Category Archives: The Adhemlenei

The fictional world in my head.

Kickbutt McAwsum (a.k.a. Flairé)

*cue manic laughter and Leahy*

*cue manic laughter and Leahy*

The logical next step for my new Christmas ’08 Art Pens was to draw Flairé!! I mean, combine them with my existing French-Greyscale art markers. I like these results, even if I still don’t know how to draw hands. Nice boots, I would say. And hair. His face is a little bit creepy, though. I decided I was tired of calling him Flairé all the time, so I titled this picture Kickbutt McAwsum. On second thought, that’s a silly name. I should have called it Kickbutt McAwsumpants. <3


"I can totally outfly those guys! Yeah, I can break Mach 3..."

“I can totally outfly those guys! Yeah, I can break Mach 3…”

Flairé, attempting to outfly a pair of fighter jets with his strap-on black wings. Which probably still aren’t big enough but whatever you get the point.

Wouldn’t that be fun?

Flairé: Yep. XD

Guitar Duet

It can't be Yasashisani. That's too cute for this picture.

It can’t be Yasashisani. That’s too cute for this picture.

So this is Flairé and Flaria, playing their crazy-shaped kalmaeirin guitars somewhere in their home which is full of archways and pillars and little benches and wierd little windows onto the next corridor over. o_O A-yup. I really like how this picture came out, especially Flaria’s dress. And the hair and faces and guitars aren’t too bad. I also like Flairé’s jacket.

Found a fan translation of a Dragon of Darkness/Sword of Light manga. I feel bad reading it on the internet, because the (very good) artist went to a lot of trouble to make it and I’m not giving anything in return, but it’s MARTH and I can’t resist. I shall need to see if I can buy it somewhere, even in its original Japanese form. I’ll just put in sticky notes with the translation or something. : D I also want the Ocarina of Time manga, for some reason. And definitely the Oracle of Ages/Seasons manga…

Finished Chapter 8 of The Tactician and the Jewel! Will start on Chapter 9 later today but the framework is so bare I will have to spend a little extra time on this one as I’m not sure what happens at all. I don’t even know if the showdown occurs this chapter or the next chapter. Maybe it should be both. Hmmm. …Ceniro rules! : D

Anything else? …Not really. Onwards!


Floatin' in space, oh my

Floatin’ in space, oh my

Well, guess what this is! Hint: look at the top left of your page. The very top. No, higher than that. No, lower than the toolbar. …Yeah! It’s the ‘site logo’ thingy that I made up to go as part of the title image. Except in pencil. Looks pretty similar, doesn’t it? After I get near everything else up, then I’ll post the colour version and you can see that, too.

So, this is the natural outcome of the earlier Symmetry pictures. With my own characters, instead.

People keep praising kneadable erasers. Am I using mine wrong? It doesn’t seem to work for me.


Reverse silhouette?

Reverse silhouette?

This is based on a really strange dream I had once. There was an old man with long hair, but he turned into a very beautiful young man still with silver-white hair, and I followed him up some moonlit stairs. So when I woke up, I thought: “He would make a fantastic boyfriend for Flaria!” So I drew him and her together at the top of the same stairs.

Hey! It’s a kiss that isn’t quite as lame as any of the others!

Marquez Danzon #2

Don't ever let your feet stop moving, and lilt like you mean it!

Don’t ever let your feet stop moving, and lilt like you mean it!

This picture was inspired by the ever-popular Danzon #2 by a certain composer named Marquez. It is fantastic and should be danced to the world over. It’s so fabulous Flairé and Flaria danced to it and I tried to draw their halting, lilting, sometimes (in Flairé’s case, anyway,) twitchy dance movements or, as here, gliding, lilting, whirling, intricate dance movements. Continue reading

Flairé practice sketch for The Guide

My mouth is crooked and you can see my scalp. What have you done to me?

My mouth is crooked and you can see my scalp. What have you done to me?

This is, as it says and appears, a practice sketch of Flairé. I was trying to get a rather tricky angle. His chin is (supposed to be) raised proudly, just so you can see the bottom of it, and his head is (also supposed to be) tilted just enough to give him that air of nonchalance and complete coolness. Coolness as in control of the situation, not awesomeness, which he has anyway. In all of them I either tilted too much or not enough. His mouth is way over on the side because that was part of the head-tilt. Also practiced cloak folds, which is what all those curvy lines are. You’ll see what it’s a practice sketch for when tomorrow comes, with another practice sketch. I never drew the final picture. Maybe I should try that one of these years. But I want to draw Ceniro pictures first. That’s my goal for today, along with piano and organ practice. And beating Rigwald and playing a siege game with my brother. And listening to all of Jon’s salsa music. I can’t wait to find out which one is the Princessa song.

I watched 2001: A Space Oggiby last night. Dad says that most or all of the ape actors made their only movie appearance ever in the ape scene. I rather prefer the book version of how Dave Bowman manages to survive and turn off HAL, and I definitely prefer the book version of the Star-gate thingy, but the very very end is waaaaay better. He doesn’t blow anything up! I wrote a poem about it. I’ll post that tomorrow because I didn’t actually get around to writing it down. Man, Ligeti is creepy. They used three pieces in the movie to great effect. And I love the space-craft models! They’re so cool! Although a bit… 60’s, wasn’t it? Y’know, the best scene in the hulle muvie is the part where the space shuttle is docking with the double ring space station. It’s gorgeous, it’s perfect, it’s the best space scene in movie history, and the Danube waltz soundtracking it somehow gives it a romance, a lilt, a dance-like feeling itself. I love it.


Guess who!

Guess who!

This picture makes me go SQUEE!! everytime I see it. Can you guess why? Kalmaeirin children ftw!! It’s Zela and Flaer, and Flairé is the toddler on the right, and Flaria is the baby in arms. So cute! Especially Flairé! And Zela is beautiful and serene, yet recognizable as Zela. That makes me very proud.

I love this picture. It is my darling. (picks up ten-year-old Flairé and squeezes him)

Flairé: That’s a very nice doll you have there…

Young Menad as The Raven

Can't... see... where I'm going..... Maybe if I sit still I'll look wise

Can’t… see… where I’m going….. Maybe if I sit still I’ll look wise

This is Menad, the second of Zela’s sons, as a boy, in what might be called a ‘school play’. Except they didn’t really have ‘schools’. A ‘youth play’, perhaps. He’s being the wise and sage character, The Raven. That’s why his hair is all around his head like a big poofy shiny black ball. This was inspired by a dream I had.