Category Archives: The Adhemlenei

The fictional world in my head.


...I really can't think of anything funny to say about him.

…I really can’t think of anything funny to say about him.

Iiiiiiiit’s Marteth! Fourth youngest child of Zela and Flaer, and the eldest of the abducted children, and the proudest. I had a dream in which he looked like that, and so I tried to draw him. He turned out a little too creepy, but he looks really shockingly realistic. As you can see, his hair looks a lot less stupid now. I think he was in a storm or something and that’s where the wind is coming from. I think I used my weighted art pencils…

Finished Ephraim Chapter 4. Fort Rigwald outline is in progress, but I have to wait a little in order to find out what the really important parts are. ‘m looking forward to the Duessal chapter, actually.

And of course I’m still daydreaming about working on Ceniro’s stories. I need to drag out my first draft, though, which is not yet on this computer, and compare it to the five chapters that are on this computer, and then get to work on it… I want to finish Lyn’s story after I finish Ephraim’s story. Then I will work on the potentially awesome Pent’s story.



You are boring.

You are boring.

Hey, look! It’s a marker picture! It’s a portrait of Zela, and that’s about all I can tell you because I forget the circumstances of this drawing. It’s not a bad picture, either. Mostly. It could be better. But then, so could everything.


Trio of musically inclined and deformed friends

Trio of musically inclined and deformed friends

I tried to draw this picture on the success of the last picture, but it didn’t turn out so well, for a few reasons. First reason is that that harp is ridiculous. Second reason is that Silver the dragon (the intellectual descendant – who shares nothing with her predecessor – of Christina the dragon) has a very long tail and really awful arms. Yoeath the unicorn isn’t so bad. But anyone who knows what a horse looks like will be able to tell that she needs work. And her horn is lopsided.

True Love Awakens

He fell over on a bunch of rocks!

He fell over on a bunch of rocks! And can’t get up! : P

Hey, this picture! I like this picture. I think I drew a draft of it somewhere in my notes but I couldn’t find it. Oh well. This one is better, for once.

The gist of the story: Flaer meets Zela in the forest; Flaer falls in love with Zela; Flaer tells Zela he loves her; Zela doesn’t know what to do; Flaer doesn’t know what to do; a few months later he wanders back into the forest and walks around until he throws himself down for a nap (Author’s note: on a pile of (mossy) rocks? Huh? He must be more masochistic than I thought…); Zela finds Flaer sleeping; Zela falls in love with Flaer.

Yeah, a pair of young idiots the both of them. But I like this picture. Flaer’s hair is all tumbled; his hands aren’t totally lame; Zela is recognisable with her hair down. All good points. Plus the background which exists, more or less. Mostly less.


Anyway, this picture furthers the story, at least a tiny bit. It concretizes a portion that had always existed in amorphic, nebulous form. I have no idea if I’m using those words right.

Zela and Flaer kiss

Diagonal kissing? When was that invented?

Diagonal kissing? When was that invented?

Hi! Just putting up a picture before I go waste my brain cells on KOTOR II again. I’m getting close to the end. Um, this picture is… not very good. I mean, it’s better than usual for a picture of people kissing, but it’s of people kissing, and I’m not very good at that. I think. I haven’t tried in a while. Anyway, there is no real story behind this picture. It’s just Zela and Flaer, kissing. Because they do that on occasion. When their children aren’t looking. : )

You know the theme song of Red Dwarf? Of course you know the theme song from Red Dwarf. “I want to lie/shipwrecked and comatose/drinking fresh mango juice…” Anyway, it was written by Howard Goodall. But wait, you say, who the heck is Howard Goodall? Well, one person he is… in the episode of Mr. Bean in which he goes to church and they sing the hymn with all the Alleluias – I’ll look it up later; right now we just call it the Mr. Bean Hymn – and there is an ORGANIST. And the ORGANIST is HOWARD GOODALL. In case you were wondering. He also wrote an interesting book called Musical Big Bangs.

Flairé’s collapsible helmet

And it even whitens your teeth! ...No.

And it even whitens your teeth! …No.

This is Flairé, and his usually near-invisible (when collapsed) collapsible helmet that became so popular during the second half of the war.

…I totally just made that up, but it’s canon now.

I actually like this design. I will try and keep it if I ever draw it again. And I didn’t make up the part about him wearing the helmet, because I’ve known he wears it all the time – heck, I don’t think he takes it off – but I just made up the part about it being in use during the second half of the war. I didn’t even know the war had halves.

Flairé: It didn’t. Continue reading

Flairé + Esgalwen?

Run, kids, run!

Run, kids, run!

This picture would never happen in ‘real life’. Esgalwen lived in Taur-nu-Fuin, Flairé in the Adhemlenei, in Lilemlen. So there’s no way they would be running together, either for fun or on a mission – I can’t tell. And they both seem awfully young; Flairé looks like he’s barely forty years old, Esgalwen perhaps fifteen. Anyway, they both came out decently, and it’s an interesting concept. And perhaps it does now have some sort of basis in ‘reality’, because Esgalwen is travelling under the name ‘Illinia’ in my winter D&D session, which is a kalmaeirin name. So perhaps she did meet Flairé and he gave it to her. Mithlas, on the other hand, still goes by his Sindarin name. So obviously either he didn’t meet Flairé or else Esgalwen/Illinia doesn’t know his kalmaeirin name. Whatever. (Flairé tells me he never met Mithlas, but Esgalwen/Illinia didn’t know that when she met Flairé, and Flairé didn’t know he was supposed to be looking for a Mithlas before he met Esgalwen/Illinia.)



Crown made of silver sand, ultimately

Ohmigoodness, ohmigoodness, I love this picture. I’m not entirely sure what it means, but it looks like Flaer is being emo and holding a crumbling crown and Zela is holding him but has no comfort to offer other than that. And isn’t Dwinderling a great word?

Okay, sadly that’s all I have to say about this picture right now. Maybe I’ll remember something later. But I do think this is a great picture.

Flairé in a wierd pose with a sword

Ooh, sexy. "... Do NOT call me that!"

Ooh, sexy. “… Do NOT call me that!”

Here be Flairé, posing with his sword prior to kicking some butt. The accompanying quote (F: Quote? from what? J: From something that will never be written.) is:
“…has the legs of a dancer and the muscles of an acrobat.”
Alex agrees that he does.
I like this picture! Despite the fact his arms and hands are too short/small.