Category Archives: The Adhemlenei

The fictional world in my head.

The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: Angry Face!



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(totally hardcore battle-noises as Flairé fights off the assassin group)

Leslie: (appears out of door behind Jen) Flairé!

Jen: Yay!

Flairé: ‘Lo, girls.

Jen: Flairé! –

Leslie: (YOINK)

Black-haired assassin: (holding Leslie at knife-point) Stop! Surrender!

Everyone: …

Leslie: … >: (

Page is sketched. I invite you to compare it to the original stick figures in the last two panels. ttncaofleslieangryface

I think I like the original stickies better. The Leslie angryface >: ( anyway.

The guy holding Leslie is totally based off of Edgeworth. Except with black hair.

Colour will be up later but for now I have to practice while my chocolate rush is still on. Mmm… I love chocolate.

SO I GOT A SILVER MARKER and it’s pretty cool but I think I overused it.

Sword’s Innocence rough cover sketch 1

Rah, said the dragon.

Rah, said the dragon.

Hey, guys! So about that book that would need to be submitted before July 1st or whatever to get a free copy from CreateSpace… well, this is my rough draft of the cover. I’m planning to get someone else to paint it ‘coz that would be cool, but I need something to show them what to do, right? So this is from this chapter, a few paragraps in. Though I’m going to rewrite the book, I’m leaving this scene in. I was also going to have a ‘dramatic confrontation’ cover, where Zela, in green, sword in hand, is confronting… Muila, in a red dress? who is looking at her disdainfully from the top of some small steps… in a dark location. But this one is WAY COOLER so I drew it first.

I used my dragon-drawing book, too!

So… in the foreground is Zela on Silver the dragon, and chasing them are three (I only put two) dragons, and then the brown spiky thing is the city, and there’s a road leading past it and to it, and there’s one of those amazing blue-green lakes nearby (there is no food colouring in Canadian Rockies water, folks! Just in case you were wondering) and the brown, rather barren mountains (green in the valleys) stretching back to green mountains and then blue, with a glimpse of the green plains waaaaaaay over on the left, and dark stormclouds capping it all. And then there’ll be a title with a twisty border and a back summary.

The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: Baby Griffon


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Leslie: Deerfleet?

Jen: A really nice young guy. He wants to be a warrior like Flairé, but he’s not very good yet. Like me. (Jalril is shiny and serene, with a baby griffon curled up at his feet sleeping) Nice dress, by the way.

Leslie: Thanks! Flairé got it for me.

Jen: Anyway, shall we go? We have to make sure Flairé’s all right.

Leslie: If he’s not all right, aren’t we in trouble?

Jen: O_O This is true. (runs up stairs) Flaaaaaiiiiiréee!!

Hi! I’m very pleased with the way Jalril turned out. And look he has a widdle baby griffon with him! Leslie is somewhat perturbed by my hyper good cheer.

Darn. I forgot the flowers in the grass.

If you take a look at the sidebar, you’ll have no doubt noticed that I have decided to participate in Script Frenzy (the April NaNoWriMo, after a fashion – only this is to write 100 pages of script in 30 days!). You may even have noticed that it’s going to be about Flairé. Maybe you will panic, thinking that I’m going to abandon this current comic. Well, fear not. This one I will be sticking with to the end (which is in about ten more pages). But I do have plans for sequels, and while I will be taking a break between episodes to recuperate the old creative abilities (and maybe to improve my art? maybe?) I do want to continue this project.

My brother is also going to do maybe his own private Script Frenzy for an opera libretto.

The Script Frenzy website, by the way, is well worth visiting if only for the plot generator on the front page.


OTP (One True Pair)

OTP (One True Pair)

Click for larger image! (much larger image – 1000px vertically)

This is the finished version of this picture, which I drew specifically for the purpose that it now serves as the ‘logo’ or ’emblem’ of my website. I realized tonight that I forgot about it. So here you are! It took me a long time to colour, especially Flaer’s hair. I used Photoshop 5 and a mouse. I realize his eyes are rather huge now but hey! You can tell they’re green. Which is good. Less happy about the cloth, but I guess it’s all right for my skill level. Grass was a total cop-out (green paint bucket, some broad dodge and burn, and then put the ‘pencil sketch’ filter on heavy or something like that) but I dunno how to do grass in Photoshop. X D Continue reading

Determined Flaer

Stern Flaer is stern

Stern Flaer is stern

You know, Flaer usually shows up as either really nice or sad or something. It’s time to show people that he has a backbone somewhere in there, too. That’s why he’s a Prince. He also has a lot of hair and somewhat small shoulders. Here, anyway. And his crown is lopsided. : P

The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: Sword Discussion


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Leslie: Teehee… that is definitely something he would make fun of…

Jen:   : D   (opens door to cell)

Leslie: What was that thump?

Jen: (hugs Leslie) That was Flairé knocking somebody out. I hope you didn’t think it was me! I’m not that good!

Leslie: Then what is the swo- rapier for?

Jen: Well, I can defend myself long enough that Flairé can come to my rescue. I’m about an equal sparring partner for Deerfleet.

Chibi Flairé: (is not there) You’re prolly wondering why I brought her along, then…

The title of this page comes from the fact that my sword-expert (not really) brother refuses to acknowledge my rapier as a rapier. He says it looks like a sabre. He also wants to know why Leslie and I have shiny on the back of our heads where the (offscreen) torch doesn’t shine.

EDIT: It’s totally not a rapier. It’s a combat foil or something. Like, it has a sharp pokey tip, but it doesn’t have the stiffness etc. of a real rapier. I know this now.

I would totally talk in emoticons if I could.

Bad art this week. Sorry.

Flairé shirt files

We all like pickles. Except for AlexR and .t

We all like pickles. Except for AlexR and .t

Yeah? 'Sup?

Yeah? ‘Sup?

I now have a shirt with these pictures on them, so now I can show you the pictures!! Top image is not full size but full size is 900 px across and I didn’t think you wanted that.

Flairé’s tunic came out wonderfully smooth on the shirt, and… the rest of him, too, actually. Except for his face. It was a little blotchy. I remember making a Photoshop-smoothed version, but I must not have emailed it to myself. The shading on the hair and sleeves is by my French Grey art makers; the shading on the cloak is from a black marker, a grey marker, and the grey marker gone over twice to get a darker shade. It might not wholly make sense, but it looks pretty good, I guess. Actually on the shirt itself it’s a little hard to tell.

Anyway. You like? I like for sure.

The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: Loon in the Darkness


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(a small hand appears through the doorway with a torch)

Jen: Leslie! Are you all right?

Leslie: Jen?! What are you doing here? And why do you have a sword?

Jen: Ummmmm… I’m here to rescue you! And it’s a rapier, ’cause I actually know how to use one sorta! And no Saxophone Alex jokes!

Chibi Saxophone Alex: Bwahaha

…No, Chibi Saxophone Alex is not actually there. But he would probably make an inappropriate comment at this point, so I drew him in because I felt like it. Oh, and hey, it’s me! I’m not sure what you folks will think of self-insertion. But as long as you consider me just as another character, I don’t think you’ll be bothered. More will become clear next page.

I was doing the colouring late last night and I really nearly messed up on the backgrounds.

EDIT: It’s totally not a rapier. It’s a combat foil or something. Like, it has a sharp pokey tip, but it doesn’t have the stiffness etc. of a real rapier. I know this now.

The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: All Alone Or Not



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Later again. Like, by a few hours, yo.

Leslie: (sitting quietly in large jail-type cell) I’m so scared… and bored… They still haven’t told me what I’m doing here… I think it’s something to do with Flairé…

Door: *THUMP*

Leslie: ?

Door: *swish* (opens softly)

I hate drawing bars/stairs/perspective. She came out pretty good in panel two, though. I wasn’t going to add the little aside in panel one but then I thought “what the heck, it’s supposed to be light-hearted, really”.