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Recital Poster 2010



Well, it’s not the exact same as I had in my head (maybe I should have gone with the first sketch after all) but it is finished and hopefully it is recognizable in some small way.

I must run or else I will be late for Ling. Which would be terrible because Ling is so cool. D :

(Much later, after Ling and Lat and teaching) I want to draw a picture of a Nintendo-character orchestra performing Mozart’s Requiem. That would be fantastic.

Ahem. Abou the picture – well, I fixed the Op. number on the Beethoven and added a date so people know when to actually show up. : P I don’t think it really looks like me. Except that it does bear a frightening resemblance.

Mom says that it looks like me… except elf-y-er. (X-man says that it looks rather “Faerie tale”, which I suppose is the same thing) So… if all my elf drawings look vaguely like me, and I draw myself vaguely like my elves… well, firstly that means I have a lot of practice drawing my elves. But what else does it mean? (tries not to overthink this. … … …)

WIP with eyebrows

Any better?

Any better?

Okay, so this is the product of today’s messing around with a tablet and no real concern for sanity realism. I’m not sure what’s going on with the hair. The highlights are too stark. I will fix that tomorrow before I get it put into poster fashion and printed.

I was pleased to learn that when you extend the canvas in Photoshop, it somehow finds the stuff that was off the edge in Corel Painter. Isn’t that nice? Now I can finish my shoulders and the rest of the hair trailing over them, and the upper edge of something resembling clothing. It’s just a head/shoulders shot, don’t worry. I adjusted the lips. Do they look better? And duh, I added eyebrows. They were hard, surprisingly.

I think I also need to make the end of my nose more pink (I have a pink nose) and also more highlighted so you can see it’s there. : P Not sure what to do about the ear. It is, contrastingly, too dark, but that’s more like ‘just right’. But I do like being able to see myself with perfect skin for once. : P

In relation to the recital this is for, I still have those two pages of Dutilleux to memorize. But I worked on some other stuff today, and I think it will actually be really good this year. As opposed to last year. And any other time I’ve ever performed.

WIP with no eyebrows


Things to adjust: lips (too pressed together – actually reminds me of Laine but that’s just me) – shadows (more around eyes, I think) – hair (haven’t really started yet) – eyebrows (haven’t put them on because I’m forgetful)

I’m actually quite happy with the nose. Noses are hard for me. Good thing I traced this one.

Corel Painter Essentials 4

D&D Party

Angry, slow, clueless, and insane. XD Love 'em all.

Angry, slow, clueless, and insane. XD Love ’em all.

This is the roleplaying group that involves two people named Kevin, and three UVic music students. On the left is Myra, who isn’t any of these. Myra is a human cleric who really, really, really wants to be an elf. She has red hair and a lightening sword. She’s played by Katherine, the sister of our DM, Cedric the tenor. Next is Torrigan, the righteous but good-natured Paladin of Pelor, played by KevinT. Next is Illinia, *coughesgalwencough* who is played by me. She’s looking for someone, it seems, and has gained a hawk companion in her travels. Last is Kellan Dunn, and he’s a mechanic awesome a former circus clown. He’s six foot tall and bald, and greatly enjoys acting insane. I mean, we’re not sure if he’s sane to begin with. He also loves money. He’s played by KevinM.

Oh, and hey, Corel Painter 4 is really weird compared to Adobe Elements 7, but it’s really good for doing ‘pencil’ sketches. …I have about a dozen fanarts lined up to do. Don’t worry, that includes Adhemlenei fanart. : )


Recital Poster sketch ’09

It's a bunch of asylum resi- I mean, music students!

It’s a bunch of asylum resi- I mean, music students!

Ummmm. This was my first try at a recital poster for this year’s recital. It fell through when May Ling told me she had about a dozen Conservatory students that would otherwise have gone in the middle. : P

Here’s the finished version, to remind you what I eventually came up with.

So, this version has all the important stuff, and six music students… Tab, a nice first-year, who came out nearly recognisable, KevinN… …… …who always wears shorts, JenniferH, Endy, whose name I spelled wrong (he has crazy hair but not that crazy), Clinton, who is a brilliant – and I mean jaw-dropping good – pianist, and meh on the end.

Last night, I played Zelda: Spirit Tracks, and I nearly got to the first dungeon. Zelda is a pushy little brat, isn’t she? Much different than the princesses of the same name that I  know… I mean, she knows what she’s doing, and she does it well – but she’s rather selfish and it comes across strongly. Perhaps this will be her ‘learning journey’ – after all, this Zelda has never known not being a princess! (though the other ones were the same, and they weren’t so selfish… or freaked out by everything!)

May Ling’s Class Recital Poster



Huzzah! Now come listen to us all play brilliantly!

I think it might be rather long, so I hope you’re not sick of piano by the end of it.

I drew that based on the actual piano we will be playing on, using my grey-scale art markers. Also a golden art-style Sharpie. And a yellow non-Sharpie marker. And Photoshop. It wasn’t so hard once I got started.

You can’t tell that I used a different marker around the Steinway logo if you print it out. Click for a large, printable image!

Death of an NPC



And there was sunshine, and no need for a lightswitch.

And there was sunshine, and no need for a lightswitch.

Star Wars KOTOR II! Rise of the Sith Lards. This occurs on Nar Shadaa, the ‘bounty hunter city planet’. You remember that guy who claims the Ebon Hawk was his before Davik stole it prior to KOTOR I? And he runs off to the ship when you give it to him all light-sided-ly? Then he gets killed by the slavers who claim that landing platform and you have to slaughter them all (though their boss is really hard). Then my character, Selyn Tekeri, agonizes over the fact that she ‘sent him to his death’, and Atton and Bao-Dur, my two main homeboys – I mean, party members, stand there, wanting to help but unable to really do much. Especially Atton, who loves her. (It was a tough call between Atton and Disciple… but it turns out that Disciple actually looks like an idiot in-game, as opposed to the screen-shots I saw before I played… whatever.) Continue reading

Doodles, year 2, part 1

Some doodles from second year notebooks.


Daneel Olivaw, Theory class, Oct 5, 2008. My favourite character from The Caves of Steel and sequels, by Isaac Asimov. He’s a robot! With genuine emotions, sorta! Continue reading