Category Archives: The Adhemlenei

The fictional world in my head.

The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: Crowds of ‘Em


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Yoeath: Are… you staying long, little Leslie?

Leslie: I don’t know, Yoeath. I just got here, and I’m so confused…

Yoeath: That is all right. You little ones often are. Although it is not as if you come here often.

Leslie: Have many people come here?

Yoeath: Only a handful. Young Flairé takes care of them when they do.

Flairé: That’s right! There’s my fudhuindili, her fudhuindon – though I don’t think he remembers much – also a few really random people you wouldn’t know. Like Illi- Esgalwen.

Leslie: But – oh. Really?

Flairé: Yup! : )

Yoeath struggles with personal pronouns while Flairé gabbles on about people he knows while still being mysterious. It’s a problem that I, my brother, and Flairé, Gullac, Zela, and Marteth all have. Flowering bushes take forever, and I’m pleased with today’s chibis.


Duruflé is the best. THE BEST.


yo si te amo y vivo por ti / mi niña querida

yo si te amo y vivo por ti / mi niña querida

And once more we have a picture of Gullac, performing Los Adolescentes, his theme song, in a modern nightclub with a mic system. He’s at a rather passionate point in the song (end of the second refrain), and this is actually prior to sliding down the mic stand still. Natalia did translate the lyrics for me, for which I offer a thousand thanks, and they do fit Gullac quite well. Nothing specific, of course, since I’m pretty sure he never had a girlfriend, at least not seriously, but it’s the sort of stuff that suits him.

Not sure if this one turned out well or not. I’ll think on that whenever I see it. His hands turned out well, at least.

Gullac at the Beginning of the Evening

Hey there, cutie! I'm-a gonna sing a song fer ye, 'kay?

Hey there, cutie! I’m-a gonna sing a song fer ye, ‘kay?

And we return to Mister Attention-Hog, perched on one of those high stools at the beginning of his evening performance of Los Adolescentes, his (tentative) theme song, in some random nightclub.

And that’s pretty much all I can say about that. Except I’m pleased with his face/smile.

Gullac Is An Attention Hog

"amooooooooooor or sumthin' like that"

“amooooooooooor or sumthin’ like that”

The original title of this picture was “Gullac is an attention w****. <3”, but I thought that might not be very good for a G-rated website. This picture was drawn while listening to Los Adolescentes, which could possibly be his theme song if Natalia ever gets back to me on the meaning of the lyrics. It pictures him in the modern day human world, singing in a nightclub, sliding down the mic stand because it makes him look sexy. : P Except mine didn’t turn out so well because I’m not very good with extremely tall and skinny anatomy. And probably for other reasons as well.

The next two pictures elaborate on this topic. The nightclub topic.

Just walked around Dragon’s Gullet last night in Guild Wars. My group only KO’d once! It’s larger than I expected. But not much is there. It’s just another cool-looking area. Next up is going to be North Kryta, possibly with certain of my favourite NPCs in tow…


Oh that little tease...

Oh that little tease…

Eeeee, it’s Gullac. <3 <3 He’s just a heartthrob, really. You see those curls? They ought to be much curlier, but when he shakes them just so, and they bounce, every girl watching has to sigh.

Well, not really. But he’s considered pretty darn attractive in the middle of the Lilemlen. Zela and Flaer are extremely confused by the curls. They can’t figure out where they came from. But he has proof that he’s their son. And once they invent genetics testing they can dig up what’s left of his corpse and find out for certain. Except that I already know for certain that he’s their son. So I should quit with the morbidness. You wouldn’t think there was anything morbid about Gullac, would you? Well, he can be a little bit creepy. But he’s a very nice guy once you get to know him. : P

If you’re confused about his pose, he’s sitting slightly curled up with his elbows on his knees.


The fast runner with huge peepers.

The fast runner with huge peepers.

Eeee, it’s young Deerfleet. Still not quite right, but very, very close. Cutie. I’m afraid he looks too much like a Japanese kalma, and indeed certain images were an inspiration for the hair and clothes, but he’s in the end just supposed to look Griffon-land-ish. Maybe his eyes should be less tilted. Tilted is a North-Eastern thing! Hence Zela’s eyes. Except Tam is North-Eastern, and has straight eyes…

The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: Unicorn


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Leslie: What’s that?

Flairé: A unicorn. Hey, Yoeath!

Leslie: Awwww! (goes running off – freezes suddenly as Yoeath turns and blinks at her)

Yoeath: Hello? And what is thy name?

Leslie: L-leslie

Yoeath: Thou may call me Yoeath.

(Flairé: Yo, the current usage says ‘you’ is casual, not ‘thou’… Yoeath: *blinks*)

Whoa, those flowers were a little bit of a trick. Aaaaand the background is a bunch of random squares. Whatever.

P.S. Today is both Professor Tolkien’s birthday and Epiphany! Hooray!

Tam and Flairé

"Bud, take a look at that thing." "Awesome!"

“Bud, take a look at that thing.” “Awesome!”

Okay, now we get to see Tam again (looking awfully manly, hmm) and teenage Flairé. They appear to be watching something. That pencil stroke between Tam’s neck and Flairé’s face is confusing me now. I don’t remember what it is. I think it might be Tam’s arm, but I don’t know why he would have his arm like that.

How is it that I find My Neighbours the Yamadas to be Miyazaki’s weirdest movie, but Mom finds it his most understandable? Different mind-sets, I suppose. Well, I really like the bit where they’re ‘driving the car’ and arguing about where to go, and then they crash, and then we find out it’s a video game. We watch it only in Japanese.

Love the Dragon Roost Island music. I just got the urge to listen to it, so I’m listening to it.

Guild Wars is pretty huge! I’ve explored pretty much all of Ascalon that I can get to at the moment, except for the Flame Temple Corridor, and I’m working my way through the snowy mountains right now. I just found a place called Ice Tooth Cave or something, so I’m taking a break and hanging out there until I head out again (probably later this evening)