Category Archives: The Adhemlenei

The fictional world in my head.

Chibi chibi





Tweaks coming tomorrow. And additions.

Can YOU name everyone here?

Line 1: Adhemlenei, Zela’s family: Zela, Flaer, Flairé, Flaria, Menad, Marteth, Bayn, Gullac, and Mathaning

Line 2: Adhemlenei, others: Gyoriing, Muila, Layalin, Kylyralessa, Lyrestan, Tam, Jalril

Line 3: Zelda OCs: Rana and Raelle

Line 4: FE OCs: Ceniro, Salir, Anne

Line 5: Other: Esgalwen (in green???), Angel, Shell, Keesh, Rinako, Konane

Mini Sketches

Brightly coloured faces!

Brightly coloured faces!

And then there's Joe.

And then there’s Joe.

Hi! This is a small, brightly coloured, neatly arranged sample of sketches that I accomplished at school or related to school, as these are on mini-flashcards. The blue and green ones are on Latin flashcards; the pink ones are when I decided to devote a whole pack of these to drawing – they come on a handy ring, even. Continue reading

Gyoriing and Layalin



This is Sir Gyoriing and Princess Layalin, who are madly in love with each other. Whenever I draw these two, something doesn’t go right.

“But Jen”, I hear you say, “this is obviously only your second time at drawing them together, and the mistakes made are so obvious you will easily refrain from them in a third attempt.”

Well yes, I reply, but what mistakes shall I make then? But the way to better drawing is through practice, which I have not got. Anyway, I am happy with the hair and the clothes, even if the faces and proportions are shot.

La Plus Jolie Maitresse

Wheeeeee! (that's not in the song)

Wheeeeee! (that’s not in the song)

This is Gullac (obviously), singing, while hanging from the bowsprit of an elven ship. Not so happy with it, but it gets the gist across. This picture was inspired by the song La Plus Jolie Maitresse by Norouet, and I have no idea what the words mean in the rest of the song besides the title, but it’s really pretty.

Grave Tournament

Silence pervades the edge of the tournament ground where our protagonists are.

Silence pervades the edge of the tournament ground where our protagonists are.

Finally! A picture I’m REALLY REALLY happy with! In the foreground, on the left, is Prince Flaer, looking grim, with his helmet and shield at his feet and standing on the roots of a much better than usual tree. See, this kind of success is what keeps me from drawing things with a reference, because sometimes I do things that I’m happy with and then I feel I don’t need to look it up. : P

On the right in the foreground is Sir Gyoriing, Flaer’s bff and right-hand man, and commander of the Moonland knights. He’s actually much taller than anyone else in this picture, so I made him squat so as not to tower. That weird rectangular thing is his shield. He has a massive shield. He is also a walking armoury.

In the background, short Princess Layalin is following Lady Zela around for lack of anything better to do, and also for comfort, because she is not Gyoriing’s girlfriend yet so she can’t turn to him.

In the story, two people just killed each other intentionally, so now everyone is shocked and sad because ‘what is this? We have never heard of murder! Blah.’

My new dream is to own a floor-length black velvet gown.

Zela dance

Trying to be swirly, and has too much hair.

Trying to be swirly, and has too much hair.

So I gave up on yesterday’s picture and drew Zela instead. In her long dress. I’m not sure if I’m okay with it or if I hate it. It’s not very good, but then I look at it in a different way and think it’s okay. Whatever. I should do some colour art some of these days.

“You really are an idiot.”

Someone is too excited. Is he teasing?

Someone is too excited. Is he teasing?

“You really are an idiot.” – Menad

I tried drawing Flairé being excited and cutesy, I forget why, but he didn’t turn out because I was lazy. So I drew pretty-boy Menad, his next youngest brother, behind him. Menad is traditionally grumpy and dignified, though he started out as a serious, bright-eyed child. So now he’s physically gorgeous and also spoiled and disapproves of his brother. …I’m wondering how much of this is true. I’m thinking I should change him up a bit for greater character development.

One thing I will say, though, is that he and Marteth absolutely loathe each other.

P.S. This is the 100th tagged post of Flairé. Rather underwhelming, no?

Cloud Dance

I so rule, guys.

I so rule, guys.

Eeek! Sorry, guys. I know there are pictures to put up and guess what happened instead.

I bought Sims 3 and SSBBrawl on Friday. Now I am broke and highly entertained.

Anyway, this picture is of Gullac, which is pretty clear, a quick scribbly sketch of him dancing on a cliff beside a tree in boots and a wrinkly loose tunic. I think maybe his hips are a little too girly here. But, you know. It’s Gullac. He’s one of those kalmaei who loooves confusing people.

The Super Smash Bros. Brawl game is really fabulous. My brother and I got really really excited yesterday when we were playing Story Mode and our favourite characters started showing up gradually. We are 15% of the way through and we played for two hours. Yum! …Marth is delicious. Deliciously awesome, that is. (omigosh, he’s even faster than before, and hits harder, too! and he has at least one new move! and he still speaks in Japanese! and the cutscene with Meta Knight is super fantastic!)

The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: Waking Up


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Leslie: Was it a dream? I could have sworn I fell asleep in the practice room… Look, there’s my backpack and my music books, and my keys…

She goes to look out the window of her dorm, and then turns away to her computer (Faceborg!! j/k). But a mysterious smile still hangs in the reflections in the window…

THE LASTEST PAGE!! I’m actually feeling a little bit sad that I don’t have to do it anymore. The weekly scramble to draw and colour pages on Sunday… continuing a story I don’t even know if anyone reads or cares about or finds interesting… but that’s okay! A new story MIGHT start in September! Anyway, I’ve been told by other artists this is completely normal. And in fact I’m not that sad. It’s nice to finish something! I have a lot of things I want to finish!

The next thing I am planning to finish is Ephraim’s Story. So perhaps you will see some chapters of that going up. I have to be careful because I have Provincials to practice for. And after that organ to practice like crazy.

Also I have completely fallen in love (again) with Eric Beaudry’s voice. I’d marry that voice. srsly.