Category Archives: The Adhemlenei

The fictional world in my head.

Christmas in colour 2009 (finished!)


And now, the finished picture! Ehhhhh… I actually used the tablet a lot less with the shading/highlighting. I used it a lot for the hair, of course, but the clothes… just didn’t work with that. I need to find a way to change the settings so the harder I press doesn’t affect the width of the stroke, but how dark/light it is.

Parts I’m pleased with: Marteth’s dark purple coat; Gullac’s teal shirt; Bayn’s grey jacket. Coincidentally, they’re the ones you can see least of. : P Tam’s jacket is a close second, though. His shoulders came out half-way decent. I’m also happy with all the hair and Flairé’s face, which was worrying me. Doesn’t he look like his parents? X D

I realize that the ink lines only get in the way now. I think I will experiment in the future with not having hard lines at all. With the tablet, I can do that now!

I’m collecting Candy-cane shards in Guild Wars so I can get the Candy-cane daggers (for Gullac, when I make him) and the Peppermint Scythe (because it’s cool). I already have a Candy-cane spear. I wonder if these weapons break if you use them too much? I don’t think so. But I’m a little nervous about actually using them in battle.

Gullac: I’m not! (sproings around like a frog, brandishing his daggers and laughing insanely)

Dude, I haven’t gotten them yet. Give me another hour.

The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: Elven Ethics


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Flairé: And can you make another tailored to her?

Storekeep: I certainly can, master. Though I would have thought you’d have enough tiny clothing by now.

Flairé: (laughs) Nah, everyone deserves their own. Yes?

Storekeep: Sure. (smiles)

Leslie: (tugs on Flairé’s sleeve)

Flairé: What is it?

Leslie: It isn’t a bother… is it…?

Flairé: Now don’t you fret your pretty head about that. It’s my present to you.

Leslie: Thank you very much…!

Flairé: No prob. (both leave shop and enter the castle gate; Flairé carrying Leslie’s old clothes) (Flairé: (to guards) Hey, guys!)

EDIT: I made a statue of Leslie in the first panel. You can see it here.

Merry Christmas in Colour, part 1


(sings and dances) I wuv my tablet, I wuv my tablet…

I’m using this picture as a tutorial to teach myself how to use it, and to relearn Photoshop as the version that came with it is similar to the one we have downstairs (Photoshop 5) but of course it’s different. So I will be shading and highlighting and making shiny over the next week or so. When I’m not playing Wii Sports Resort (that is a pretty darn good game, if I do say so). The tablet is very handy in that I don’t have to switch brushes to do the the tiny corners – I just let up on the pressure. It’s great! And of course it feels like drawing which is very comfortable. It’s a pretty cool device.

I’m not sure how I ended up colour co-ordinated with Flairé’s princely outfit. I think it’s because it’s a generally accepted fact that I look decent in black and red, and his outfit just happens to be black and red. Hmmmm. Oh, I just noticed that part of it is not the right colour (silly me), so I’ll fix that tomorrow. Esgalwen, too, is usually in red, but she also likes blue and green. …Marteth looks like his eyes are crossed. I better fix that. And maybe I’d better recolour Jalril’s tunic so it doesn’t look like part of his skin.

Y’know, the more I look at this picture, the more I like it. Is that bad?

Merry Christmas 2009!

Whoa! Lots of pictures today, folks! Hold on!


First, a very Merry Christmas (or whatever you happen to celebrate) from all of us here at the Adhemlenei. People in this picture: Marteth, Bayn, Gyoriing, Lyrestan; Mathaning, Gullac, Zela, Flaer, Yoeath; Flaria, Jalril, Flairé, Tam, Rana; Ceniro, Leslie, Jennifer, Esgalwen. Quite a number! Didn’t have room to fit in Silver, but we all know she wishes you a Merry Christmas too. Yes? Yes.

Jalril is just embarrassed at standing next to a girl. Who’s dating his brother. She thinks he’s funny. And cute. Tam is a cloooooowwwwn. X D Flairé is wearing his princely-type tunic which you haven’t seen before! It’s red. Continue reading

The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: To the Castl- Holdonasec


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Flairé: Oh, wait! Let’s go in here!

Leslie: ?    Wow! What pretty clothes!

Flairé: Let’s get you some, shall we? (storekeep: Why, hello, milord!)

Leslie: Really?

Flairé: Why not?

Leslie tries on various changes – a pink tunic : P , an adult formal gown waaaaay too big (and with too much cleavage) and a child’s dress.

Leslie: I like this one.

Storekeep: I’ll hem it up for you.

Well, hello, folks! So what would you wear in the Adhemlenei? …Not much to say about this page, except that in the script it’s two pages. Aren’t you glad I combined them? Next week’s page is also a condensation of two pages that don’t say a whole lot on their own. But after that we meet a new character. New character for the new year!

I’ve been playing Guild Wars. I have a Lv 6 Ranger/Monk, Flaire Flarein, a Lv 2 Warrior/?, Zela Yalekedma, and a Lv 2 Elementalist, Tatamkanai Akalion. I also had a look at what I would look like as a GilWa (my abbreviation, to differentiate from Games Workshop : P ) and what Gullac would look like. I’m thinking Zela will either get Necromancy or Ranger for her secondary, and Tam will probably get Warrior. Because he likes that lance of his. Except you can’t get lances. Flairé has explored almost all the tutorial section! I think. Not sure.

Tam and Flairé

He so mischievous

He so mischievous

"Dude." "'Sup?" "Your hair is blue." "...Duh."

“Dude.” “‘Sup?” “Your hair is blue.” “…Duh.”

Taaaaaaaaaaaaammmm!!! Tatamkanai, as drawn by me. The last you saw him was in doll form, back here. This is, so far, the best picture of him… and I hadn’t posted anything in a while, so here you are, a new hot guy. And teenage Flairé. Teenage Flairé is cute. A little short yet. Compared to Tam. They’re around the same height in adulthood.

As you can see, Tam has super-high cheekbones, deepset eyes, and multi-coloured hair. And Flairé is settling down into a very definite pattern – exotic, tilted eyes (from his mother, y’know) and a wide mouth. And everyone has long noses.

The chibi was my first draft of his total design, and the rest of the picture grew out of it. Sort of.

The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: To the Castle!


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Leslie: Boats!

Flairé: *nod nod* : )

Leslie: Whoaaa… (seeing the castle)

Flairé: Yep. Do you want to go to the castle first, or see some stuff first?

Leslie: …Can we go to the castle? (Ringkun: Hey, Flairé! – Flairé: Hey…)

Flairé: (kind look) Sure!

Hey, another page! I finished this one early! Like, on Thursday! Lots of shiny-haired people, huh? I especially like Leslie’s hair in the third panel. Do you?

BTW, there are no prizes for spotting cameos, but I do like throwing them in there. And no that’s not Joe on this page. It could be. But it’s not.

The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: Welcome to the Lilemlen


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Flairé: So this is the great harbour city of the Lilemlen-

Leslie: The Leellemming? (random guard: Hello, Lord Flairé! Flaire: How’s it going?)

Flairé: Lil-em-len. It means Moon-land. This is not the capital, but it’s close enough.

Leslie: It’s wonderful!

Aaaaaand another page is up. Took a long time to colour. So many decisions to make! Very colourful, I think. The poses of the second three panels took a long time to draw. They were hard. So the guys in the bottom, a lot of them are sailors. The people with dark skin are from the griffonland. The lady in pink is from the Dragonland. But everyone else is Moonlandish. I liked drawing the guards. You have to look kind of closely but their armour is actually somewhat shiny.

I’m completely obsessed with Duruflé’s Messe Cum Jubilo. It’s glorious and gorgeous.

I also downloaded Sphere but haven’t started messing with it yet. Fire Emblem 7.5, here I come. I hope. Coding seems to be very hard. My brother was very frustrated at it this afternoon.

The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: City


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Leslie: Wow.

Flairé: Nice, huh?

Now we get to see what they were looking at last page! It’s a city! With vastly oversized gates! The ship sailing into harbour has the royal emblem on its sail, sort of. Lilar-Moihh means Sun-path. So, Sunset Harbour, basically. Except more poetic. It’s a city of mostly white stone, but I did do some pale greys. They were too subtle and got washed out, unfortunately.

Today my Mom coloured a unicorn in a colouring book that was lying around. So we were colouring together! Yay!

Summary of the Novel

Okay. Here’s a serious summary of the novel to go on the back cover, possibly. It’s only a first draft, like the book itself. Which title should I use? End of Nations sums up the physical plot, while Sword’s Innocence sums up the emotional/symbolic plot/theme.


 Adhemlenei: End of Nations/Sword’s Innocence

       In an ancient land called the Adhemlenei, The Four Kingdoms, where
unicorns, dragons, and griffons live with elves in peace and beauty, unrest is
brewing. Death and war, so foreign at first to these people, are forced upon
them as insanity creeps into the lands. In the midst of the strife, elf Prince
Flaer, his wife Zela, and his eldest son Flairé must choose between truth and
peace as they struggle to restore reason to the land.


Cheesy, huh? : D