenei. I already subtly adjusted a few birthdates in the bios; if you can’t tell, I’m not telling you which. I still don’t have a decent motivation for the plot, but I have already had the idea that I should tell the beginning of the story from Flar’s POV, and then Flaer’s, and then finally Flairé’s. Three generations’ look at Zela and the world around them. (Because Zela is stupidly hard to write for. Still. After a whole decade of living together. : P  That stubborn woman.) We’ll see how that goes for this year’s NaNoWriMo. Looking at things from Flar and Flaer’s POV will really let me show how they are great leaders, because they haven’t really acted like it yet. Or how they are not such good leaders as everyone thinks and it’s only habit that puts them in charge, even though they really are the best available for the job. : P Whatever.

The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé

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Whee! New project #2! Click for large version!

I’m going with a cell-shaded look because I think once I get the hang of it, it will be faster than the painterly look, like what I used in the angel picture or the Ceniro at Sunset picture. Although it was a pain colouring that mountain, I’ll tell you that. I have no idea what I’m doing and for the random wolf I used no reference.

Oh yeah, so the people on the left… I should just tell you they are not to scale with the people to the right. Organist is only as tall as I am, so it’s natural that Flairé should tower over him, but the girl with the blonde/purple hair should be at least 6’6″ and she doesn’t look that. But they are not to scale because they are not as important. : )

Is the pink arrow okay? I thought it added some much needed incongruity to the scene. Also Flairé probably should be holding a pink marker but I thought that would be over the top.

Organist may not look an awful lot like Organist yet, but I have… 71 pages to try and get that right THIS EPISODE. Then there’s the next episode.

The Totally Not-Canon Adventures will update every Sunday as long as I have pages! Probably late Sunday night… try Monday mornings if you’re lazy and want to be safe.

And check back tomorrow for something nearly as cool, imo.