Okay so the last post was excessively long and I’m going back to Europe in 10 hours so let’s upload some blogs without pictures just so I don’t give myself another two weeks to forget what happened in the summer. I’ll add pictures when I get back, and will probably edit the text more too. EDIT: pictures added!
Day 15, cont.
The next destination on our list was Tübingen. The train station was not that impressive upon debarking our train, but the brand new not-even-finished bus loop outside sure was! It appeared to have as many platforms as letters in the alphabet. In fact, Tharash suggested it had too many platforms/buses, given how difficult it was to figure out which was the correct bus. The good news if you were anywhere else in the city was that like 98% of all transit passes through the bus/train hub by the Neckar River (which is a much smaller river here than in Heidelberg). But the bus station was really aesthetically pleasing, and they have little symbols to help you identify which bus you want, and scrolling boards saying how long until the next bus at every platform. I was also shocked when we actually got on the bus, because it had a ticket machine on the bus. Now that’s living in the future. (As of this writing, my hometown has FINALLY FOR THE LOVE OF FRIES rolled out a contactless payment system for fares, so my hometown is thinking about joining the 21st century as far as public transit is concerned. Now to turn one of those parking lots downtown into a proper bus station, and we might get somewhere.) Continue reading