Category Archives: The Adhemlenei

The fictional world in my head.

The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flaire: The Sound of Music


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Leslie: “And what’s that sound? Where is it?”

(walks through the trees until she meets… Flairé! Playing his pipe.)

So Leslie figures out where she is by who she meets. And we introduce a new character. He’s very pretty here. : D

No NNWM words just yet. I have my outline ready to go. I’m going to start on that now, and get maybe the Prologue (again) done before church. I don’t think my previous Prologue is quite bad enough to be scrapped yet, but they say you must start from scratch – punishable by death! So I’ll rewrite it anyway, because my ideas have changed a bit since I last wrote it. The thing is to not let on that they’ve changed, because I liked the effect of the first time. But it means something else now, so I have to reflect that too.

I’m going to try and get a chapter and a bit done today.

I still need a title for the thing! I’d like to call it something like “Adhemlenei: First Blood” or “Beginning of the Fall” or anything with “Sword” in it. Especially anything with “Sword” in it. I have the other three books named, just not the first one!


What a load of wierdos.

What a load of wierdos.

It’s Flairé! And all six of his siblings! Woot woot. I drew this coming home from the Bard on the Beach expedition (wow, that was so fun). I asked L what I should draw on the way back, the seven children of Flaer/Zela, or the Flairé-rides-through-the-forest sequence (which I did eventually draw, so hold on to your horses – ahem), and she said the seven persons. So I did. Took me a couple days. I had to redo Marteth, as he looked like a twin of Menad. They still do, actually. Pickles. Bayn looks oversized… I guess that’s what he is, but I thought the effect would be different. And Gullac is supposed to be taller than Mathaning. He’s just hanging off his shoulder. I had fun with the boots, though!

…Gullac is so glompable. (……runs and glomps)


Mathaning: (cracks up)

Also Mt Baker at the bottom of the page.mtbakertiny

Btw the Olympic torch is in town and those ridiculous helicopters keep circling.

The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé: Waking Up


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Leslie: “I’m so tired… my pieces aren’t learned, and I still have my theory assignment to do…” (ed. This is a practice room 😛 )
“Maybe I’ll feel better after a quick nap…”
“Where am I?”
To be continued…

So, here’s page 1 of the Flairé comic. And yes, as far as I know, this is totally realistic. Up until the last two panels, anyway. I used colouring pencil to do the reflection in the mirror.


The Totally Not-Canon Adventures of Flairé



Well, this is the beginning of an exciting new endeavour! I’m going to try my hand at a weekly webcomic. The script is done, and I have a buffer of six weeks. This comic is only 36 pages long, counting the cover, but that’s most of a year so I think I’m good for now. And I can always think of new adventures later. There’s at least one more episode in concept form, with a bunch of new characters. But that’s waaaaaaaay in the future. Right now, enjoy! First page will be up next week. Huzzah!

For those of you who are new: Welcome! This is the first page of a webcomic that will be updating on Sundays (hopefully at 12:00 noon Pacific time), starring my original character Flairé in his original homeland the Adhemlenei, and my best friend Leslie. And some other completely insane nutcase who by all rights shouldn’t even be allowed to exist there. ; ) And yes, the adventures are non-canon so they have no real bearing on the story that should be written about Flairé, his mother, and the darkening world around them… written sometime in the next decade or three. Yep. Again, welcome, and good luck!

Yesterday there was lots of D&D-ing. It was great fun, although Illinia didn’t talk much, as usual. She needs to talk more. I think the setting is confusing her. Her player coloured the above picture and drew a hot picture of Torrigan (the Paladin of Pelor in our party) on her script. But it was tons of fun. And then we all went for dinner at Shabu Shabu at about 8:00 and got completely stuffed. Yum.

Next time I will totally play Flairé. : D

Mother and Daughter

They look nothing alike. Are you sure they're related?

They look nothing alike. Are you sure they’re related?

I realized that Zela and Flaria don’t get drawn together very often (in fact, Flaria’s usually not drawn with anyone except Flairé, oddly enough) so I decided to draw them together. It’s a bit of a flop, since they don’t seem to have much to do with each other. However, I still tried to put them in the same image.

I’m really, really happy with the way Zela came out. Her hair is lovely, her posture indicates readiness to some extent, and her expression approaches fierce. Which is exactly what I was going for. Flaria looks a bit washed out and useless. : ( Her features are too small.

Griffonland Kallei

In one country, at least, they have scantily-clad women just like all the stereotypes... :P

In one country, at least, they have scantily-clad women just like all the stereotypes… 😛

This is my attempt to put down the general fashion of the Griffonlands of the Adhemlenei, especially for women, which I had in my head for a pretty long time. Men wear much the same thing but I draw enough pretty guys already. So, as you can see, there are three basic styles – loose robe, loose robe with sleeves, and half-naked-ness. All are (apparently) suitable for agricultural work in their warm climate (hence the tans/dark skin), and that’s why the girl on the left is holding some grassy bits of stuff. The girl in the middle is more of a noblewoman, as you can tell from the way her hair is done up and the jewelled necklace in her hand. The girl on the right is very mobile all day long and so wears clothes that are even less restricting than loose robes. Her top is pinned in place. Her skirt has underwear built into it for modesty (v. important, you know!). The vague resemblance to Disney’s Pocahontas is unintentional. I also accidentally made her much bigger closer than the other two. That’s why it says ‘scale fail’ underneath.

My eraser was acting up really badly that day but I couldn’t find another one. Sorry.

Deerfleet, not very well

Wow, kid, what did you do to your face?

Wow, kid, what did you do to your face?

This was my first attempt at drawing Deerfleet in portrait format, and as you can see it didn’t turn out very well. Well, perhaps you can’t tell. But it’s nothing like I wanted him to look like. I still don’t think I have a satisfactory drawing of him. Maybe I did one in Lieder class last week, but I don’t think so. I can’t remember. …I need a better memory. I need to draw Deerfleet more. He has a wooden hair pin with flowers on the end.

Doodles, year 2, part 1

Some doodles from second year notebooks.


Daneel Olivaw, Theory class, Oct 5, 2008. My favourite character from The Caves of Steel and sequels, by Isaac Asimov. He’s a robot! With genuine emotions, sorta! Continue reading